Giveaway Caroline the normal squirrel

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The New Architect
Jan 21, 2014
Yellow Pansy
Father's Day Carnation
Candy Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Blue Balloon
Fair Pinwheel
Togepi Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Fair Pinwheel
Weird Doll
100% (352) +

Is she 'in boxes' and 'original'?
Yes and yes.

How much for her?

What town and FC to get her?
Koriko at 4313-1249-5334.

Should I have room for her?
Right now, yes.
Suppose there may yet be a taker since the American members are waking soon. This is posted in five active AC forums, but you know my timing with giveaways.
Caroline is much cuter in person, especially when you get to talk to her - I had her in my cycle town once, and she will be a hearty sweet addition to your town!
(don't think her official pic do her justice lol)

Yes and FREE BUMP <3
Is it okay if I take her for my cycling town? I was going to do a tutorial on placing villagers and need a new villager from someone else's town to do it.
Thanks, guys.

Is it okay if I take her for my cycling town? I was going to do a tutorial on placing villagers and need a new villager from someone else's town to do it.
There is one person who offered for Caroline at Reddit who says she is her 'dreamie,' but if I don't hear from her soon, totally; I'll send you a VM right away, in that case. Thank you so much for offering.
People keep asking for Caroline and then falling off the earth, heh. Is anyone available now who wants her?
Man, seems like you have the worst of luck when finding someone to take your animals xD

someone, save her from the void before i feel obliged to save her :p

Also, why don't you open a cycling thread?
Oh, come on, guys, adopt her. She is cute and if you are kind with her she will turn into the cutest stalker ever, like she's doing with me (she moved in my WW town, CF town and NL town and now I can't have a town without her).
okay, so message me when you plan on voiding her, (if no one else wants her) she seems to cute to live in a void. ^.^
Thanks, guys.

Man, seems like you have the worst of luck when finding someone to take your animals xD
Yeah, three people offered (on three different forums) but it's been hours with no response for any of them.

Also, why don't you open a cycling thread?
I like the extra attention given to individual villagers when a topic is opened for each one of them. As for opening a cycling topic anyway, I suppose it may be I just don't want so many people expecting me to get to a certain villager. I prefer to just be responsible for the one villager I am ready to present at the time. If that makes any sense.
I like the extra attention given to individual villagers when a topic is opened for each one of them. As for opening a cycling topic anyway, I suppose it may be I just don't want so many people expecting me to get to a certain villager. I prefer to just be responsible for the one villager I am ready to present at the time. If that makes any sense.

I guess it does make sense doing that, as you would not want a bunch of people trying to fight over a popular villager. Also people to even expect them coming to your town.
I guess it does make sense doing that, as you would not want a bunch of people trying to fight over a popular villager. Also people to even expect them coming to your town.
To offset the disadvantages of not having people reply to your topic saying what they're looking for, two things I do: (1) Every time I submit one of these topics I do a search for people who asked for a certain villager in the last week or two, and who have recently been on, and (2) I do have a list on notepad of people whose requests I know I can fulfill soon, whose post about a villager 'touched' me, or for who I particularly want to help because they helped me, and I scan the list whenever I submit a new topic here:

Hamster is looking for hamsters:

PinkieMinka975 is looking for Yuka, Lily, Tia, Patty, Poppy, or Annabelle:

Jesscar is looking for Gayle:

Darcii is looking for Quillson:

5atmkkds is looking for Lolly, Flora, Axel, and Goldie:

Milkii is looking for Dotty:

Butterbeeralex is looking for Daisy, Bones, Cookie, Walker, Chief, and Wolfgang:

Zar is looking for Drift:

Kiwiturtle is looking for Mathilda:

Maruchan is looking for Papi and Punchy

Luckypinch is looking for Hamphrey and Antonio:

PokeCam420 is looking for Rocco:

Bombergirl is looking for Broccocolo, Dora, Rod, Bree, Bella, Samson, and Penelope:

DeviousCrossing is interested in Apollo and Del:

Time-Machine is looking for Clay, Coco, Lucky, Muffy, Rodeo, and Stitches:

Get Marcel for VideoDame:

Kflamingo is looking for Al:

Wacoma is looking for Annabelle:

MelonPan is looking for Hazel:

TonuBuc500 is looking for Pango:

King Mickey is looking for Stitches and Bones:
That actually is a really smart idea to do, as then it could save you from the trouble to make a post or to help people out easier ^.^
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