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DustBunnii's Doodlez


Senior Member
Oct 21, 2012
Sautéed Mushrooms
I don't draw much anymore, but occasionally I'll get in the mood to do some drawing.
Recently I have been in that mood and I have been drawing ponies, more specifically my oc pony Blue Moon.
Today I drew a heart-pony version of her, which I am quite proud of, so here she is :D

Blue Moon Heart Pony with Cutie Mark.jpg
I didn't make the base myself; I used this one.
Excuse the bits of squiggly lines. I'm not used to my tablet and I couldn't situate my hand to where the curves would look nice. I never really used it much when I got it at first, but I like to use it when I get back into the mood to draw. I'm getting better with it.

Below are some older digital drawings that I did for something called the POKEDEX challenge last December. I never finished that challenge unfortunately because of homework :p maybe I'll try it again this year, starting after school is done with this time around.

Dragonite with present.jpg
Delibird - colored.jpg
Cubone - Colored.jpg
Nidoran F - Colored.jpg

I'm considering posting pics of my older traditional art from high school. I only really have pics from the art I did my senior year. Maybe I'll do that later.

Drawings for 2012 POKEDEX Challenge:
Day one: Normal Type: 5th Gen Audino

Day two: Fighting Type: Mankey

Day three: Flying Type: Rufflet

Day four: Poison Type: Grimer

Day Five: Ground Type: Cubone

Day six: Rock Type: Cranidos

Day seven: Bug Type: Caterpie + Pinsir

Day eight: Ghost Type: Drifloon

Day nine: Steel Type: Mawile

Day ten: Fire Type: Quilava

At this point I went home for winter break, drew a few more (up to day 15) and stopped. I might scan and upload those later

Day Sixteen: Dragon Type: Dragonite

I didn't think to do it before, but this is a link to my deviant art. Most of the drawings are kind of old (from high school into college) and I don't think they're all that great, but I tend to be pretty hard on myself. Hope you enjoy them regardless :)
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These are really good. Dragonite is so cute <3

Thanks you guys :D
I made the Dragonite for Pokemon Profile Picture Month, and after I drew it I discovered the POKEDEX Challenge and decided to try it out.

I'm anticipating actually doing the full challenge this year, especially now that I feel like I can draw better with it and know what settings to use 'n whatnot. I'm probably going to use the same pokemon that I was planning, so expect another adorable Dragonite :D
When does the challenge start? I drew a few pictures of Pokemon that were actually okay. Then I gave them to my friend who was suppose to laminate them at his church, and I never got them back lol. I might participate..
Here is a link to the challenge details: !!!!!!
It starts at the beginning of December and you draw a pokemon for each day.
Depending on how much work I need to do for school, I may end up doing a lot of them early or late, but I'm going to try to do them.
I just made a list of what pokemon I would like to do on each day xD
Hmm, I'm going to do this despite the fact that I'm not the best drawer. I dunno what 23 means though.
Well, it says "favorite pokemon design"
So just pick the pokemon that you like the look of the most or that you really like the concept of or something.
I picked Sawsbuck for that one since I like the idea of a pokemon whose appearance changes with the seasons :3
Well, it says "favorite pokemon design"
So just pick the pokemon that you like the look of the most or that you really like the concept of or something.
I picked Sawsbuck for that one since I like the idea of a pokemon whose appearance changes with the seasons :3

Thanks :3
I have just finished my first picture for the POKEDEX Challenge.
Today was day 1, and I was supposed to draw a Normal type pokemon, so I picked Audino cuz it's cute :3
The main thing I don't like is the shading on the present.... not sure how to go about that. I'm sure it'll look better in later drawings (assuming I keep up with the challenge).
Day 1 Normal Type Audino.jpg
The quality might not be too great on most of 'em, but these are all pretty well drawn, out of the Pokemons there's something about this one (the name escapes me) that I like best.

And of course the pony one is pretty great too, if I do say so myself.
The quality might not be too great on most of 'em, but these are all pretty well drawn, out of the Pokemons there's something about this one (the name escapes me) that I like best.

And of course the pony one is pretty great too, if I do say so myself.

The Nidoran is probably my favorite as well :)
And I agree that the quality could be a *lot* better with most of them. I'm new to digital art and I only have one program, and that's the program that came with my tablet... and I'm still trying to learn how to make higher quality images with it.
With the pony, I did a lot of referencing to the original heart ponies and I used someone else's base for the body, so it looks a lot better than it otherwise would :p
My main problems right now are not knowing my program very well on top of the fact that I have a hard time making clean lines with the tablet and making my hand do what I want it to do. Luckily it's not ink and I can easily erase intolerable mistakes :p
You could try saving some as .PNG, see how it turns out.
Day two was for Fighting Types
I chose Mankey for no particular reason. I've never really been a big fan of the fighting types :p that and mankey is pretty easy to draw. Just a ball of fur with arms, legs, and a tail.
I decided to not do this one digitally since I take a really long time with digital drawings. Pencils are much easier and faster for me. I'm not going to worry myself over how good the pics are for the next couple of weeks, so expect quick little doodly things like this. I've got big projects to finish up and finals to take. After next week I think I'll go back to doing digital, or maybe I'll pull out my watercolors :) We'll see.

Today is technically day 3 (flying type), so I'll try to draw up that pic and post it later tonight. Until then, homework.

Rufflet has been drawn for day three:D
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Brilliant drawings! I'm not sure which one I like best. :D