What is the worst written game you've ever played?

I feel it's a good idea to avoid mentioning games that aren't intended to be well-written. Games like Pokemon, Mario, etc. are more for the gameplay than a story.

i honestly don't get that personally. :c It's a RPG and it does have a story, so why is it not supposed to be good? I'm not one to focus on the story on Pokemon either, but it should be said that they can do much better with it and it honestly would really make the game shine. One of the reasons I love Sun & Moon is cause i love how they focused more on the story and characters (Lillie and Gladion mainly). So i definitely don't think it should not be mentioned ; o ;
minus a few exceptions, nintendo games are usually terrible in the story department lol
i honestly don't get that personally. :c It's a RPG and it does have a story, so why is it not supposed to be good? I'm not one to focus on the story on Pokemon either, but it should be said that they can do much better with it and it honestly would really make the game shine. One of the reasons I love Sun & Moon is cause i love how they focused more on the story and characters (Lillie and Gladion mainly). So i definitely don't think it should not be mentioned ; o ;

That's fair. I meant it in a way to avoid trivial examples, like of course Pokemon and Mario aren't going to be as well-written as other games with more focus on writing/story. So it's more fun to look at "What games were intended to be a good/well-written story but didn't make it?" in my opinion. To each their own though, I get where you're coming from :)

I do agree SM have a stronger story than most of the core games for sure, relative to Pokemon games. It was a pleasant surprise because it was right after the generation of XY, which were the equivalent of Pokemon phoning it in with almost everything (in my opinion), so I was afraid they'd do that again. I think Legend of Arceus has the potential to be a really great story, actually.
Aside from what’s already been mentioned I have to say the Danganronpa trilogy. There were plot holes everywhere, the main antagonists were complete cop-outs, and the ending made everything feel pointless. It’s a shame too since the character designs and soundtracks were really solid.
not the game as a whole, but it came up just recently in a discussion with a friend and we both unanimously agreed that ace attorney case 4-3 is one of the worst things ever made
Honestly, I do think most of AA4 does fit this bill. But 4-3 is still something uniquely special. There's the saying "plotholes so big that you could drive a truck through them" and then there's "contradicting yourself less than a minute after you establish a very important fact."
Oh boy, the worst written story has to be, for me, sonic force. I have no clue most of the time what is going on or how certain characters fit in the plot. Classic sonic, for example comes out of the blue and has very little reason in being apart of the story. Another would be infinite, in the comics, he is a leader of a band of bad guys, but in the story eggman created infinite. Which is it, and in episode shadow, infinite says he attained a new power by simply attaching a ruby to his chest. The story goes in so many directions that I just gave up and played the stages.
Oh boy, the worst written story has to be, for me, sonic force. I have no clue most of the time what is going on or how certain characters fit in the plot. Classic sonic, for example comes out of the blue and has very little reason in being apart of the story. Another would be infinite, in the comics, he is a leader of a band of bad guys, but in the story eggman created infinite. Which is it, and in episode shadow, infinite says he attained a new power by simply attaching a ruby to his chest. The story goes in so many directions that I just gave up and played the stages.
The only thing you need to know about Infinite is that he's not weak.

He's not weak.

u are right u shouldn't be putting ffx-2 on here. :/ i'd argue that it's better written.

I'd say metal gear solid 5, kojima lost his grip by 4 but 5 borders on atrocity
i was Going to say either fire emblem fates (any route) or fire emblem three houses (also any route except maybe verdant wind) but then danganronpa got brought up and i switched to back that one bc i agree. specifically i'm going in on danganronpa v3 because that game was a disaster with incredibly shoddy story + character writing and it couldn't even commit to its own twist.
The worst game I played was sword and shield, were I live it's 90 bucks a copy, I got the game and then was disappointed by a myriad of things including but not limited to:
PS2 trees
Forced exp share
Lackluster route and town design
Hops hand holding
Team yell being a resin of skull with same twist
Selling missing pokemon back with dlc
Lack of legendarys to battle outside the main trio
No post game aside from a 30 minute mission
And finally the graphics remake lie
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But othing is worse then the story
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Nothing happens till 4th gym, Bede gets kick out of gym challenge, then you go on your way till 7th gym, which is team yell, then finally you get to the redone evil megacorporation run by lunatic trope, that's speed and shield boys and girls
specifically i'm going in on danganronpa v3 because that game was a disaster with incredibly shoddy story + character writing and it couldn't even commit to its own twist.
lmao I came here to rant about drv3 too, I just finished the game two weeks ago and the whole story just left a bad taste in my mouth
gonna leave stuff in spoilers for anyone who doesn't wanna be spoiled

