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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia III: A Terrible Fate [Game Over/Town Win]

I'm hoping that mafia will improve your reading skills so that we don't have to waste time telling you things that have happened. I did vote. I voted on the first page and posted my reasoning for voting for Ashtot on page 18.

You are incredibly aggressive and I can't tell if you're just new and trying to be as useful as you can or if you're just annoying. You go from no lynch to lunatic, even after BlueLeaf told you that no sane mafia member would actually push for a day 1 lynch. Now you're going after me because? Because I'm not spamming the thread with useless posts repeating everyone else before me like you? Really it just seems like you're pushing for anyone to die asap.

I'm assuming since you couldn't read the fact that I voted previously, you've never read any other mafia thread. Lynching a lurker right out of the gate isn't a great idea considering we have nothing to go on. As said before, yes we could hit red, but the chances of us hitting green or blue are ridiculously high. That's why Ashtot died. He would have become Dolby 2.0 late game and had us running in circles wondering if he roleclaim was actually true. Now if you're going to push names out, do us a favor and provide solid reasoning or you're just wasting space and time.

First of all, I am not going directly after you. I am not trying to be stupid either. I am sorry that I forgot to say your name it was an honest mistake. The no lynch on day 1 was a mistake that i regret doing and brought some unwanted attention to me.

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Justin, you should post, you will get modkilled if you do not. Just a warning.
Justin, you should post, you will get modkilled if you do not. Just a warning.

Don't remind him. Let the disinterested/lazy/busy be modkilled. We have no room for them in this game.

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Vig(s) either save your shot or use it if you feel you'll probably die during the night (preferably on the unlikely to contribute or those you feel is mafia)

I disagree against this. Vigs do not save your shots. We've only got 4 nights to take out all the mafia. We need all the kills we can get. If you don't know who to use your shot on then take a stab at a lurker who isn't going to contribute that much other than pick some to kill with good judgement. But do not save your shot.
Hi, I'm checking in now, but wow I think this game is going a bit too fast paced for me. It barely took even 14 hours for you guys to lynch someone. That's a bit ridiculous, fast enough that a lot of people may not even get to defend themselves in that time. If you were lynching me, I'd be dead before I even saw it.

As far as I can tell, Ashtot was just pulling a Dolby, which I guess is a pretty good reason. It is a Day 1 lynch, but our days are also extremely precious in this game!
Hi, I'm checking in now, but wow I think this game is going a bit too fast paced for me. It barely took even 14 hours for you guys to lynch someone. That's a bit ridiculous, fast enough that a lot of people may not even get to defend themselves in that time. If you were lynching me, I'd be dead before I even saw it.

As far as I can tell, Ashtot was just pulling a Dolby, which I guess is a pretty good reason. It is a Day 1 lynch, but our days are also extremely precious in this game!

Well I mean thats kind of the point of Mini Mafia. Maybe we can ask Oath to make the day/night cycles longer, but generally Mini Mafia is a bit faster/shorter than regular Mafia. Especially this game considering we only have 5 days to win.
Well I mean thats kind of the point of Mini Mafia. Maybe we can ask Oath to make the day/night cycles longer, but generally Mini Mafia is a bit faster/shorter than regular Mafia. Especially this game considering we only have 5 days to win.

Nah, he doesn't need to make them longer. Day was set at 28 hours which is perfectly reasonable, Majority Lynch just came really fast.

That may be true though, I don't think I played in a Mini Mafia until this game.
Hi, I'm checking in now, but wow I think this game is going a bit too fast paced for me. It barely took even 14 hours for you guys to lynch someone. That's a bit ridiculous, fast enough that a lot of people may not even get to defend themselves in that time.

There will be plenty of time to defend yourself in future days. If it was someone else who had reached majority, I would have allowed day to last longer, however, it appeared that Ashtot didn't particularly seem interested in defending himself.
Everybody is different. Personally, I was pissed when I was a Doctor in MM2. Then, I was so excited to be a Townie in Mafia IV.

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Plus, Waffles is saying that Lunatic was lying when she said she was disinterested in her role.

Notice that
Lesson learn check before posting.
RIP, Ashtot. <3

It has been shown in previous games that too detailed plans, although helpful for blues, can also be interpreted as a challenge for the mafia. e.g. Mafia IV, where they successfully managed to reduce the chances of DTs/medics confirming town players the first night.

