She was nearly there when her foot slipped as she was reaching for another branch and by some chance of luck caught the one beneath her - but ignorant of the laws of physics there the double stripes soon vanished and she plummeted down and sunk into the sea-foam swamp bellow.
The swamp had the consistency of a mint milkshake and had she not been far from any source of water or means of cleaning herself, would have willingly jumped in. But given the circumstances and stickiness of her clothes, she surfaced with sounds of disgust.
"Sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky," she mumbled as she swam to the nearest floating gumdrop, knowing her diving badges had finally paid off.
Pulling herself onto the spongy candy, she laid on her back in defeat and rested for a moment before her reversed- vision caught a flutter of movement. Quickly sitting up, she expected to see someone on the other end of the mint swamp, but nothing seemed out of place.
"Hello? Who's there?" she called out, hoping candy-butterflies were a thing. Squinting, she almost didn't notice what looked like a floating strawberry and when the Shocked emotion kicked in again, a pink rhino peeked from behind the tree in the same way the villagers of Lagoon did when they played hide n seek.
"Oh my, I didn't mean to startle you. I mistook you for someone else," she said in a babydoll voice, her hands clasping together in the all-too-familiar worry emotion.
"Y-you're from animal crossing?" Pearl asked bluntly, confusion clouding her manners.
"Oh yes, I'm Merengue from Swirlz. It's nice to meet you!" she chirped, as flowers circled her in Joy.
"I haven't seen a Mayor here before... Are you new?" Merengue asked when she didn't respond.
"Yeah, I- uh, am here with a friend?" she explained, uncertainty hinting that she was lost.
"Oh wait are you with Zucker?" she asked as an exclamation point appeared over her head. When the Mayor nodded slowly, still processing the entire situation, little hearts appeared around the rhino's face as she explained how nice their mutual friend was when they first met.
"You haven't seen him, have you?" Pearl asked and explained that she's trying to find their rendezvous point.
"Oh the race track? That's easy, shortcake!" the rhino beamed, jumping onto one of the floating gumdrops and following the trail down the swamp. "This way!"
The gumdrops were easy transportation and were positioned to almost guarantee successful landing on each. When she jumped off the last one, she tilted on the edge of the swamp before the rhino quickly came to her aid.
"Thank you, although I'm not sure I can get much messier," Pearl mumbled, acknowledging the goo that was pact nearly everywhere.
"Oh don't worry, it'll dry up really fast when you get under the sun," the rhino reassured her and it seemed unlikely until she was lead from the outskirt of the peppermint forest to a candy-waffer path, where the candy melted off with ease under the sun.
"It's going to start soon so we'll need to be fast!" she said and took Pearl's hand, swiftly guiding the two down the path and onto a bridge that overlooked a sea of colossal lollipops. Pearl felt guilty for not stopping and admiring every new scene for all it was worth but the excitement of what she had yet to see kept her going.
"It's just over there!" Merengue called over her shoulder, brushing past a cluster of cinnamon sticks and revealing a string of candy-box stands beneath the hill they were on.
Just beyond the structures was the checkered start-line and a handful of the Sugar Rush Racers preparing for the day.
"W-Wait, let's just watch it from here," Pearl called ahead as she slowed down, accidentally jerking Merengue by her shoulder. "I don't think Zucker is here quite yet and this is a really great view," she explained, to which the two took a seat.
Each racer began to introduce themselves and resumed position in their specialized cars, and Pearl couldn't help but think how nicely Merengue would fit in with them.
"Sugar Rush Racers, start your engines," the speaker called out and the cars winked like gems as they bounced alive.
During the countdown Pearl caught sight of Zucker down by the stands and made a note to check in with him once the racers were off.
As the cars tore off the many residents of the game cheered them on and after elbowing Merengue and silently filling her in, we slowly headed down the hill. When they entered the stands, their friend was cheering on his favorite, jumping as high as his tentacles would take him.
"So much for being a lazy villager," Pearl teased him and was returned with the bashful emotion.
