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Why is Animal Crossing becoming the most frustrating thing ever.


ultimate slav
Jul 23, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
So if you've seen me around, you know I'm basically desperate for my dreamies. Everytime I see one of them on the villageradopt tumblr, I lunge for it as quickly as possible. One lovely day, I found Freya on it! Yay!

I asked the person, they said I could have it as soon as it's September 10th, because they don't time travel. I'm a perfectly patient person.

I can wait.

So I wait. I swap friend codes. Its September 10th! Did they add me yet...?

No? Oh, I'll give them some more time. So I waited for a bit. It's nearing 12 AM... I'll go ask them once again. Then the... glorious response was saying someone else took her.
I'm just.
Why. I was the first one to ask for her. I waited for her. I have been wanting her since I got new leaf.

I just need to take a break from collecting dreamies. If collecting dreamies will bring this much frustration, I'm better off not collecting them.
Being focused on getting "dreamies" is really stupid. It's best to let your own villagers move in and make relationships from there.
I was focused on getting my dreamies, I don't think it's "stupid". It was a bit hard, but if I wasn't focused on that, I would've given up playing New Leaf like two months ago.

And Puffy, I really hate those kinds of people that promise you a villager and then go hand them off to someone else -.-
I don't think dreamies are stupid either, at all but sometimes it gets out of hand. I used to do the same thing, but I realized I was spending more time in the villager plaza section than actually playing which was silly....so I started just focusing on building my town and trading with others etc to get my mind away from it lol. I hate when people tell you to wait for a villager then say they either don't have them anymore, someone else took them, they tted too far, etc.
A similar situation happened when I was looking for Freya as well. Someone PM'ed about having her, we talked, they said that when she moved out, they'd let me know. So I added their FC, even changed my signature to "possibly getting Freya soon!"
So....I waited, and waited, and waited. I PM'ed once or twice (trying not to sound impatient lol) if Freya was still around.
I never got a response.

The worst thing about PMing somebody is when you know they're online, but won't answer. Anyhow, eventually I saw this person on the trading board selling Freya. I didn't want to start anything, so I just let it go. All they had to do was tell me they wanted to sell her instead, even that would be better then letting me wait.
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That would suck. Personally I think it's nice for people to have their "dreamies". It gives them another goal to work for! But I don't see the point in stressing about it for hours on end. These villagers are essentially endless in supply. You'll always have another chance to get them! :D
You're putting too much focus on getting everything you want as soon as possible and not enough on enjoying the game and you have.

Before this game came out, you got whatever villagers came into your town. You didn't get to trade for them. Blah blah blah, old person banter, "you kids get off my lawn!".

I think people who are getting so angry over not having all of the villagers they want need to take a deep breath, step back, and play the game with the villagers they *do* have that they love. Play animal crossing like it's meant to be played. Make friends with the villagers you do have, decorate your house, and go collect some stuff.
I had won an auction for Skye, and the person holding the auction gave her to someone else. It really pissed me off!
First of all, she PM'ed me about winning the auction.
Secondly, she already knew who I was since we had interacted before.
Third, she removed herself from the private thread and tried passing it off as "Oh, I was cleaning my inbox"
The stupidest reason of all! I messaged her again and she said "Someone messaged me saying they won the auction, so I let him have Skye"
I mean she knew I had won the auction, and she could've at least double checked the auction thread to make sure no one was lying :rolleyes: She could've simply said she'd sell to someone else as well, instead of ignoring me and getting my hopes up.

Anyway, point is, don't do a big trade with someone who doesn't have wifi ratings or seems a bit sketchy (like on tumblr) or at least get their friend code first so you can give them a bad rating (ACC)

- - - Post Merge - - -

You're putting too much focus on getting everything you want as soon as possible and not enough on enjoying the game and you have.

Before this game came out, you got whatever villagers came into your town. You didn't get to trade for them. Blah blah blah, old person banter, "you kids get off my lawn!".

