Recent content by Cherrypie

  1. Cherrypie

    I'm ready for anything!

    Thank you Jake. I remember that you get the snowmen family dolls once you made all of them, but I just thought that the gift would have been sent from the whole family, not the baby snowman. For some reason that made more sense for me. Anyway, thanks for helping! :) Edit: Sorry for annoying you...
  2. Cherrypie

    Physical or Digital Copy?

    Someone else might to have to answer that one, but something I remember with City folk was that when I went to my cousin's house and I put my copy of ACCF in it, it loaded her town, not mine, since it was her wii. So I wonder if that's the same problem on the 3DS this time...
  3. Cherrypie

    Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

    It has to be your native delicious fruit for a tree to grow into a delicious tree. If you plant a foreign delicious fruit, it will just grow into a normal tree. I hope I helped! :)
  4. Cherrypie

    Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

    Basically time travellers should choose beautiful if they want to tt and get less weeds and no cockroaches... But I'm not a time traveller, yet I still want a beautiful town. :)
  5. Cherrypie

    I'm ready for anything!

    What does the baby snowman give you? Dad gives ski furniture, mum gives ice furniture and normal gives snowman furniture, but what does the baby give? P.s. I'm really glad they added the family of snowmen: it really made winter so much more interesting if you want to complete the furniture sets!
  6. Cherrypie

    Are you going to TIME TRAVEL?

    I agree. If you are busy in real life, you are basically spending more time going into the future. However, if you go back for events, it's saying you didn't have time then, but now you do.
  7. Cherrypie

    Are you going to TIME TRAVEL?

    I agree so much. Why do they have the option anyway? However if they take it away, there would be a lot of angry fans.. I guess Nintendo wants to give us a choice, keep us happy and if we don't like time travellers and think they're 'cheats' (I wouldn't go so far as in to say that though), then...
  8. Cherrypie

    Oh, we call 7th grade the start of high school. ;) and yeah, I'm going 2 year 7

    Oh, we call 7th grade the start of high school. ;) and yeah, I'm going 2 year 7
  9. Cherrypie

    Animal Crossing New Leaf

    Well, now he knows! Don't worry XxYoloSwagxX, we all <3 you and want to know the release date ourselves! (Boy, we do!)
  10. Cherrypie

    Happy New Year to you too! And I take it that you're going to high school as well? :D

    Happy New Year to you too! And I take it that you're going to high school as well? :D
  11. Cherrypie

    Animal Crossing New Leaf

    I wish I only had found out about it right now... It's killing me to wait the last couple of years. I guess it just makes it more worth it/special that way when I actually get it. :) And Viriel, try not to hurt him XD He did no wrong!
  12. Cherrypie

    I'm ready for anything!

    You know how you have to give fruit to Dr Shrunk for emotions? Does different fruit mean different emotions (i.e: Delicious fruit gives better emotion, native fruit equals so-so emotions)? Also, might as well put this question in: Is Frillard back and if so, is he still giving emotions? (More...
  13. Cherrypie

    The Villager Thread

    Can someone post a list of known personalities please? :O
  14. Cherrypie

    Yeah :) I was away for a bit coz my dad had surgery and I have been a bit busy with grad, been...

    Yeah :) I was away for a bit coz my dad had surgery and I have been a bit busy with grad, been camping, visited my fam for Xmas and yeah
  15. Cherrypie

    Are you going to TIME TRAVEL?

    I'm actually pretty excited to play it day by day. I want to take it slow, especially considering next year I predict will be more of a busy year than I am used to. Even if the first day goes slowly, that's alright by me. I probably won't have enough time to play 1 hour or less each day. :) I...