• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The AC Writing Contest [3 Days Left!]

Just now randomly found this! I would loooove to join! I've got an idea for my story C:

Welcome! Go ahead and write, write, write!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey all, I made a very short extension to the contest! It now ends on October 1st at 10am Mountain Standard Time. I'll actually be awake then, which is why I changed the deadline. Anyway, write write write!

I finished tying my brown hair into a bun. From upstairs I heard a knock at the door, "Sylvia? Are you ready to go?" A familiar voice called through the door. Over my white t-shirt I quickly buttoned up my tan coat and grabbed my glasses. I ran down the stairs and quickly opened the door. Before me was Curt, a gray bear that never seemed happy. He stepped through the door and closed it behind him, "Man I hate winter, it's just to cold!" He complained as he waited for me to put my Gracie Grace boots on and straightened his gray jacket under his orange scarf."It's only for a little while longer." I smiled as he messed up his clothes even more. I walked over to him and fixed his outfit. Curt chuckled, "Where would I be without you?" He ask has he looked down on me with gentle eyes."In the ground." I answered, we both laughed.
He held his arm out and I linked mine with his, he opened the door and together we stepped out in to the cold winter night.

Our feet crunched under the snow as we walked away from my house to the nearby town plaza. Some of the villagers had already arrived, with Isabelle still by the new year count down sign, which had ten minutes to go. Zell and Soleil were holding hands while sitting on the bricks beneath the large tree that I had planted last year becoming the mayor of Amestris. Charlise quickly hurried over to us,"Have you guys seen Grizzly?" She asked in a panicked tone. Curt shook his head,"Why? Is something wrong?" I replied, worried something bad had happened to him."Nah, he said he had something epically awesome to show us and I can't wait any longer!" Charlise complained.

Grizzly and O'hare came through the trees pushing a large item under a sheet, moving it to the side."Behold! Everyone gather around for I have made the next greatest thing since burn't toast!" Grizzly announced from the stand the large item was on. We circled around the stand. O'hare moved to stand besides me,"I wonder what's under the sheet, it took forever to push over here," O'hare said to me quietly, we both laughed under our breath. Curt looked over and stared hard at O'hare, who in which looked away. Back on the stage, Grizzly pulled off the sheet relieving a large black metal box. For a moment everything was silent, "Well what is it?" Charlise called. "It's called a Donk!" Grizzly replied cheerfully. Curt rolled his eyes, I heard quite laughs from Zell and Soleil. "And it does?" Samson asked, who I didn't notice until now. Grizzly laughed at the question, "The question is what doesn't it do! It's a stero, TV, microwave, storage. But it can't be exposed to..." Grizzly stopped cold. He quickly threw the sheet over the machine and hopped down from the stand. "O'hare over here! Help me get this home! Quickly!" Grizzly yelled starting to push it out of the plaza. O'hare sighed loudly and join Grizzly in the job. Isabelle looked back the countdown. She gasped, "Five seconds left!" Everyone turned their attention to the clock. "Four!" Samson yelled jumping up and down. "Three." Shouted Charlise, "Two!" Said Zell. "One!" I finished and the party poppers on top of the clock blasted. "Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted. The first firework went off, attention went to the sky.
Curt lit up besides me,"I be right back." He wandered off, I continued watching the fireworks. A minute later I felt something on top of my head, I look up to a party hat. Curt handed me a party popper, "Happy New Year Sylph!" And we pulled the string on our poppers.

Brewster put a cup of coffee in front of me, I quickly chugged down my drink before heading back to town hall. I began nodding off while doing paperwork, Isabelle looked over, "Mayor Sylvia, I can finished the accounts if you want to go home and sleep." She said worried while grabbing the papers on my desk. "I don't want to bother you with more work then you already have." I waved her off. She stared at me, "Ok! Ok, I'm going." I sighed and got up from my large chair. I walked to the exit, I looked back at Isabelle who started on my work,"Don't work yourself to to death while I'm gone!" I yelled over my shoulder as I opened the door. I walked back to my house passing and waving to villagers as I went, as soon as I was in I kicked off my shoes then made my way upstairs. After changing into my pink striped pajamas I climbed into bed and within a few seconds I was fast asleep.

I awoke to knocking on the front door. Not caring about how I look, I surprisingly made it down the wooden stairs and to the large sturdy door. I found found O'hare waiting for me outside, he looked shocked at my appearance. Not that I would blame him, I'd look the same way if I saw myself too. Playing it off, "Sylph, I was wondering..." He started. Something inside me flinched, only Curt called me that. "If you would want too... Go on a date?" He slowly finished staring at the ground nervously. I had no idea what to say next, "Uh-I..."I couldn't trust myself to finish. For a moment all we could hear was the waves lapping on the beach below. He stepped forward and pulled me in for a kiss, for that moment my mind was blank. Something wasn't right, but I was frozen and couldn't move. Pulling away, "Think about it?" He said quietly and walked away, something moved in the corner of my eye. I looked over to see Curt watching O'hare walk away and then at me, he walked away a blue rose bouquet now hanging down at his side and petals falling in the snow.

I closed the door softly behind me. What now? I climbed the stairs, then changed into some clean clothes. I ran down the stairs and out the door, I stood there for a moment planning what next. A few feet away stood Soleil's house, I walked over and knocked on the door. Soleil answered, "Hey Sylvia! Did you need something?" I looked down at my red laced boots, "Could I talk to you?" I asked very quietly.

