not at disneyworld
This was in irc mafia.[16:19] <+Purpl> jubs i killed u night 1 bc i figured iot would be funny
[16:19] <+Purpl> *it
[16:19] <+Purpl> confession
*PurplI find it ironic that when Cory mentions he might have evidence on someone he is killed. Only four people seemed to hardcore pressure him being; Purple, Alise, Lauren and Oath for him to reveal his evidence. Alise I already posted a case on and Purpl really hasn't said anything. I'm disappointed Cory didn't make a will containing the evidence he had just incase he died. Hm.. So obviously someone active has to be what Cory was talking about.
I wasn't hardcore pressuring him?????
I most likely will not be active tomorrow, but today I will be.