Recent content by felecityforthewin

  1. felecityforthewin

    The New Leaf Multiplayer Obituary Thread

    I find it funny how on the very day 3DS online was killed, I got a town initiative telling me to visit another town. And considering I have no one locally to play the game with... All I did with online was go to the island and use the dream suite, but I'm going to miss it so much because it was...
  2. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    YESSSSS 😆😆
  3. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    That was rad, thanks sooo much!! XD
  4. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    Sure, you can probably drop it off in my town, I'll open the gates XD
  5. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    Okay, I'm going to the train station right now! And no, just the rainbow screen is good, but thank you!! XD
  6. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    Ohhh okay then XD
  7. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    I added you too, but it says "provisionally registered friend", are you online??
  8. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    Mine is 0963-4579-5595 !! Thank you so much for this! I'll connect to the internet and be there whenever you're ready XD
  9. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    WHOA WHOA okay that's neat, heh! Uhhh I think we might have to exchange friend codes so I can come to your town and get it lol
  10. felecityforthewin

    Favorite season to play during?

    I say winter because it looks so PRETTY. Walking around at night with the illuminated clock/heart/arch and the beautiful snow just makes me so happy. Especially in December when all the trees have lights on them. I love how you can build snowmen too. My only complain is there's literally no bugs...
  11. felecityforthewin

    Rainbow Screen

    I'm asking this before the online servers close but--does anyone have a rainbow screen? I have a room I want to put it in and I really think it'd tie it together. I would try to find one myself but for some reason none of the RV amiibo villagers have it, nor do any regular villagers or special...
  12. felecityforthewin

    The Resetting Thread

    God I wish I could reset. My town has an embarrassing name (Toon Bay for pete's sake), I time traveled WAY too much when I first started playing (it got to the point where Kicks is stated to have opened much later than it was supposed to) and I made a lot of mistakes with villagers back then...
  13. felecityforthewin

    Amiibo villagers don't celebrate your birthday ??

    Considering I'm very close with all my villagers and Carmen was the last new one I got, you may be on to something with the closeness thing. I think since she was the latest the game decided I was least closest with her by default heheh
  14. felecityforthewin

    Amiibo villagers don't celebrate your birthday ??

    Wayyy back in 2017, I scanned Carmen as an amiibo and had her move to my town. But for some reason, she never throws me a surprise party for my birthday or writes me a letter for it. And she never sent me anything for Valentine's day like other villagers do, either. It's always my nine...
  15. felecityforthewin

    Rank all of the Nookling Stores from best to worst

    1. T&T Emporium; I know this is an obvious choice but I like how big the store is and how it helps the town feel more city-like. The fact it offers a lot of furniture is really neat too, Gracie's shop is sort of useful because I love the sweets series and sometimes I like to splurge and get my...