"Oh, I ran into your friend. She helped me find my way," the Mayor explained, introducing the shy rhino. The two hugged, something Pearl had never seen villagers do before, and then they shuffled into the seats beside him. After a few moments she excused herself to go to the concession stand and the Lagoon villagers were left alone.
"I hope you didn't have too much trouble getting here."
"It wasn't too bad, I got to see all the scenery."
"Did you miss the beginning?"
"No, we watched it from that hill."
"Aaaah. I get so excited for the racers, gumdrop!"
"Yeah it's crazy how fast they were going."
A casual conversation seemed forced and awkward amongst all of the excitement, so Pearl skipped ahead to the important parts.
"So you didn't tell me other animal crossing villagers were here?"
"Oh, you mean Merengue? She's the only other villager I've seen here, except for someone from Lagoon once or twice. Really sweet girl, with a really tragic backstory. I'm glad I was here here to help, though," he said vaguely and only wetting Pearl's curiosity.
"Her back story? Wait what happened to her, is she glitched or something?" Pearl asked, checking over her shoulder to make sure their topic of interest hadn't returned.
"No, she just had one of those players that your friend - Smalls I think? - had. They stopped showing up after a few weeks of playing, just to get everyone attached, and then all the villagers got bored and ended up somewhere like here. Well Merengue was the only one out of her town when her Player reset and even though the Mayors retain their memories, all of the other villagers were sent to the void and wiped clean. She tried for a while to find her Mayor but she lost motivation back in the fall. She was heartbroken when I found her, but I guess anyone who just lost all of their friends would be," he explained with an uncomfortableness that was probably due to how impersonal it felt to share someone else's story.
I mistook you for someone else."
The word reset was enough to make anyone's gut wrench but to be, in essence, the only survivor disturbed the Mayor's heart. She seemed so sweet, so eager and willing to help - why would something like that happen to her?
"I think they're close!" Merengue said when she returned, explaining that she could hear them go through the bonus level when she was buying snacks.
The three watched the races go on several times, it must have been a popular game at the local arcade, the majority of which were won by the President of the game. Although the sun never set, the passing of time still wore them out and soon Zucker mentioned that he normally returned around that time.
"Oh, you're right it is getting late," Merengue said, stand up and shyly mentioning that she aught to get going as well.
"It was nice meeting you!" she smiled before turning around and Pearl wondered where she stayed every night.
"We can't just leave her here," she finally whispered to the octopus, who sat in thought for a moment.
"This is her home now, she's been here for months. I'm sure she's settled in," Zucker argued, trying to soothe her conscious.
"Does she know anyone else here?" she asked with no reply.
Pearl really did intend on reaching out to her, but when she traced her steps the rhino had all but vanished from sight.
"Merengue? Merengue!" she called out, only to be hushed by the crowd as the racers neared in for the last time.
"I guess you're right," she sighed, with the secret agenda to come back the next day.
The walk back was exhausting and although Zuckr assured her that he knew his way, he began to add in that 'it had been a while' as his worry grew. After squeezing through all types of over-sized truffles and fudge slip-n-slides they caught sight of President Vanellope's Castle and through Pearl's persistence, which was really just curiosity, stopped to ask for directions.
The focused on their exhaustion and moving their own legs, neither noticed the familiar face waiting at the gate ahead, until the voices interrupted the trance.
"Lemme guess, you need somewhere to stay for just one more night?" one of the cop-like pastries who was guarding the door teased.
"Tomorrow's the day, right?" the other danish mocked, and the pair laughed in unison as they opened the gates.
The rhino blushed, ducking her head as she walked in and Pearl felt the same pluck at her heart, of how wrong the girl had been treated. Her voice was choked in her throat for a moment, as not to say anything that might embarrass the friend anymore. As they drew nearer, the doors firmly closed, Pearl felt the anger bubble over until her face reddened, with two puffs of smoke on either side.
