Recent content by Seroja

  1. Seroja


  2. Seroja

    laudine have you moved on from gudetama? 😰

    laudine have you moved on from gudetama? 😰
  3. Seroja

    I still love you

    I still love you
  4. Seroja

    heyyy just wanna let you know reading your journal gave me so much joy 🥺 thank you sooo much

    heyyy just wanna let you know reading your journal gave me so much joy 🥺 thank you sooo much
  5. Seroja

    explain your current avatar

    happy smiley leafies 🍃
  6. Seroja

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    today is friday which means a) tomorrow is the weekend & b) 2 hour lunch break yay! also a birthday celebration and cake at the office 🎉
  7. Seroja

    What's Bothering You?

    playing games is not feasible as a single parent. I wanna revisit my island sooo bad and restructure everything but I don't have time to hunt for furniture that I want aaa
  8. Seroja

    What's Bothering You?

  9. Seroja

    Happy New Year friends!!

    Happy New Year friends!!
  10. Seroja

    SIS THANK YOU!! :love: 😘 🥰

    SIS THANK YOU!! :love: 😘 🥰
  11. Seroja

    aww thank you sweets! 🥰

    aww thank you sweets! 🥰
  12. Seroja

    thank you love! 💃

    thank you love! 💃
  13. Seroja

    thank you so much sweetie ❤

    thank you so much sweetie ❤
  14. Seroja

    Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

    daily player here, add me cos I need new friends again. so many have left 😢 @mogyay I could never remove you 😘 glad to see you back! In-game name: Tintin Friend ID: 0972 2334 565
  15. Seroja

    what? add me on neopets!! what's your account?

    what? add me on neopets!! what's your account?