• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The AC Writing Contest [3 Days Left!]

Will the stories also be judged on whether they "end"?

For example, if you took a chapter out of a story it wouldn't be considered the end since there is more writing to come after it i.e. it isn't truly a short story.

Just curious.

Mmm... Not sure. I'd have to read it to decide. :D
More Entries!

“Hey Beau,” Bruce started, the annoyance evident in his voice. “Isn’t that your twenty-second apple in only an hour?”
Beau took one last bite before he tossed the core into a nearby trash. “I dunno. Was it?” He laughed and Bruce sighed.
“You’re far too easy going you know that? You’re on your way to getting all fat and pudgy.”
“Pudgy? That sounds like a type of pudding,” Beau said, licking his lips in thought.
“There’s no sense in talking to you is there?” Bruce asked, though he knew to this question he wouldn’t get an answer.
“Hey, Bruce. Hi Beau,” Skye waved to them both as she made her way over. “How are you guys?”
“Peachy,” Bruce muttered.
“Peach? I haven’t had one since my mom sent me some in a letter. I wish we had a peach tree in Rhyme,” Beau said, with sadness etched in his voice.
“Didn’t Poet plant a peach tree here?” Skye asked to which Beau perked up.
“She did? Oh yeah! Over by her house I think. I stopped going over there since I could never find my way back home.” He laughed and Bruce sighed.
“How can anyone put up with this guy?” He muttered and Skye giggled.
“Well, guys I came over here because Ankha is having some sort of party at her house. I think it’s to crown herself as queen.”
“This happens every week.” Bruce said, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, and she always has the best foods.” Beau agreed, going on another food daydream.
As the trio made their way over to Ankha’s house they questioned the theme of the week for this particular crowning. It was basically Ankha’s way of showing the villagers just who it was that ruled over Rhyme. Sure Poet may be the major, but she was a Queen in her other village and a queen she would be in Rhyme. Nobody argued. It was just Ankha being Ankha after all. And as Beau said, she did supply them with food.
“Pirate theme?” Bruce asked.
“That was two weeks ago I think.” Skye supplied.
“I wonder if it’ll be Peanut butter flavored.” Beau suggested, getting another low growl out of Bruce.
“Finally! We’re here! Being around this guy for another minute would have made me want to up and move tomorrow.”
“Hey guys!” Teddy made his way over, giving them all high fives. “What took you so long? You know how the princess gets when you guys are late. Not to mention I have an aerobics class after this, so the faster this ends the better for my biceps.”
“Yeah, well, tell that to the boy wonder over there who just had to test each tree we passed to see if it was made out of chocolate.”
“A huh huh huh. I guess that really was only a rumor then.” Beau said, blushing.
“Well, come on in. I’m sure she’ll go easy on you guys…maybe. I hope you all trained your muscles recently.” Teddy laughed as he escorted the trio inside.
“There you guys are!” Ankha accosted the trio as soon as she caught them in her line of sight. “Why are you late? You know what today is correct?” She stamped her foot and Bruce and Skye cast quick glances at each other.
“Um, well…”
“We were out looking for the chocolate tree.” Beau interrupted. The whole group went quiet and Ankha gave him an expressionless glance.
“The chocolate tree?”
“Yeah, I heard a rumor that it was in town, but I guess that’s all it was.”
“It was not just a rumor.” Ankha said. “But I would like to know how you got hold of such information. Regardless, you wouldn’t have looked all over town if you all just showed up on time. Come along.”
The three glanced at each other and shrugged. Unlike other Ankha parties, her house was set up the way it always was, as if she were an Egyptian queen. The only difference was the massive tree that stood directly in the middle of her room. All the other villagers stood around it bright smiles on their faces. The trio went and stood next to Deena.
“This,” Ankha began. “Is a recreation of the Tree of Knowledge that stands in our plaza. It recounts every detail about this village. While I myself am not an outdoorsy sort, I do like sitting by the tree. It’s peaceful and it’s nice to recount all of Rhyme’s history. Today is a day to celebrate it.”
Everyone clapped and cheered. Some had tears in their eyes or were out right crying.
“But why is it made of chocolate?” Beau asked, a bit of drool threatening to escape.
Ankha smiled. “So I can share a piece of Rhymes history with all of you myself.”
Everyone laughed as Beau went to hug Ankha bit she did everything she could to push him away. Perhaps Ankha had her moments where she liked to be the center of attention, but she loved Rhyme and that was something they all could agree with.

