Recent content by demoness

  1. demoness

    Does anyone here like to sniff sharpie markers?

    i don't do inhalants
  2. demoness

    Kingdom of hearts

    if you can help it don't put yourself through the mediocre versions on nintendo consoles. best played on a ps4, but you have what you have i guess the all-in-one contains the final mix of kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and Birth by Sleep (don't look at this as a spin-off, it isn't. it's the most...
  3. demoness

    how do u feel about 2023 ending?

    i mean it's not as if the world gets a fresh slate trying to compartmentalize things i'd rather not think about into years doesn't help me. that kind of band-aid sort of gives people a cognitive dissonance to the reality bad things don't just happen, they also bubble up and are the direct...
  4. demoness

    Does whether or not a person smokes/uses drugs affect your opinion of them?

    no. too much unnecessary empathetic energy i could use on my own hedonism but i do have oxygen tanks just don't blow me up
  5. demoness

    Post Your PlayStation Wrap-Up 2023

    right so i have activity for every month ... but so much that the games it displays as the top for the month really only accounts for 6% of what i actually played that much so i'm not bothering to put 12 images of monthly breakdown you don't really want to see that note, i'm disabled to the...
  6. demoness

    whats your favorite musical band?

    agent orange alkaline trio angelspit steam powered giraffe the used brand new armor for sleep dead or alive descendents dresden dolls fugazi nim vind oingo boingo orgy zombina and the skeletones goo goo dolls there's some.
  7. demoness

    How do you get over something *minor* but was super special to you?

    i turn on the news for a few minutes or think about when my little brother passed too young. this looks sarcastic, but sometimes you just have to get outside of yourself and remember you have let go of things before. you can also punch some stuff and sing in the endddddddd
  8. demoness

    Saddest TV show episodes

    House, M.D. "Simple Explanation" and it's not even the event itself that is sad nor how the topic is broached it's seeing the event smash through some of the world views of the other cast
  9. demoness

    most expensive game you own?

    lunar and lunar 2 on ps1 star ocean 2
  10. demoness

    "Creepy" Commercials

    so i think it's hilarious but it scared my mom
  11. demoness

    What browser do you use?

    i'm 30 now and losing my religion so i don't use cool browsers anymore i'm using the fox of fire
  12. demoness

    "Only Take One" Signs!

    the last time i did that was 2006 and i was 13 and it was just a prelude to take a fellow goth girl to a school dance but i'm in a wheelchair so i was always encouraged to take another by the homeowner in the late 90s when more americans left their house. hahaha, take that, ableds
  13. demoness

    what was the very first horror movie that you watched? 🎥🎃

    weirdly enough, stigmata (1999) i saw when i was 6. i think i saw killer clownz from outer space on tv around that time or it might have been leprechaun (god i love that franchise). casper. and while casper is more a family friendly horror comedy but people have a misconception that scary...
  14. demoness

    favourite halloween music? 👻🎶

    it ain't no sin to take off your skin and dance around in ur bones🎶
  15. demoness

    Longing for the good ol' days...

    i don't think people want to escape complexity. they want to escape their post-realization of mortality and permanence. the moment you were old enough to realize that you don't exist in snapshots of time, but in a march toward entropy you cannot outrun and with people and all the colors of...