Tom and Fanous have offered contrasting advice for vigilantes: whether to use or save the shot. I personally think that it depends on the player who has the role how they should act. Strong players should be less hesitant about using the shot to ensure they get a chance to actually use it. Other players should consider saving it unless they're determined that (a) they'll die tonight or (b) their shot will have a positive impact on town.
Thought I'd point this out to Oath: your gif countdown isn't working.

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EBWOP nope it's working for me sorry bout that.
[23:33] <oath2order> and day 2 can begin yay

[23:33] <oath2order> and day 2 can begin yay


This is a spam post. You deserve to be modkilled.

On topic, Champ has been avoiding questions I have been asking him in the IRC. He says he deletes him game PMs, which I think no player would ever do. This worries me.
This is a spam post. You deserve to be modkilled.

On topic, Champ has been avoiding questions I have been asking him in the IRC. He says he deletes him game PMs, which I think no player would ever do. This worries me.

You first mate.

That's pretty funky as PMs can be very valuable points of information, especially if you're using it to make sure folks keep their stories straight (ie I claim Townie to Kayla but then tell Tina I'm Vig, one of them can call me out on it if they're both talking with each other)/
Dawn of the Second Day


Ashtot's body was removed from the pillar, and transferred to the mayor's office, which was temporarily being used as an autopsy room. After the family and friends paid their respects, the lanterns were blown out, and the office was left alone.

Later that night, one town member snuck into the office. East Clock Town, despite being on a state of high alert, still was guarded by Clock Town Guardsmen, who were never known for taking their job too seriously. Lunatic walked up to the mayor's desk, where Ashtot's body lay.

"Why did we lose another townie?" She cried out. "What're we going to do?" She sat in one of the chairs that previously sat the mayor's advisers, and held her head in her hands. After a minute of crying, she opened her eyes. A paper on the floor caught her attention.

"Cultic activity detected at the tower?" Lunatic asked out loud. "What's going on here?" She quickly read through the paper, finally noticing something to catch her eye. The list of confirmed cult members.

The girl was scared. A criminal conspiracy, hidden from the members of Clock Town. Breaking news, for sure, but there was one person who she knew she could talk to.

Three hours later, Lunatic stood outside the door of the reclusive ITookYourWaffles, the town's editor in chief of the newspaper. Hiding from the public and sending the final draft of the paper to be printed in town via Takkuri bird.

"Waffles, open up!" Lunatic shouted, banging on the door. "It's three in the morning, I know! Open the door!"

ITookYourWaffles groaned and got of bed. After some stretching that looked like it would break a normal person's back, the door to the cabin was opened. Lunatic burst in.

"Found out cult! Searched mayor's offi-" she was cut off by a masked hand covering her mouth and dragging her backwards.

"You're a tricky one to track, almost lost you a few times there," hissed the voice carrying Lunatic. "But we got you, we did. And you'll make a perfect sacrifice to Majora!"

Lunatic passed out. She woke up a few hours later, her feet tied to rocks. She noticed she was standing at the edge of the back entrance to Woodfall Temple. Panicking, she attempted to run away, but tripped and fell over the edge. Laughter filled the air around the temple as the water where she fell in turned green.

Meanwhile, back at the edge of the swamp, ITookYourWaffles was in a panic. Not only had the cabin been discovered, it was by the doomsday cult that had allegedly cursed the moon to crash into the land. Waffles ran out of the cabin, and went straight towards the Swamp Tourist Center, in hopes that someone would be there.

And indeed there was. FanousOnTheLoose ran out of the Swamp Tourist Center, and jumped into the waters of the swamp. He clambered out of the water and ran towards ITookYourWaffles.

"You've gotta help me! These people wearing masks, they took Lunatic into the swamp. I don't know what's going on over there, but she's in trouble!"

Waffles said nothing, and gestured towards the boat. The couple hopped in, and started to row in the direction of the Deku Palace. Meanwhile, a duo came rowing back towards the exit of the swamp.

"Should we go after them?" The taller one asked.

The shorter one laughed. "Nah. I have an idea. You have the horn, right?"