The End

A warm glow set the yellow trees ablaze as the sun again rose on the dainty locale of Bluesea, a town set deep in the wildlands. The waves, tainted purplish under the gaze of dawn, lapped gently against the golden sand. The town, though it's structures slightly intruded on the scenic beauty of the land, still held a pristine, flawless beauty.

The sound of sand being crushed and compressed by the light-footed gait of a figure was all that resonated above the thrashing of the waves. The figure left distinct paw prints in the sand behind it, though soon the sea would hungrily sip at them, reducing them to simplistic and indecipherable shapes. The wolf, whose fur was tinted with the pink of the cherry blossoms of April, sniffed gently at a silvery gleam half-buried in the sand. The sun caught in the amber eyes and gilded the tips of her fur.

Kneeling down, she parted the sand with her paws until the origin of the silver gleam revealed itself. As the sand was finally pushed aside, the female paused, almost mesmerized at the foreign sight. The silver object was a shell, but not one that she had previously encountered. Letting the sound of waves filter through her ears, she continued to stare intently at the mysterious shell.

"Ow!" Eventually her trance was broken by a sharp pain on her heels. With a rapid kick of her paws the intruding crab was sent flying into the sea. The crab was bright red, and recalled a type of crab that had not been seen in the town for nearly 10 years. The crab, waving its pincers angrily in midair, disappeared beneath the tide-line with a swift splash.

Rubbing her left leg with the paw of her right, she gave a low growl and shook her head. Hastily she relieved the shell from the sand and left the beach behind her. She knew one resident of the town would surely know the shell's identity. Scanning the village, she saw no one; the town hall had just rung 6am, and nearly all residents were fast asleep. A white butterfly fluttered across her view, a herald to the rise of day.

Speeding up her pace, she made for a building far in the distance. The animal in there was scarcely found before 7am, but Freya knew that today she was awake early, preparing for the new month. The building, with a colour that was parallel to the cherry-blossom fur of Freya, did not shine as brightly as it did during the sun's full exposure. The roof, tainted faintly with teal, almost blended in with the sky.

Freya leaned on the heart-shaped window emblazoned on the door and rubbed the obscuring layer of dew with her paw. She peered in, searching swiftly with a hunter's instinct. A figure was indeed inside; the fairly tall animal was rubbing dust off of a green sign with her hands.

Freya gave a gentle knock, slightly hesitant to disturb the animal's peace. The animal faced the door, paused, and placed the sign back down before approaching Freya's presence. For a moment a pair of dark eyes could be seen amidst a white face, peering through the opposing side of the window. The alpaca's pink ears twitched, clearing a small area of condensation from the inside. For a while she seemed to frown, though upon identifying Freya she smiled and unlocked the door, letting the dull air of Re-Tail rush out into the village.

The alpaca, almost entirely pink in colour, recalled Freya's own figure.
"I bid you well, Reese," Freya smiled. The alpaca shrugged.
"Well, I would normally refrain from opening the door early, but I know you will not bother me too much."
Freya gave a brief nod, and the alpaca continued. "How can I assist you, Freya?"