"How could you treat her like that? She doesn't have anywhere else to go and you're going to make it harder for her than it already is? Don't you think it's bad enough staying in a game where you don't know anyone or have anywhere to stay, without people like you reminding her that she doesn't belong?" she yelled at the two while Zucker stood bashfully aside.
"Sorry to offend 'ya, Miss Mayor, but your friend's come back here every night for the past 6 months claiming that it will be her last. That she's got all these big plans, going to find a new town of her own, it's a joke. The girl's got to be delusional if she can't see it by now," the danish said hoarsely, as if naivety excused his bullying.
"No, YOU'RE a joke, you call yourself a guard but you still attack harmless visitors," she countered and would have gone on, had the cop not straightened out, walking up to her with his towering height and promptly kicked the pair out.
"You tried, I'll let her know that you stood up for her," Zucker said, not sensing the passion that had boiled through her.
"I'm not leaving without her," Pearl said angrily as soon as they weren't in open sight. "I'm going back for her. I don't know how, but you should go back and let everyone know I'll be a little late. I don't want to get you involved in this," she said and after denying his polite offers to stay and help, the octopus went off and she was left to form some sort of game plan.
Her doubt grew with the passing time but as if coming to her aid, the sugar rush racers soon pulled up in their cars and when the last one passed, Pear silently clung onto the bumper. The guards had taken a statue-like position, each holding their bats at their side and looking forward with determination, allowing her to sneak by with ease. When the doors shut behind her, she quickly jumped off and dashed to the nearest staircase, which led to a series of halls.
Taking blind turns left and right, she eventually lead herself to a large pair of semi-circular with overhead scripture of "The Glitch," that could only belong to the President.
Merengue stood quietly beneath, her hooves pressed shyly together as she patiently waited. Pearl was halfway to calling her name, before the voices of the other racers approaching startled her into ducking into a niche in the wall. Did they all stay in that room together? Why was Merengue there? Did she work for them? Were they her friends?
"Is she seriously waiting for Vanellope again?"
"I'd be embarrassed to come back."
The first and last voice was the same and Pearl got a glimpse of short blonde hair, followed by stubby pigtails, as the racers divided themselves amongst the open doors. The other racer's didn't acknowledge the Rhino as they passed, or looked shyly at her but weren't brave enough to speak up.
By the time the hallway had cleared, Merengue had dark purple clouds swirling around her that were stunted with shock as Pearl revealed herself.
"I thought you'd gone home...!" she gasped, looking down at her feet and blushing.
"And leave you in this drab place? Please," Pearl laughed, trying to lighten the situation but realizing it made her seem like she wasn't returning to Lagoon at all.
"I came back to ask if you'd like to stay in Lagoon," she smiled and quickly tried to counter any doubts that the rhino may have, "we have an open campsite, I know it's not much but since it's still snowing the igloo is much bigger and the stew isn't half bad."
"I... I couldn't do that..." she whispered as a thought bubble appeared overhead.
"I want you to," Pearl urged, trying to reassure her that she wouldn't be a nuisance.
"Just for one night and if it's so bad then I'll never make you come back," she winked and Merengue nodded silently, following her through the backdoor.
Pearl tried to keep the two busy with happy conversation as they walked back to the portal and in some ways the distance was actually pretty enjoyable. Merengue was easier to talk to than the other villagers, maybe because Pearl had taken a Uchi protectiveness over her or because her Mayor title didn't really hold much power with her, or perhaps the coming together of two compatible friends naturally bred delight.
However, the mood shift when they entered the train and Merengue sat in silence with the thought bubble over her head. Accepting that she really could online imagine what the villager must be feeling after all of this time, Pearl respected her silence until they arrived at Lagoon.
Pearl studied her when they arrived at the station, how her neck craned to get a better look before the doors even opened. When they entered, she stood patiently by the Mayor as she explained to the attendant that they had a guest, but the rhino was facing the entrance and could not have been more relieved when the conversation ended.
