Welcome to TBT Game Night! TBTGN will take place every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night, starting at 7PM EST! (6PM CST, 5PM MST, 4PM PST) Each night will be a specific game. So if you don't have one of the games, you always have another chance to play! When we'll be playing, be sure to join in the discussion and chat in the IRC! Also, Join our TBTGN Group on Steam for Game Night information! As for the games we'll be playing during the week, it'll go something like this:
We'll be playing Mario Kart 7 every Monday night at the regular time. If you have a 3DS, join us! All of our 3DS friend codes are posted here if you want to add a specific member. IMPORTANT! Be sure to join our TBT Mario Kart 7 Community's to be able to play with all of us! Here are the community codes: Grand Prix 150cc (All Items): 40-6089-1598-3777, Balloon Battle (All Items): 55-1645-6141-9677
Everyone playing! Notice the lone Canadian flag(me). : (
Grand Prix Results
Another set of race results
One more!
The scoreboard for the TBT community after 2 hours of intense racing!
Because this game is free on the Steam Marketplace, go out and get it! We'll be playing this multiplayer game every Friday night at the regular time. IMPORTANT! Join our TBTGN Group on Steam to know when we're playing!
Get the game for free here!
From left to right; Jas0n, NephewJack, Justin, HumanResources, KeenanACCF, Kaiaa and ZR. Of course this wasn't everyone who joined in, just for the time I snapped this.
Then all Hell broke loose.
Round ends and so I hunt down Jas0n.
I'd just fallen to my death in Arena, Justin runs off laughing.
Poor HR, I didn't protect you well enough. (Blue Medic)
SockHead and BB were fighting over the love and compassion of the heavy in the background.
Gif made by Jubs
Join the IRC to see what we'll be playing on Wednesdays! It could be a 3DS game, it could be a console game, or it could be a Steam game! Who knows? If you are a regular in the chat, you'll probably know the game before Wednesday, so join the IRC today! Also check for updates on the thread to know what we're playing.
Gif made by ZR388
Starting our adventure. Gallows in purple, Sock in blue, and Andy in black.
Sock got squished here.
Fighting a Troll.
Every Saturday night will be a little different. We'll be changing the game weekly. It may be Left 4 Dead, it maybe be Counter Strike: Source, it could be Magicka, it could be any multiplayer game! Stay up to date on this thread to know which game we're playing this week! IMPORTANT! Join our TBTGN Group on Steam to know when we're playing!
Remember to meet in the IRC around 6:30PM EST before TBTGN starts! If you come late, be sure to check the chat to see if we're still in there. Also, check out our Livestream page to take part in TBTGN without even playing! Watch us play and join in on the discussion!
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