The pink wolf already had the shell waiting for inspection. She held it out, well within range of Reese's vision. Reese tilted her head as she appraised the delicate item.
"Ooh, a pearl-oyster shell!"
A pearl-oyster? This name was something the female wolf had heard of before, though never had she glimpsed such a creature, or its remains.
"Are you looking to sell, Freya?"
Freya looked to the shell and back to Reese. "What is its value?"
"Well...I could take that item off your paws for 1,200 Bells."
The wolf's mind focused on the bag of bells back at home. She could heard its dainty mass jingle an uncomfortably quiet tune. But such a treasure was so rare to come by...She knew that there were much simpler ways to find an equivalent bell value. She shook her head.
"Not this time, Reese. This one is a keeper."
Reese bowed her head knowingly. "I see. It is quite pretty. Well I'll leave you with it then, I better close this door before someone else barges in-- not that you were barging or anything, you know. Just. Yeah."
Freya smiled and waved as she left the alpaca to dust more signs. "Yes, I understand. Be seeing you, Reese."

As the sun began to rise higher, the cherry wolf vanished from its heat and gaze. Her presence was now within her den, where her shell-filled paw was raised as she decided where it could suit her home best. With the shell rested gently on the mantelpiece which she had been given by a friend, she finally let the sun claim her form again. Her sights set on the Cafe, she gave a nod to herself and carried on her way, letting the gleaming pearl-oyster shell reflect whatever light dared venture inside the wolf's home.

Cherry and Lucky: A Short Long Story
A lesson about bullying

Cherry was walking to the town hall, minding her own business. She wanted to ask Isabelle to report Eugene. Ugh, he was so ugly. She wanted him out of town. So did Diva and Renee. The three had made sure Beauton had only the most prettiest villagers. Cherry entered the town hall. There was a dog a bit shorter than her sitting on one of the black cushion chairs. But this dog wasn't ordinary. He had bandages all over his body, except one yellow eye was sticking out. He looked away from Cherry as she looked at him.

Cherry walked over to the counter. "Hello Isabelle, what what."

Isabelle smiled. "Hello, Cherry! What can I do for you?"

"Eugene's been acting...strangely...lately. I've come to report him, what what."
Isabelle's smile turned into a frown. "You sure?" Cherry nodded. "Okay. I'll ask the mayor. This is the tenth time, Cherry." Isabelle said firmly. She jotted down something on a piece of paper. Cherry left the town hall and headed to Diva's house. 'What happened back there?' She thought. 'I felt...strange. I better tell Diva.'

"Hello, Cherry, ya know." Diva's house was fancy, except for her closet, which was filled with clothes. She sat down on her chaise lounge and flicked on the TV. "What's up?"

Cherry sighed and told her about the dog. "Oooooo! Someone's in looooveee! I'm calling Renee!" She laughed and picked up her lovely phone. Cherry tried to block her, but it was too late. She heard Renee's voice on the phone. She sat down and covered her eyes. She heard the phone click and looked up. Diva was smiling. That evil little smile she always had on whenever she was up to something. Cherry sighed again and walked out the door, bumping into, you guessed it, Renee.

"Hey, lovergirl, yo yo yo." She and Diva shared that same evil smile. Renee stood next to Diva. "Someone's in love, I heard."

"NO, I'M NOT!" Cherry let her anger take over. She smashed a flowerpot with a black rose in it. Diva and Renee gasped. Cherry was panting. "I...am...not...in...love. Stop saying...that." She walked out the door, Diva and Renee whispering to her.
That night, Cherry lay on her bed, looking out her window. She sighed and fell asleep.

The next morning she walked to Main Street. She saw something that made her stop in her tracks. There was a sign next to a roped off area that read, 'Lucky's House' Cherry felt her face go pink. She walked to Diva's house to apologize. She had to, right? Or else she would have to put up with that Lucky dog.

Diva wasn't home. The note on her door read, 'Out to get something' and at the bottom in tiny letters, 'I mean, to report Cherry.' Cherry felt tears in her eyes now. She ran to the town hall to find Renee and Diva standing near the counter, while Isabelle was jotting something down. "NO!" Cherry panted. She glared at Diva and Renee. "I. WILL. NOT. GET. REPORTED." Diva and Renee smiled that evil, little, rotten, smile at each other.