The tall masked one turned to the partner. "What the hell did you need a horn for?"

"This." The partner said, grabbing it out of their rucksack. He blew into it, causing a loud, bellowing tune to echo throughout the entire swamp. "Remember the Big Octos?"

The two grinned at each other, though they couldn't see it, and high fived each other, running away from the Swamp Tourist Center.

Later in the morning, when Koume arrived later that morning, she would come upon the tourist center, partially collapsed on the body of a Big Octo, the sunken tour boat, and the bodies of ITookYourWaffles and FanousOnTheLoose turned green from Big Octo venom.

The day started normally in Clock Town as the sky became cloudy, but not enough to cover the moon moving a little closer.

Lunatic the Clock Townie is sleepin' with the fishes.

FanousOnTheLoose the Clock Townie flipped green.

ITookYourWaffles the Clock Townie made the headlines.

You have 24 hours (until 5AM GMT / 12AM EST Saturday) to lynch a cultist. Votes will be made in the The Voting Thread.
Well, my first thought is the Mafia were trying to keep the strong players in the game so they turn on each other and lynch each other themselves as to keep any strong players they have hidden. Obviously, there were probably other motives, but that was just my first thought in seeing the deaths. Luckily, all Townies, you'll be missed guys! <3
How ironic is it that I'm saying I'm relieved to die? lol

I have a lot of stuff coming up to where I'll be really busy, and having both mafias going on at once was just too much. Whoever shot me: Ty <3 (I bet SP did it)

Good luck to town~
RIP Townies.

Looking through the list for possible subjects we have:
Superpenguin - Lunatic/Waffles/Fanous
Champ2947 - Lunatic/Waffles (Stretch)
Farobi - Waffles
Tina? - Fanous

The thing is I'm more intrigued that none of the strong players died. :/ Either someone was protected or the mafia has decided to roll with a different approach here. If we were to refer back to this list of players I arranged, we lost two good performers and then the still green Fanous. Someone really wants us to lynch Superpenguin unless he's gutsy enough to think we'd overlook it.

I'm so confused guys, starting with Lunatic random votes then SP behavioral changes (I find this weird to be honest unless he is drunk huehue) then role claiming townie etc. etc.

Day 1 - messy day, messy plans

Anyone who has infos about the ff feel free to post.
- Stargazer741
- Makkine
- Minties
- Champ

Quote from Waffles with his/her suspicions on others, perhaps she nailed someone in that list. That said if a detective inspected SP it'd be great if we could figure out his true role right away instead of having a constant suspicion on him.
One way to gain information from the deaths is, yes, to see who these players suspected and what they have done to be so deserving of death at mafia hands, but with there being so many previous games, we have new ways to deal with getting information out of these deaths.

A majority of players this game have all been mafia in a past game and thus have shed their influence on who they thought they should kill. We can look at previous scum chats to see who each player targeted when they were mafia and see how this matches up with the deaths we just witnessed.

A name that first struck out to me was BlueLeaf.

I think we all agree that, with a possible exception of Lunatic, none of these dead players were too active in mafia games. In addition, as Tom pointed out, each of these players had voiced suspicions on several players. Well, take a look at quotes from Scum Chat with BlueLeaf as mafia(Mini Mafia I):

BlueLeaf said:
I'm thinking we should kill SuperPenguin and/or someone else that brings someone new to the table. We should kill them, so the person they have been suspecting gets suspected.

Plus, I am sure the mafia was aiming to strike blue with at least one of these kills, and BlueLeaf definitely has a unique Blue-Hunting strategy:

BlueLeaf said:
Out of all the people alive, Beary is the only one who doesn't seem like one to PM. Take her comment during the aftermath of Game 3. She said that all she PMed was BBG, which was only a reminder to vote. And, taking into account the trouble of finding the DT/Medic, Beary seems like the one and only.

The same logic of least likely to PM other players seemed to be used last night considering none of the dead players really take it upon themselves to PM each other. Other than maybe Waffles. Waffles almost always PMs Farobi, and it usually involves roleclaims, so I am wondering...Farobi, have you talked with Waffles at all this game?