The twist was an absolute disaster, the whole "haha everything is fake your existence is fake the first two games are fake" just left me confused. I understand that maybe this was supposed to be an alternate universe, but I had high hopes this third game in the series would actually continue the storyline the first two games built instead of going off the rails and looking like a spin-off in the end. I hate mysteries that don't have a definite ending, I feel like the point of me trying to immerse myself in the mystery genre is to solve cases and know how things happened, and the fact that you just don't know which of Tsumugi's statements are true makes me frustrated at the open ending. I'd also like to point out how the game shamed the playerbase for playing or watching Danganronpa, I don't care if they meant to shame a fictional world, I've read too many comments that misinterpreted which group of people the game critiqued. I wish they had made the the fictional viewers more obvious they were not people IRL; using real faces on the screens in the last trial just made things all the more offensive and confusing honestly.

I have to replay DR2 to give a better comment but from what I can remember, I loved DR2's twist even though it made a similar message of "Everything is fake this is just a virtual simulation". At least this game contributed to the storyline and was solved in the end, and the plot twist made the whole story and world make sense instead of DRV3's style of lengthy monologue explanations without alluding to its twist throughout the gameplay. I didn't have that eureka "everything makes sense now!" playing through DRV3 and I was thoroughly disappointed. I don't think the ending was smart or shocking, it's just lies upon lies which will never be solved.

Additionally, the whole "I believe in them so they must be innocent!" thing Kaito did esp. with the Gonta case annoyed me, like I get being shocked at Gonta being the killer but you can't really fight the facts if they're there. All Shuichi was doing was trying to save as many people as he could the best way he knew how, and idk why Kaito was so mad at him that he didn't talk to him in the 5th chapter. I might be missing something here but through my first gameplay I just found Kaito annoying in the latter parts.

The only point I will give towards DRV3 is that I liked the characters, I think they're a lovable bunch for me. Trial-wise though idk I feel they were just noisy and contributed little towards solving the cases.

I made this my freedom wall for DRV3 or whatever, my mind is scrambled so this isn't a coherent criticism but I just wanted to let it out lol.
Since you mentioned it, I find the dialogue in Life is Strange very stylized and part of its charm.
But I do find its writing of a narrative and mystery terribly bad and the ending lazy as it could be.
Does Pumkin World count? It’s this old Flash-style game where you could play different mini games with, well, pumpkins. It had terrible voice acting, but that made it pretty memorable. It’s not as much of a meme as I would expect, lol.
Man the original LiS's dialogue was absolutely horrendous, but I still catch myself saying "wowzers" on occasion.

Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma was so ridiculous. I could not get into major plot points or really feel much emotional connection to any of the characters, even returning ones from previous entries that I really liked. There was one entire team I absolutely did not care about because they were so poorly written, and I hated how plot points were resolved in extra text documents you get after completing the story. I know it was in development hell for awhile but it felt like such a rushed, lazy game.
Man the original LiS's dialogue was absolutely horrendous, but I still catch myself saying "wowzers" on occasion.
Definitely agreed on LiS. Wowzers indeed. It's as if it was written by one of those "hip adults" thinking about what cool things kids nowadays would say. Ugh, the cringe.

I wouldn't be surprised if the latest LiS games have dabbing in it, or a Deez Nuts joke.
Fate/Extella gets my number one vote; it is very cringey for me. Final Fantasy XIII-2 would be kinda up there. It had a lot of potential to be good, but when tying the plot back to XIII, the whole time traveling thing seemed pretty random and poorly implemented. The characters and character development was not good to me; Noelle was very bland.
I hate the writing in the old final fantasy games. (specifically 4 and 5). Feels like a small child wrote them. Maybe it's bad translation. Thankfully 5 isn't necessarily story focused so it's easier to get through those segments.