"Too late, little Miss Breaker." Renee said. Cherry tried to control her anger. She took a deep breath, as a dog with bandages all over his body walked into the town hall, carrying a piece of paper.

"These two have tricked me into trying to get rid of the...the...ugly villagers in this town. They want to become mayors! Take control of everything! Make sure only animals that meet their...requirements get to stay. They've been using me, and now that almost everyone in town is how they want them, they're reporting me so I'll move out! The town's perfect in their opinion! Why not report them!? So what if I'm in love with the new dog in town!? Who cares!? Certainly not these two, they don't care about me!" Cherry said with a raised voice. Isabelle stood there, shocked. Diva and Renee smiled.

"Oh, Cherry. We weren't us-" Renee began.

"YES, YOU WERE!" Cherry yelled. Her anger was taking control of her. Renee frowned.

"No, we weren't you could have been the third mayor. But, too late. We don't tolerate animals who are friends with..." Renee looked at Lucky. "these types of animals." Lucky's bandages hid his blushing. He started to speak in a high voice. "What do you mean, these types of animals? We're all the same, in a way. We all live here, in Animal Crossing. We all eat the same things, talk the same way. What's wrong with me? I'm different?"

Diva frowned. "Exactly. You're different than me and Renee. You're...ugly."

This didn't hurt Lucky. "So? So what? I could say the same thing to you. How about that?"

"It doesn't affect me at all." Diva said.

"It doesn't affect me, either. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Diva looked at the ground. Cherry spoke. "I would rather be a little somebody, than be an evil somebody."

She glared at Diva and Renee. Their cheeks turned red. "But...you two are...different than us. We don't like people that are different because...we're scared they won't be like us, and we can't be friends." Diva said quietly.

"We can still be friends." Lucky said. He held out a paw. Diva hesitated, and shook it. "I-I'm sorry Cherry. I-I didn't want to be a bully."

Cherry smiled. "It's okay."

Always stand up for yourself. Bullies only bully who can't stand up for themselves.

A train arrived a Mokuzai Station.
"Welcome to Mokuzai! I hope you enjoy your stay, and take this map!" The monkey behind the counter said, giving him the map. The new villager nodded in thanks and left with his suitcase rolling behind him. As he stepped into the autumn air, he sighed and took a look at his map before setting off for town hall.

When he went into the town hall, a yellow Shih tzu greeted him "Hello Mr. Wolf- Oh, sorry. I don't know your name!" She squealed, getting all worried.
"Wolfgang, ma'am." He answered, grumbling. She smiled "Well, Mr. Wolfgang, you already arranged a house, yes?" She asked. He nodded "Oh, Okay look on your map and you'll sure to find it!"
When Wolfgang arrived at his house, he went in straight away. It was empty. 'Time to start unpacking' He went back outside and began dragging the boxes inside, but someone came knocking. The wolf opened the door, to see a human! She smiled at him "Hi, Welcome to Mokuzai!" She said cheerfully "I'm Mayor Becky, Mayor of this town. Maybe we can get to know eachother better?" Wolfgang declined "Sorry, I have to finish unpacking, maybe tomorrow?" She sighed and nodded "Alright, see you tomorrow, uh-What was your name?" Becky asked before running off "Wolfgang!" He shouted after her.