Anyway back on BlueLeaf. When BlueLeaf was mafia, he had said that it is not stupid for mafia to kill inactives:
It's pretty stupid to lynch someone on inactivity. However, it's not stupid to kill an inactive

Later in the game, we should kill off SP.

Not only that, but he recommended shooting stronger players(mentioned me) later in the game. Obviously no strong player died last night.

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We might as well wait for more people to discuss, then we could determine who's slipping by and pretending to be pro-town. If said lurker does do average scum stuff (repeating what others said, etc), then they should be a potential lynch candidate.

Are you for serious? No reasoning?

Honestly, if we're going after an inactive, I'd like to see more people post. That way, we can bring up new lynch candidates instead of just one. Picking Lunatic feels like picking a random name out of a bag, that's probably just me, though.

Not the whole entire game. Going after lurkers should really only be used in a dire situation, such as a Day with no evidence. Hopefully, we won't have to keep lynching lurkers.

Also, I noticed your post quality is slipping. This happened when you were mafia and it seems like it is happening again. Trying to get discussion going without bringing anything new up yourself, restating basic and common knowledge as well as reinforcing things you have already said. None of this is like the grand plan, pro-town posts you make when you were town-aligned.

Also, just a minor thing that may have been misinterpreted, but every piece of evidence counts, so I'll say it anyway. I didn't notice you viewing the General Discussion or Basement section at all, and I've been refreshing this area the whole time after I made my post on you. Then, I click on the thread, and you were viewing it. My first thought was someone linked you to my post against you, a possible scummate perhaps. Though, obviously you could've bookmarked the thread or subscribed or something. Again, something that may have been misinterpreted.

One way to gain information from the deaths is, yes, to see who these players suspected and what they have done to be so deserving of death at mafia hands, but with there being so many previous games, we have new ways to deal with getting information out of these deaths.

A majority of players this game have all been mafia in a past game and thus have shed their influence on who they thought they should kill. We can look at previous scum chats to see who each player targeted when they were mafia and see how this matches up with the deaths we just witnessed.

A name that first struck out to me was BlueLeaf.

I think we all agree that, with a possible exception of Lunatic, none of these dead players were too active in mafia games. In addition, as Tom pointed out, each of these players had voiced suspicions on several players. Well, take a look at quotes from Scum Chat with BlueLeaf as mafia(Mini Mafia I):

As for the first quote, I can't really see how it's related? Unless I missed something, the three dead people haven't really made a lynch post against someone.

Plus, I am sure the mafia was aiming to strike blue with at least one of these kills, and BlueLeaf definitely has a unique Blue-Hunting strategy:

Unless I'm imagining things, I never actually really used that strategy in MM1. If I did, all I can really say is that either someone is trying to frame me, or it's coincidence.

The same logic of least likely to PM other players seemed to be used last night considering none of the dead players really take it upon themselves to PM each other. Other than maybe Waffles. Waffles almost always PMs Farobi, and it usually involves roleclaims, so I am wondering...Farobi, have you talked with Waffles at all this game?

Anyway back on BlueLeaf. When BlueLeaf was mafia, he had said that it is not stupid for mafia to kill inactives:

Not only that, but he recommended shooting stronger players(mentioned me) later in the game. Obviously no strong player died last night.

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Also, I noticed your post quality is slipping. This happened when you were mafia and it seems like it is happening again. Trying to get discussion going without bringing anything new up yourself, restating basic and common knowledge as well as reinforcing things you have already said. None of this is like the grand plan, pro-town posts you make when you were town-aligned.

Sorry, I'm just really busy with life. I don't have much new things to say. It's really just Day 1, you can't really expect something spectacular.

Also, just a minor thing that may have been misinterpreted, but every piece of evidence counts, so I'll say it anyway. I didn't notice you viewing the General Discussion or Basement section at all, and I've been refreshing this area the whole time after I made my post on you. Then, I click on the thread, and you were viewing it. My first thought was someone linked you to my post against you, a possible scummate perhaps. Though, obviously you could've bookmarked the thread or subscribed or something. Again, something that may have been misinterpreted.
Yes, I am subscribed to this thread.
I just asked Waffles her role... that's it really. Probably shared bits of suspicions and what not.

she also told me the problem regarding oath's role thingy teehee

well at least the deaths confirms that some strong players are mafia :rolleyes: