Recent content by matt

  1. matt

    Pokémon  Buying the violet-specific Charcadet evolution item

    Blimey i hope this is ok here and not in tbt marketplace I am looking to get the ghost evolution of Charcadet. Can someone please trade me the item from zapacinos that can be used to get the fire ghost type evolution. 500 tbt - yes please. DM me if you can
  2. matt

    Are the 3ds games complete on the cartridge?

    Yes you can play ACNL on 3ds from cartridge without patches. Just internet features wont work
  3. matt

    how are you feeling right now?

    Anxious, I'm waiting for @ZeldaCrossing64 to marry me
  4. matt

    You're now Married to whatever is in the Profile Picture Above You

    You're marrying the guy that is me standing next to the train. Say "i do" and I'll do the same
  5. matt

    You're now Married to whatever is in the Profile Picture Above You

    Unfortunately I'm not gay +assuming it's a bloke...
  6. matt

    Pokémon Pokémon mystery dungeon dx rescue query

    Thanks. I've heard shiny ditto is quite prominent in buried relic but ideally I'd like it without it being a liability throughout the entire dungeon like it is now
  7. matt

    Pokémon  Pokémon mystery dungeon dx rescue query

    So I recruited a shiny ditto in buried relic, got to floor 61 and died. I've requested rescue via internet. When I get rescued and resume, it gives me the option to continue or escape. If I escape, do I keep my shiny ditto or is it just my primary team that escapes? On a peculiar matter, I...
  8. matt

    Many thanks

    Many thanks
  9. matt

    How lovely of you to say so thanks

    How lovely of you to say so thanks
  10. matt

    Thankyou , lovely for thinking of me

    Thankyou , lovely for thinking of me
  11. matt

    Thanks Sarah for thinking of me

    Thanks Sarah for thinking of me
  12. matt

    Thanks lovely

    Thanks lovely
  13. matt

    Thanks lovely

    Thanks lovely
  14. matt

    Sorry will do

    Sorry will do