Giveaway The Hogwarts Express Villager Giveaway! - Empty!!

I have to run and eat dinner right now, since my dinner is finally done.
I'll check back to this when I get back online. (Shouldn't be more then 10 minutes or so)

If Riri doesn't PM/post here by the time I get back online, then Merengue will either go to Golden (If they want to possibly hold her?) or will go to Summ3rain, since they posted next.
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I would hold, but school starts tomorrow and I'll be busy most of the time. So if Riri doesn't reply, please skip me >.<
@StormBlader: They both left at the worst possible time...
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Okay, since Riri hasn't posted or PMed yet, and Golden thinks they will be too busy to hold, I'm going to have to give Merengue to Summ3rain.
I'll PM you now Summ3rain to make sure you're still online and able to come and get her!
If she's still available, I would love her ;____; she's one of my dreamies (haven't updated my list)
Gibbs I hate to be rude and ask but I am interested in TTing to get my dreamies. Can you explain a small guide how you do it? Like 2 days then back 1? Then 2 days and back 2? OR whatever you do :p. OR maybe pm me. Thanks!