~ One day later ~ Wolfgang went to look around the town, it had a cafe and paths, everything he could of dreamed of! He stopped by a house where a blue stag was working out, the stag noticed him "Hey, new guy! C'mon over here, I won't bite" He laughed, dropping his weights. Wolfgang stopped and turned "Oh Hullo." He said shortly. "Heya, I'm Bam, or you can call me Mr. Muscles!" Bam said, slapping him on the back.
Wolfgang continued walking, away from the deer "Hey, bro? You scared of me?" Bam smirked and went back to his weights. Truly, Wolfgang didn't like his behavior and went looking for more polite company. Someone was walking behind him, he turned and saw Becky! "Oh, hello Becky" He said, waving. "Hey, Wolfgang!" She chirped, running over to him "You taking a tour of my town?" She smiled "Have you checked out the beach? It's really sunny, i'm going down there now!" He grabbed Wolfgang by the paw and led him down to the beachfront. 'Truly beautiful' He remarked quietly, Becky blushed, thinking he was talking about her "Thanks.." She murmured... "C'mon let's get in" She was in a bikini and jumped in, Wolfgang had no swimshorts with him, so he stripped off all his clothes, just leaving his underwear.
Wolfgang walked back from the beach with a small smile on his face. The wolf unlocked his door and switched on his lights "SURPRISE!!" Voices yelled, he screamed equally in surprise. "Hey, bro, it's your welcoming party!" Said a familiar voice beside him, Bam. "Think of it as your early birthday party!" A white horse said, handing him a fruity drink. Wolfgang accepted it "Who arranged this party?" He asked quietly to Bam. "Miss Isabelle" Bam replied shortly and walked over to the white horse.

Wolfgang was introduced to all the villagers, and they gave him housewarming presents. 'These neighbors are not like any other neighbors I've had' He thought to himself. But he soon realized the mayor was missing and asked the white horse, Colton where she was "It was only animal party, she said" Colton smiled and went to woo a female villager. So, Wolfgang tried to enjoy the night, he began real conversations with villagers and laughed with them too.
Finally, it was time for everyone to leave. They all patted him on the back and said "Welcome to Mokuzai, Wolfgang" When everybody left, he began to tidy up the mess when he heard a knocked on the door. He looked up from is cleaning and saw Becky! "Hello, Mayor Becky" He smiled and she walked in. "You know, you don't have to call me 'Mayor' Becky, just Becky is fine" She giggled "Oh, I forgot to drop off my housewarming present, Wolfgang blushed "That's very sweet of you" He said quietly. She produced a small wrapped box and he opened it. Swimming Shorts.
"Thanks, I've been needing some of these." Wolfgang said politely. "For next time when we go to the beach another time" And she left.

Wolfgang was exhausted and climbed into bed, leaving his house in a state.
He fell asleep happy, knowing that Mokuzai was the best town ever.
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Hey all! Just a reminder that there's ten days left to get your submission in!
Warning: This is kind of long...

Cherry and Lucky: A Short Long Story
A lesson about bullying
By: Melody

Cherry was walking to the town hall, minding her own business. She wanted to ask Isabelle to report Eugene. Ugh, he was so ugly. She wanted him out of town. So did Diva and Renee. The three had made sure Beauton had only the most prettiest villagers. Cherry entered the town hall. There was a dog a bit shorter than her sitting on one of the black cushion chairs. But this dog wasn't ordinary. He had bandages all over his body, except one yellow eye was sticking out. He looked away from Cherry as she looked at him.

Cherry walked over to the counter. "Hello Isabelle, what what."

Isabelle smiled. "Hello, Cherry! What can I do for you?"

"Eugene's been acting...strangely...lately. I've come to report him, what what."
Isabelle's smile turned into a frown. "You sure?" Cherry nodded. "Okay. I'll ask the mayor. This is the tenth time, Cherry." Isabelle said firmly. She jotted down something on a piece of paper. Cherry left the town hall and headed to Diva's house. 'What happened back there?' She thought. 'I felt...strange. I better tell Diva.'

"Hello, Cherry, ya know." Diva's house was fancy, except for her closet, which was filled with clothes. She sat down on her chaise lounge and flicked on the TV. "What's up?"

Cherry sighed and told her about the dog. "Oooooo! Someone's in looooveee! I'm calling Renee!" She laughed and picked up her lovely phone. Cherry tried to block her, but it was too late. She heard Renee's voice on the phone. She sat down and covered her eyes. She heard the phone click and looked up. Diva was smiling. That evil little smile she always had on whenever she was up to something. Cherry sighed again and walked out the door, bumping into, you guessed it, Renee.

