Recent content by Alice

  1. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    I feel like I should add a little more. I really am sorry, and I probably deserved to get punished for that. You didn't deserve it. I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking about how awkward it was and regretting saying it. I didn't really apologize properly. Thank you.
  2. Alice

    Things you dislike a lot

    My mom likes to have me do something the second I finish another chore, but always after I sit back down. Maybe i'm just lazy but I'd like to do it while im still on my feet. I always take the time to ask her if there's anything else too. "Wait til she relaxes, that's when i'll get her."
  3. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    Thanks sock. You're the best.
  4. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    Yikes. N'aw. Honestly I'm not even sure. I just thought it looked silly. I suppose I'm a little upset so I was looking for something to pick at. Sorry. :p
  5. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    Not especially what I meant. I mean holding the camera directly in front of your face. Call me old-fashioned.
  6. Alice

    Unknown/quirky facts about you!

    I just know the moment I start to snooze, the ravenous clowns that hide inside my closet will come out and eat me. Either that or make balloon animals out of my intestines.
  7. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    That's my schtick. Dad jokes. That being said I never liked mirror selfies that that. But you do you, I suppose.
  8. Alice

    What Do You Look Like?

    Is it hard having a phone for a mouth?
  9. Alice

    Disfunctional Families

    Not gonna start a fight.
  10. Alice

    happy birthday, neighberino

    happy birthday, neighberino
  11. Alice

    Compliment the user above you!

    You seem like a funny, artsy gamer.
  12. Alice


    I loved one piece, but usually drop it and then catch up after about 30-40 more episodes are out.
  13. Alice

    How are you?

    Ayyy. Happy belated.
  14. Alice

    How are you?

    My feet are soaked but my cuffs are bone-dry!
  15. Alice

    Steven Universe!!

    The moment I really started appreciating Garnet is when Steven and Connie fused. She was so overjoyed and proud.