Recent content by ExoticSilver77

  1. ExoticSilver77

    Laying down paths - Question

    Thank you guys for the help!! :)
  2. ExoticSilver77

    Laying down paths - Question

    So I recently came across a pretty awesome design set for paths, and I was wondering, if I tried to lay it down in my town if I had to keep all the designs in my player's design pallette. How do you guys do it, do you create seperate characters to hold the designs that you currently lay down...
  3. ExoticSilver77

    Lookin for new friends to hang out

    I'll add you! I just started playing!!
  4. ExoticSilver77

    Buying  Looking for Furniture Sets!

    So it's taking forever for the Nook Twins to actually stock some furniture. I thought I would try coming here to see if anyone has any items from these sets that I could buy to help my house. Currently my house is full of unmatched wallpaper and carpet, flowers, and fish. Its not working so...
  5. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    When we did one of our tours the game saved, I know that I got half of what I gathered at the island, so don't worry about it. We'll just have to play again sometime!
  6. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    It worked!! Great!
  7. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    My 3DS Friend Code is 1203-9722-8602
  8. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    ohhh! thats how! ok, give me five minutes!!
  9. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    Do I go to the Porter to get the friend code?
  10. ExoticSilver77

    Looking for new fruit and tools!

    Would you like to visit my town? I just started a week ago and I'm ready to start figuring out how to visit other towns!!
  11. ExoticSilver77

    What will be your first KK Song?

    Mine will be K.K. Sonata. I love how it sounds like the piano in your house.
  12. ExoticSilver77

    The Official Nintendo Magazine's Preview of Animal Crossing 3D

    The only thing people have been debating about is the tent as a house. I too agree with everyone on TBT that they will be used as they were in the Game Cube game. I'm glad they added new hairstyles and a lot more clothing choices! I'm going to need more closet space if that's the deal.
  13. ExoticSilver77

    What are you guys most looking forwards too?(:

    I doubt that >.> I think Nintendo did a great job of adding new things to do in the game. I'm excited for that. We'll just have to wait for the game. I really wish there would be different villagers, however.
  14. ExoticSilver77

    2 Things you might not have noticed in the AC3DS Trailer 2011

    There is a hacked DLC in CF of Nook's pottery. Also, I went back to look, and Punchy is not wearing pants. He is a black cat with white paws. None of the other villagers are wearing pants, so I can assume neither will he.