"Hey, lovergirl, yo yo yo." She and Diva shared that same evil smile. Renee stood next to Diva. "Someone's in love, I heard."

"NO, I'M NOT!" Cherry let her anger take over. She smashed a flowerpot with a black rose in it. Diva and Renee gasped. Cherry was panting. "I...am...not...in...love. Stop saying...that." She walked out the door, Diva and Renee whispering to her.
That night, Cherry lay on her bed, looking out her window. She sighed and fell asleep.

The next morning she walked to Main Street. She saw something that made her stop in her tracks. There was a sign next to a roped off area that read, 'Lucky's House' Cherry felt her face go pink. She walked to Diva's house to apologize. She had to, right? Or else she would have to put up with that Lucky dog.

Diva wasn't home. The note on her door read, 'Out to get something' and at the bottom in tiny letters, 'I mean, to report Cherry.' Cherry felt tears in her eyes now. She ran to the town hall to find Renee and Diva standing near the counter, while Isabelle was jotting something down. "NO!" Cherry panted. She glared at Diva and Renee. "I. WILL. NOT. GET. REPORTED." Diva and Renee smiled that evil, little, rotten, smile at each other.

"Too late, little Miss Breaker." Renee said. Cherry tried to control her anger. She took a deep breath, as a dog with bandages all over his body walked into the town hall, carrying a piece of paper.

"These two have tricked me into trying to get rid of the...the...ugly villagers in this town. They want to become mayors! Take control of everything! Make sure only animals that meet their...requirements get to stay. They've been using me, and now that almost everyone in town is how they want them, they're reporting me so I'll move out! The town's perfect in their opinion! Why not report them!? So what if I'm in love with the new dog in town!? Who cares!? Certainly not these two, they don't care about me!" Cherry said with a raised voice. Isabelle stood there, shocked. Diva and Renee smiled.

"Oh, Cherry. We weren't us-" Renee began.

"YES, YOU WERE!" Cherry yelled. Her anger was taking control of her. Renee frowned.

"No, we weren't you could have been the third mayor. But, too late. We don't tolerate animals who are friends with..." Renee looked at Lucky. "these types of animals." Lucky's bandages hid his blushing. He started to speak in a high voice. "What do you mean, these types of animals? We're all the same, in a way. We all live here, in Animal Crossing. We all eat the same things, talk the same way. What's wrong with me? I'm different?"

Diva frowned. "Exactly. You're different than me and Renee. You're...ugly."

This didn't hurt Lucky. "So? So what? I could say the same thing to you. How about that?"

"It doesn't affect me at all." Diva said.

"It doesn't affect me, either. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Diva looked at the ground. Cherry spoke. "I would rather be a little somebody, than be an evil somebody."

She glared at Diva and Renee. Their cheeks turned red. "But...you two are...different than us. We don't like people that are different because...we're scared they won't be like us, and we can't be friends." Diva said quietly.

"We can still be friends." Lucky said. He held out a paw. Diva hesitated, and shook it. "I-I'm sorry Cherry. I-I didn't want to be a bully."

Cherry smiled. "It's okay."

Always stand up for yourself. Bullies only bully who can't stand up for themselves.

I would like to join ^_^ If that's alright? I'll send one anyway.

Of course! I accept new entries and new participants until the 30th of September. Once midnight passes and it's October, though, everything is closed.
Could you add my story to the first post?

I actually added it to post #63, because I was reaching the limit on characters in the first post. If you check the first post, though, you'll find a link to the rest of the stories!
I actually added it to post #63, because I was reaching the limit on characters in the first post. If you check the first post, though, you'll find a link to the rest of the stories!

Oh, okay.
Oh, okay.

Yeah. I was annoyed when it came up with "You have reached the limit of characters. You are only allowed 25000. You have 25007. Please fix this." Anyway, that's why there's a new post with stories and a link to that post in the first one!