You could tell that entering the town was a powerful moment, by the way she took everything in at once and then found amazement in simple features. Her eyes clung to the erratically placed flowers, the town fruit, the way her footsteps sounded on the brick, nearby weeds, the position of the moon in the sky.... Pearl didn't speak until Merengue glanced at her, silently giving her permission, during which she directed them to the igloo.
"I'm really happy with its placement, but if the waterfall bothers you too much I'll find other arrangements," she said, crawling through the entrance behind the rhino. Inside, stew was churning in the center, while a large rug brought relief to cold feet.
"I know it isn't much..." the Mayor sighed, wishing she could offer her, her own house.
"It's perfect," she said quietly, her bubblegum voice cracking.
The rhino turned towards the wall and Pearl knew she was intruding in a personal moment, so she took a step back before the rhino spoke up again.
"It's been so long since I've been back in my game. I almost forgot what it feels like," she smiled, tears fat in her eyes, "to have a set place to belong, I mean. I really took it for advantage... How it feels to be home..."
Pearl breathed angrily through her nose, frustrated at the pain that the villager had been put through, of the injustice in her story, of her own stubbornness to leave when she could have offered her friend some closure months earlier. And in part of the heightened emotion that comes with adventures and exhaust, Pearl walked over to where her new friend was turned away and with a comforting touch to her shoulder broke down beside her.
The rhino turned towards her and the comforting touch became a hug as the two sat kneeling on the carpet in each others' arms. The sound of the boiling stew was sprinkled with small crying noises from either of them.
"Please don't go..."
"I promise."
Pearl soon found that returning home was a lot like offering the richest dishes to someone who hadn't been able to eat whole foods for year: they wanted to indulge in everything at once and were just as entertained as the ones helping.
The grass seemed to retain its color with Merengue's return and with it, the excitement of spring. The next few weeks were spent on the island, where not unusual activities bore greater excitement than before. They spent an entire day in the shops just talking to the clerks and listening to Dr. Shrunks' jokes and an entire night with Celeste, learning about the constellations. They became familiar with parts of the game that even Pearl overlooked, like the photo booth or the little benches on either side of the shops. The smaller, largely abandoned, part of the beach now harbored their daily seashell finds and the part of the map that was most barren and unused turned out to be the ideal picnic spot. Each day consisted of multiple trips to the island, where lazy morning tans were earned during mini games in Club Tortimer and every night they retired after a visit to K.K. Slider's Club.
Each day was determined on the whim of their feelings and although there was repetition, never boredom. Every day was a new experience that brought fond memories and strengthened their otherwise unbreakable bond. And each morning brought potential for uninterrupted, boundless amounts of fun and the assurance that they'd be together during the best moments of their lives.
And while Pearl helped Merengue experience everything she'd been deprive of, Merengue seemed to bring out the best in every aspect of the game, reuniting the mayor with her lost-appreciation for her town and even bringing comfort to her unresolved feelings towards her missing Player. They were together and the rest seemed to fall in place.
When cherry blossoms sprung throughout the town, Pearl finally settled Merengue in with her own customized house and made her an official resident of the town. Although her house had to be a prototype of her character, it fit her spotlessly and as far as she knew, Merengue was more than pleased with it. She chose to place it to the upper right of the tree, in between the river and the stone circle and directly parallel to Pearl's. Even so, the two spent most nights at Pearl's nearly-completed house, if only for the comfort that space brought. And so when Pearl woke on March 7th, it was nothing strange to see Merengue at the kitchen table, rereading Zucker's birthday invitations.
"I've been meaning to ask you about that, what time are you heading over?" Pearl asked, referring to the card in her hands.
"Oh, I don't know, probably later. I'm going out tomorrow morning to get his present and I guess it just depends how fast I can be," she explained, turning it face-down on the table.
"I think I'm going to get him President Vanellope's autograph or picture or something. She was always his favorite racer and I know her well enough to be comfortable asking for a favor," she let on and Pearl's Slushie Machine DLC that she'd received months before suddenly seemed shallow.
"I think he'll love it! Do you want me to go with you?" she asked, more for the support of facing the other racers than for her company, but Merengue insisted that she go and keep Zucker company.
