Recent content by Kronk

  1. Kronk

    Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

    Hey all, looking to trade an English Ditto for a foreign one, if anyone wants to!
  2. Kronk

    Shop [SV] Apricornmons and more *updated*

    I’ll let you know, won’t be too long I don’t think. If you’re able to have him hold a malicious armor, I can give more TBT!
  3. Kronk

    Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

    Hey all, looking for any Apriballs, as well as some shiny Pokémon. I have a shiny Zweilous to trade, and a shiny Greedent, or I can buy the balls / shinies with TBT. Thanks!
  4. Kronk

    Shop [SV] Apricornmons and more *updated*

    I would love a male Charcadet with flash fire in the moon ball, if you have any left! I can’t trade right now but was hoping you could set one aside? I’ll pay the TBT up front!
  5. Kronk

    Trading  Scarlet/Violet - Buying Apriballs, trading a few shinies

    Hey all! If anyone wants to sell an Apriball, I’d like to buy some with TBT. I also have some shinies for sale/trade: -Zweilous -Greedent And if you wanna sell any shinies, I might buy some with TBT if I’m interested in the shiny!
  6. Kronk

    Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

    Yeah I still need 7! All my villagers need one hehe
  7. Kronk

    Buying LF: Many fish umbrellas | FT: Many TBT

    Great! Would 30 TBT work? I can get on whenever you can.
  8. Kronk

    Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

    Hello! Do you have 10 fish tourney umbrellas by chance?
  9. Kronk

    Buying LF: Many fish umbrellas | FT: Many TBT

    For sure! Sorry I missed your reply, are you on right now?
  10. Kronk

    Buying  LF: Many fish umbrellas | FT: Many TBT

    Hello all, I’m needing to give each of my villagers a fish umbrella. Needing 10! I can trade 10 TBT per umbrella, or more if you’d like more. Thanks all!
  11. Kronk

    Buying LF: Future Tech Floor | FT: TBT

    Great! Are you able to trade now? If so, PM me and I’ll set up a dodo and transfer 20 TBT
  12. Kronk

    Buying  LF: Future Tech Floor | FT: TBT

    Hey all, I’m looking for a future tech floor. I can trade 10-20 TBT for it, thanks!