Recent content by moonphyx

  1. moonphyx

    North America LF: 1-5, FT: 1-5 (updated 12/31)

    I have 045 Octavian, 084 Benjamin, 109 Porter, 171 Benedict, 204 Pelly, and373 Pompom. I am interested in 107 Katie, 110 Lelia, 326 Dizzy, 340 Tex, 353 Elise, and 354 Walt. lmk if interested!
  2. moonphyx

    North America Updated! Feel free to trade with me to help complete your collection!

    I’m interested in 110 Lelia and 180 Pecan, would you be interested in 131 Pate, and 113 Isabelle? (or 164 Bianca if you’re only looking for villagers)
  3. moonphyx

    tysm! late reply but i appreciate it 💕

    tysm! late reply but i appreciate it 💕
  4. moonphyx

    late reply but thank you!!

    late reply but thank you!!
  5. moonphyx

    North America [SALE/TRADE]NA RV & 1-5 [LF] NA RV updated 10/23

    I have 004 Sable and 026 Renee, interested in 111 Shrunk and 178 Hugh!
  6. moonphyx

    North America [CLOSED] Giving Away Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards! [CLOSED]

    Hello! I am interested in 355 Mira, 047 Knox, and 057 Phil!
  7. moonphyx

    Global [FT] Series 1 - 5, EU WA [LF] S5 SPs, WA, Anything again 💌

    Hiya, what does the italics mean in your looking for secrion? I have 217 Jingle and was hoping to trade him for 007 Joan. Also I have a 153 Alfonso I can trade for Pompom, lmk!
  8. moonphyx

    North America The Three Amiibos - [FT]Series 1-5 [LF]Series 1-4 and Series 5 NPC *Last Updated On 07/10/22

    I have 060 Samson, 215 Isabelle (not mint condition) 219 Anchovy, 249 Beardo, I’m interested in 124 Harry, 106 Booker, 134 Kidd, and 193 Keaton. Please let me know which ones work!
  9. moonphyx

    North America 👀 4 S5 Blathers/Sable trade up to 5 cards !!!

    Hi I’m interested in your 013 Sahara, 018 Bob, 032 Bluebear, 047 Knox, 055 Snake, and 280 Victoria for my 215 Isabelle (she is not mint but I have other alternatives), 335 Dotty, 152 Wendy, 241 Hans, 324 Graham, and 127 Kitt. Please let me know which ones work!
  10. moonphyx

    North America [List Updated 6/2] Have: Series 1-5, LF Series 1-4

    Hello, I have 213 Digby, 064 Pudge, and 231 Elvis and I was hoping to get 304 Phineas, 222 Miranda, and 347 Tammy. Digby and Pudge have some cosmetic wear to them and I can show zoomed in photos in DMs.
  11. moonphyx

    Global (US based) LF: Label (410) FT: Series 1-5 UPDATED FT 5/3 FOUND!!! TY!

    Yes, mine is NA but if you don’t mind that, I dont mind EU Isabelle :)
  12. moonphyx

    North America LF series 2,4 and WA's have 1-5 and EU WA's to trade

    Hi! i want to offer 213 Digby for 305 Celeste 327 Penelope for 056 Bangle 331 Pashmina for 067 Flurry 387 Rowan for 075 Amelia