Recent content by nard

  1. nard

    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

    hello! just looking for pietro for my new town :) please msg if you have him!
  2. nard

    dont talk to me

    dont talk to me
  3. nard

    hi.. if u still come on

    hi.. if u still come on
  4. nard

    Events & Collectibles General Discussion

    the one day i log back on and 3 new collectibles join my hoard
  5. nard

    Love Live! School Idol Festival

    EN, TW, or JP?
  6. nard

    i want to get back into fr but i awnt a new acc could you notify me when theres another...

    i want to get back into fr but i awnt a new acc could you notify me when theres another registration period??
  7. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    excited abt a game ≠ hyping it up lol all u guys keep saying the same thing im out
  8. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    lmaoo oh my god hyping it up isnt the same as beta testing
  9. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    all i asked was why he was hyping it up you people arent understanding me
  10. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    what?? not every game needs a beta test and the second paragraph has nothing to do with what i said
  11. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    thats my point
  12. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    okay so wait a few years. i care because you're acting like a big gaming company at e3 or smth and opening a beta test its just that you're acting like a big game developer when u arent also age is a big deal sometimes so - - - Post Merge - - - look his anime white knight :) i didnt say he...
  13. nard

    Project Zero Beta Test

    i love how ur acting like you own a big gaming company?? ur literally 10 years old and it's a game in rpg maker ( not saying its bad people can make really good games with it!! ) but why are you hyping it up like its a really big deal
  14. nard

    who even are you and why are you here spammy trash

    who even are you and why are you here spammy trash
  15. nard

