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Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

guys they are just RLing.

and anyway i haven't played mafia in a while so i may be a bit... fresh? ._.
idk but good luck 'erryone :)
On that thought, River is also a fairly experienced mafia player. She may just be getting a bad wrap considering we have only seen her as a Mafiosa thus far.

She is indeed, and it's true that it's hard not to wrap your mind around their previous roles. I'm not sure if I missed something, but did River give any explanation to her vote for Justin as mayor? Or Hikari? I'm not trying to call anyone out, I'm just very indecisive when it comes too... well, just about everything, and hearing your opinions matter to me.
Justin obviously is an experienced player, however, what if he's Mafia?
I think we should go with a player who knows the game, but not as well as Jubs.
Justin obviously is an experienced player, however, what if he's Mafia?
I think we should go with a player who knows the game, but not as well as Jubs.

Yeah... I'm still thinking who to votes don't forget gallows and andy they are really good...
(vote wisely... Maybe one of them are Mafia).
Yeah... I'm still thinking who to votes don't forget gallows and andy they are really good...
(vote wisely... Maybe one of them are Mafia).
Justin obviously is an experienced player, however, what if he's Mafia?
I think we should go with a player who knows the game, but not as well as Jubs.

It kind of makes me nervous to think about Prof Gallows being mayor. He's quite experienced. He did so well in concealing himself as a member of the mafia and convinced so many people he was for the town. If there is a chance his role is a mafia role in this game, the town will be in some deep trouble. But I am pretty excited to hear what he has to say, if he's even interested in being the mayor.
I think someone's said this before, but considering the candidates are decent enough mafia players and with the mayoral stuff we got going on here, there's a slim chance we'll be able to tell whether the mayor candidates are scum or not.

That said, maybe the candidates have something to say that might make us feel a little better about our choices? Worth a shot at least.
After reading the Day 1 post, I am honestly thinking that Jubs or Gandalf should get elected. I mean look at them! They managed to convince everyone to lynch the bad people!
After reading the Day 1 post, I am honestly thinking that Jubs or Gandalf should get elected. I mean look at them! They managed to convince everyone to lynch the bad people!

But what if they're mafia? Now we've got a veteran mafia who is immune at night.
List of people who are good or expert at this game: Jubs (dunno this person), Gandalf, AndyB, Gallows and Justin.
So who else? (Listing them because what if we vote a mafia player still thinking who to vote before day 1 ends)
I have a few small things to say.
First, I would like to say that I would be up to taking on the role of sheriff or mayor. I feel like I wouldn't want to be mayor, because if I performed poorly, I would feel bad for blowing it for my town, but I could take on the role of sheriff. I know my way around this game well enough from IRC Mafia to read carefully, both this thread and the voting thread, to see what lines up and what doesn't.

Second, I know some of you are still concerned about the whole "bandwagon" thing, but in reality, it is bound to happen. It happens in real life in many different voting scenarios. I know this is supposed to be a deep thinking game, but some people only have limited capacity when it comes to inferring, analyzing, and rationalizing.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I also wanted to say that I will be on a lot today, probably, because it's a Snow Day! No school!
After reading the Day 1 post, I am honestly thinking that Jubs or Gandalf should get elected. I mean look at them! They managed to convince everyone to lynch the bad people!

Justin also managed to get everyone to lynch a doctor on day 1.

I hate to bring last game into it, but I would like to think Gallows would be a good vote for mayor purely because I'd like to hope that, as he was mafia lasr game, he has the least chance to be it this round.
Of course, it's not guaranteed.
Okay, I've decided that I actually would like to be mayor/sheriff. I know that I am aligned to the town and have the possibility of becoming a bodyguard, and the lack of posts from other candidates scares me into believing they are mafia or are just to busy to be playing this game very often. I don't want a nonactive mayor running town. That being said, I think if someone is equally qualified and has a blue role(Paramedic or Detective) they need the mayorship more in order to guarantee their protection.

*The detective is probs just going to rolecheck whoever we elect anyway*
Okay, I've decided that I actually would like to be mayor/sheriff. I know that I am aligned to the town and have the possibility of becoming a bodyguard, and the lack of posts from other candidates scares me into believing they are mafia or are just to busy to be playing this game very often. I don't want a nonactive mayor running town. That being said, I think if someone is equally qualified and has a blue role(Paramedic or Detective) they need the mayorship more in order to guarantee their protection.