I couldn't really enjoy my game whilst having uglies and undesirables in my town, that's why I set out on getting some villagers I liked. I kept getting pigs, anteaters, and birds as random villagers.... Not a big fan of those animals in the game. I like furry mammals more
And I wasn't into the previous games long enough to know that villagers would move out, so I thought the starter villagers were permanent. ;-;
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its fine to have dream villagers - i have some too
but i think some times you need to slow down and be happy with what you got
i like meeting new villagers (thouuugh most of the time they destroy my path ha ha ha...) and befriending them.

animal crossing shouldnt be making you stressed. it should be helping you get rid of stress
So if you've seen me around, you know I'm basically desperate for my dreamies.

Pretty much answered your question right there. I'm sure you'd have more fun just accepting random pop ins than hunting down villagers you're probably just going to get bored of down the road.
I remember a time. A simpler time. A time when nobody cared about what villagers they had. A time when the terms "dream villagers" and "dreamies" were non-existent. But that's all in the past now.

Excuse me. *dabs tears from eyes* (jk)

I have villagers I want, but I don't solely focus my time on here and on the game to get them. Animal Crossing isn't about that. I'm surprised how hostile people get over virtual animals.
Hmm... I don't think it's entierly your fault. The player who was supposed to let you claim the villager probably "forgot" that you were supposed to come to that town before anyone else do. Perhaps he/she accidentally let an uninvited fellow to rob your dream villager. Trust me, "people forgetting things" incidents often happened to me since the days of Animal Crossing: Wild World.

If I were you, I'd give a temporary break from this game for a long while before playing it again. Also, what gives having the "best-looking" villagers possible? Why you guys get irritated when a undesirable villager move in? I don't see much appeal to focus getting specific villagers. I might have some bland villagers on my side, but I don't fuss over them that much anyway.
I remember a time. A simpler time. A time when nobody cared about what villagers they had. A time when the terms "dream villagers" and "dreamies" were non-existent. But that's all in the past now.

Excuse me. *dabs tears from eyes* (jk)

I have villagers I want, but I don't solely focus my time on here and on the game to get them. Animal Crossing isn't about that. I'm surprised how hostile people get over virtual animals.

my thoughts exactly. oh GC version, how i miss you so. i have entered the dark side. but i'm not like "omg i'll pay 100 mil" i'm not that determined!
I don't need any 'dreamies'-thing (whatever you call it), i play ACNL just because i love this kind of life simulation game.

I think it's okay to have 'dreamies', but most players usually abuse TT for it. If only those people collect their 'dreamies' normally, i bet this kind of thread won't appear. And what i meant by 'normal' is that you get them through natural cycle, not by TT or buy them like slave-trading (which i can never accept). Majority of ACNL players are so greedy & impatient these days, i guess? Or, should i say too 'hardcore' or 'perfectionist'? You can't really blame them, it's part of human's nature, i guess?
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AC's not a game to get annoyed by. While I am searching for dreamies, there's fun had in randomly getting other ones who I adore. I'm not hardcore or a perfectionist or whatever, I'm just a simple mayor trying to build a town around animals I've become fond of. I want to get pictures or everyone who doesn't look like a train wreck and am in no rush for anything. Even after I get all my dreamies, I plan to only have 8 or 9 so the last one or 2 can be whoever I get through steetpass or whatever.
That was very unprofessional/impolite/stupid of that trader to give Freya to someone else. But like others have said, don't fret too much about dreamies.

I have ideal villagers too, but I figure I'm going to play this until next summer for sure and will probably come across at least one of them by then. No rush.

Also, Puffy your signature had me in stitches xD
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It's so fun just to go with the flow, and let random villagers move in! Then you have less things to stress about. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with dreamies - they just choose villagers based on looks :/ They all have the same personalities! I understand when it's nostalgia - I have moe as a nostalgia villager. I also understand when making a themed town and you want certain villagers. But I don't really get it when people just sit down and pick villagers based on their looks. Just seems kindof weird to me.
Basically yeah, just relax and forget about dreamies for now!
"get them through natural cycle, not by TT or buy them like slave-trading"

please don't try and compare villager selling to the slave trades...
"get them through natural cycle, not by TT or buy them like slave-trading"

please don't try and compare villager selling to the slave trades...

THIS. It's ridiculous! 1: they're not real. 2: it's a game. 3: the villagers are going to loving homes in the end anyway.