When said morning came, after a pre-birthday night out with Zucker, dancing and celebrating until midnight, Pearl found the usual letter that Merengue sent when she left.
"Off to become paparazzi! Tell Zucker I'll be there soon, shortcake!
<3 ~ Merengue"
"11 am... Guess I should head over there," she thought, quickly changing into the Flan dress Zucker had given her months before and stuffing the wrapped-present into her pocket.
Most of the villagers had stayed in town that day, or at least weren't going out until later, and Pearl soon found that she was far from the first to get there.
"Pearl! Hey!" he called across the room, squeezing between villagers to greet her.
"Hey Birthday Boy!" Pearl squealed, offering him the present that he (politely) placed in the pile of unopened gifts.
"Here, try the cake! Beau made it himself!" Zucker said, leading her across the room to the cake and Birthday sign.
You're the mayor and you're getting shown up for things as simple as birthdays...!
"Oh Merengue said she'll be here a little later, sh-"
"The game is loading, please return to your position!"
Isabelle's voice abruptly cut through the party and Pearl gave him a questioning look before she was ushered outside and back to her own house. One villager stayed behind, as was custom on their birthday, and for the first time her Player was more of a nuisance than anything.
"She doesn't know about Merengue...!" the thought sparked an excitement that she hadn't anticipated before. It was tragically timed the rhino was missing at all moments, but she knew that seeing her house on the map would suffice.
Pearl waited impatiently at her door to swing out and do whatever the Player chose and quickly changed back into her Santa costume and recklessly messed up her hair, if only to remind her Player that bed head was a consequence of abandonment.
Pearl peaked through the window when no progress was made, only to see Isabelle's hologram projected into the sky.
What's going on?
"Ok the town will be...
"She's resetting!"
The words hit her with full realization and Pearl flung out her door, grabbing Merengue's picture on the way and any valuable in reach. Her house was farthest on the map from the train station and her panic seemed to spring some bad luck, for her shaking knees gave out every few steps and she had to clumsily pick herself up again and keep going.
"You... You can't be serious!"
Once the station was in sight, it seemed to grow out miles before her with every extra step.
"I mean, rebuild the town? That means Lagoon with be TOTALLY gone. Is that what you really want?"
It came as no surprise when she was the last to enter. The other 9 villagers were crammed into the shuttle, as well as some of the staff, and two of the villagers were forcing the doors open for her. However, when Pearl stepped onto the train the automatic doors suddenly gave up their fight as the power went out.
"What's happening?!"
"Why isn't it going??"
"It's too late!"
"There's too many people," Pearl mumbled but was packed tightly enough for most of the others to hear, although they were too panicked to think rationally.
As if to prove her theory, she stepped off the train and in doing so, the buzz of the engine returned as the train whirled back to life.
"All the bells you've earned...
All your furniture...
It will be lost."
Opening her pocket, shaking fingers fumbled for the picture and that morning's not that she had grabbed. Turning it over, she tried her best to calm her fingers before quickly scribbling on it and sliding it into the back of the picture frame.
"She's in sugar race. Make sure that she gets this. I love you all, it's going to be okay," she said to the otherwise dumbfounded villagers that still hadn't caught onto her discovery or intentions.
...I understand what I have to do....
"And those who live in this town?
...To protect my villagers....
Zucker took the frame from her and looked back up at her, trying to grasp some understanding. He nodded, studying the picture for a second before looking back at her. Why would Merengue need a picture of herself? Still dazed with the excitement, his eyes followed her hand to the closed doors button, back to her face, back to the page, and as the doors overpowered the villagers trying to keep it open and zoomed in on her face before entirely separating the two, he made the connection.
...It may be hard at first to be remade. It might hurt a little. But my memories will come back to me soon, wherever I am...
"Are you sure about this?
This is absolutely, positively what you really, really want?"
...It might take me a little to find you... But I'm not scared because I know that we'll be together again...
"Well I hope we meet again somewhere, someplace...
Resetting the town, please wait..."