*The detective is probs just going to rolecheck whoever we elect anyway*
There is 36 hours all together for this vote, calm down. You need to take into consideration time zones, work, school all that lark. People are away for example (gallows). It's very early so behave trying to sway votes to you, you're eager.
Okay, I've decided that I actually would like to be mayor/sheriff. I know that I am aligned to the town and have the possibility of becoming a bodyguard, and the lack of posts from other candidates scares me into believing they are mafia or are just to busy to be playing this game very often. I don't want a nonactive mayor running town. That being said, I think if someone is equally qualified and has a blue role(Paramedic or Detective) they need the mayorship more in order to guarantee their protection.

*The detective is probs just going to rolecheck whoever we elect anyway*
I'd really like to vote for you but I feel like we haven't decided enough on the runner-up. Everyone could strategically use votes so certain people can be mayor and sheriff.
Plus it's a little early to make a vote right now so I'm going to wait and see what others have to say.
I personally would like to step up as Mayor or Sheriff, too. Who doesn't?

As a member of Town, if I do get elected I ENCOURAGE any detectives to inspect me right away. I am not afraid from inspection because I am a member of Town, so I know I will not be of harm to the Town players.

I want to be Mayor or Sheriff because spending most of my time in Observation has given me the ability to look beyond words in a post. Sometimes watching is better than actually playing, for learning purposes. I'm ready to call on my ##DoubleLynch powers when needed, if we are desperate and need it. I will be there, because I am very active in the game of Mafia. Knowing that my votes weigh more, I am open to listening to people and I will not start a bandwagon (unless people blindly follow me, which I can not prevent) without backing myself up with enough reason. If I see a bandwagon happening though, I will encourage voters to talk. I am ready to go back & look at posts and voting habits before making any decision. I am willing to put in the time that is needed to analyze previous posts, to attempt to get our lynches right. I want to actively participate in conversations with you all. I want to encourage you all to get active in wanting to find and take down Mafia players with me.

I will be just as useful as Sheriff, as I would be as Mayor.
I appreciate those that are leaning towards me as Mayor, or whatever.. but before you vote for whoever, really think about the choices here. Yeah, it's been said before, we can't afford having mafia in that role.
Even say, Gallows was mafia last time, does not mean he's innocent this time. That's not me accusing him, far from. I'm just trying to say that the roles aren't going to be completely switched up.
I think someone's said this before, but considering the candidates are decent enough mafia players and with the mayoral stuff we got going on here, there's a slim chance we'll be able to tell whether the mayor candidates are scum or not.

That said, maybe the candidates have something to say that might make us feel a little better about our choices? Worth a shot at least.

I second this. The players who want to be voted for (and especially the ones that are being voted for) should post on why they should become mayor/sheriff.
I second this. The players who want to be voted for (and especially the ones that are being voted for) should post on why they should become mayor/sheriff.

In this case, I want to be sheriff (or mayor if you want) to incarcerate the right people at the right time, lynch pardon people that I know are town and important roles, and be more involved in the game. Like Kayla said, you can go ahead and rolecheck me right away. I won't try to stop myself being lynched if they found me to be mafia.
If no other players speak up, I'd like to run for sheriff. I would listen to what detectives have to say and incarcerate anyone fishy. I would hear everyone's opinions and make a solution that helps everybody. I think I should become sheriff because I really want to try out this role and help people take down the mafia. Of course, there are better players out there, but either they're being modest or not posting a lot.

What's making this hard is the modest people and lack of posts. I believe about 8 people do need to post before a definite decision. I still don't understand the quick, random votes. I believe that me as a sheriff will stop bandwagons, working alongside our mayor.
By the way, we have to keep in mind that the Mafia team has a Framer role.

They're probably reading this thread & picking out the people who are begging to be inspected / role checked (like me, I was one of the people who asked to be inspected). I think it's important for detectives to take that into account when doing their inspections. Please continuously inspect people to get a certain read on them. If the mafia framer does so happen to frame me on night 1, I encourage the detectives to inspect me again, as Town players can not be framed twice in a row.