Voting rules:
1. This game will use the Majority Voting System. Once a player reaches a majority in the vote count, they will be lynched.
2. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. You may announce and discuss your votes in this main thread, but only votes in the Voting thread will be counted. Do not PM me your vote.
3. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote: Username. Votes not done in the correct fashion may not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
4. If you want to change your vote, first type ##Unvote followed by your new vote ##Vote: Username. You can change your vote at any time and as much as you like until Day ends.
5. No conditional voting.
6. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
7. If you choose not to vote for any particular player, place your vote as ##VOTE: NoLynch
8. If a player misses voting in two Deadline No Lynches in a row, or misses voting in three Majority Lynches for three days, consecutive or not, they will be modkilled.
Day Four voting is open!
It takes 4 to lynch. You have 24 hours to decide.
Day Three ends May 11th, 2:00 PM AEST time (May 10th 11:00 PM Central Time).
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