It was quiet while we both sat on her bed, I had my head in my hands waiting for Soleil to say something, anything! She slid of the bed and started pacing around the room,"Well this is a something you've got yourself into." Said said slowly. I moaned, "No kidding." Soleil walked over to her long exotic wardrobe, after rumbaing through she pulled out a large bag of bells. I finally pulled my head out of me hands, "What's the money for?" I asked just loud enough for her to hear. Soleil stood there for a moment as if wondering if she should tell me, "I'm going to place some... Bets." Soleil said laughing, picturing something inside her head. I once again moaned and layed back on her bed,"How is betting going to solve my problem?"
She had a disturbing smile on her little hamster face," It's has everything to do with your situation, I'm just going to bet who of the two will kill each other first!" I threw my hands in the air, i got off the bed and walked to the door." Well thanks for the help!" I muttered sarcastically while opening the door. "No problem!" She squeaked happily waving me goodbye. I rolled my eyes as I walked out the door.

I sat sideways on my brown minimalist as I wrote my letter of Resignation, what else was I to do? The problem wasn't going to solve its self and Isabelle could run the town herself, she did before I came here. A knock came from downstairs, I yawned. I didn't plan to answer it. Whatever problem they had, Isabelle could help them and they might as well get used to it. I heard the door open and someone walking up the steps of the stairs. Soleil walked into the room and stood in front of the Tv. "I've got an idea!" She shouted proudly," You should leave town." I sighed and waved my letter in her face," Way ahead of you, I've got a ticket for the train and I'm leaving in a few hours once I turn this in at the office. Hopefully when Isabelle isn't looking, I don't want to turn this in to a big scene. I'll have some people come pick up my stuff from the house." I replied as I finish my letter. I folded it up and put it inside the envelope that was laying next to me."It'll be sad to see you go." She answered sadly, "But you might want to hurry, there is going to be a snowstorm tonight!" I sealed the envelope, and grabbed my coat."You make it sound like you really want me to leave." I countered. She waved it off,"I could never want that! You have to be my main bridesmaid when I marry Zell!" We both laughed has we headed down the stairs, I quickly slid on my boots. We walked to town hall in silence, I quietly opened the door and saw Isabelle sleeping in her chair. I put the letter into the box where she kept mail and crept back outside. "The wind is really starting to pick up." Soleil began, as we walked away from the building. "I hope the weather people got the report messed up and it's just going to be windy today." She finished when we were over the stone bridge. "Well, when your ready to leave make sure to stop by. I want to see you off." Soleil said somewhat loudly over the wind. "Will do." And I gave her a thumbs up, then entered my house.

At the Cafe Soleil had a hard time keeping quiet, she shifted around on the stool.
"You look like your about to burst." Brewster commented cleaning a coffee cup.
"Oh man, I'm about too! It's hard keeping secrets!" She squeaked, spinning around on her stool. Soleil looked around the Cafe, the only other person that was there with them was someone at the nearby table."Brewster I need to you to keep quiet about this, I was told not to spill the beans but I can't hold it in!" Soleil said a little to loudly. Brewster nodded, "Well, O'hare kissed Sylvia. Curt got upset and now she is leaving town!" Soleil said so quickly Brewster had a hard time understanding what she had said. Brewster shrugged as the door to the Cafe closed, Soleil turned to see the empty chair at the nearby table. "Oh no..." Now realizing who had been sitting there.

I finished putting some of my clothes into the suit case, the rest of the stuff can wait till later. I quickly checked the weather, it was snowing out and the wind was still howling. I grabbed my ticket and house keys, I heard the door downstairs open then close. And someone came up the steps, Curt came stomping into the room walking right up to me."I heard you're moving away." He grumbled, looking rather displeased. "But... You can't go." I was surprised, "Why not?" I asked. "Be-because you... Mean a lot to me." A smile appeared on my face,"Could you say that again for me?" I asked rocking on my heels. Curt sighed, "You mean a lot to me." He muttered. I giggled, "Little louder. I urged him. "You mean a lot to me!" He said very fast, which was good enough for me. I hugged him, and he rested his chin on my head."So you'll stay?" He asked worried, I looked up into his eyes."I guess I am." And for that moment when he leaned down and kissed me, everything was perfect.
Everyone, don't forget to get your entries in! I won't be posting any tomorrow, but feel free to send them to me anyway!
Yes, you PM them to all four judges (Blues, Touko, Kippla and myself), then Blues will add it to the thread.

Thanks for answering that for me, as I wasn't able to. (Obviously. Sometimes I rock at obvious statements.)

Hey everyone! The contest ends tomorrow at 10am! Don't forget to get your stuff in!
When you want time to go fast, it goes slow.
When you want time to go slow, it goes fast.
When I went to my school dance last Friday, I started to get bored after an hour. It wasn't going to end until 2 more hours, and every minute felt like an hour. -_-
When I went to my school dance last Friday, I started to get bored after an hour. It wasn't going to end until 2 more hours, and every minute felt like an hour. -_-

Ah ha ha, yeah. I know that. Dang it, hurry up time! I want Pokemon X and Y!
Me too! Tick tock tick tock...1 day later...IT'S BEEN A MILLION YEARS! Oh, wait. It's only been a day.
Me too! Tick tock tick tock...1 day later...IT'S BEEN A MILLION YEARS! Oh, wait. It's only been a day.

Pretty much this, yeah. Though I fluctuate between, "Man, it's SO FAR AWAY!" and, "Dang, it's really close!"
Man, I had a Latin teacher that said if you wanted to speak French, hold your nose and slur consonants together.

I wouldn't mind french so much if i had a better teacher...
He's Irish, but tries to speak with a french accent in the lesson, so he's incredibly hard to understand