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Mafia TBT Mafia XV: The Siren's Call (Game Over/Mafia & Third Party Win!)

I'm not inactive. I'm always lurking, I just never post

That is the definition of inactive.

But honestly can we not distract ourselves with ryan again.

Back to what I wanted to talk about though.

Rest in peace, dearest Feloreena. :(

Despite losing a great asset and strong player, the night turned out somewhat decently for us - Only one kill was successfully made and that makes me think that Doctors healed the right people and that Roleblockers selected the correct targets. This information could be incredibly helpful to figuring out who's the good guys and who's the bad guys - And add on top of that any inspections made by investigation roles and we might be off to a semi-decent start with a little bit of luck. The difficulty is forwarding and collecting this information into the thread in a safe manner since communication cannot take place in PMs.

One more thing:

The way this was worded strongly makes me believe that there is a third party killing role amongst us somewhere, and it was discussed on Night Zero that a Serial Killer is quite likely to be in play. However, with only one kill taking place, it's also very possible it's some kind of Arsonist role instead.

Why would you think Arsonist over SK? The win condition doesn't have any underlining, it's just saying "anti-town killing roles". You're making it sound like it's worded strongly like you're trying to tell us "THERE'S A THIRD PARTY GUYSSSSSS LET'S FIND THEM." Honestly just your strong focus on this theoretical Arsonist/SK over mafia is a little odd.
These activity arguments aren't doing much other than being distracting. Cariad is a different timezone, and to be honest it was night zero and there wasn't much to say up until this point.

But yeah, how could I forget about there being roleblocks and a possible jailer? It was probably some sort of combination. But then even that doesn't matter. First impressions are important and it's just a matter of everyone at least saying something today, so that there's material to read into, even though half of it is one liners.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And Oath, I don't know why you're trying to discredit the possibility of arsonist, because the lack of kills might mean we have one and that's Sataric's point. It's simple and it's a very logical theory. If anything, you trying to make town believe that Sataric having this theory makes him 'odd' (*cough* you mean scummy? *cough*) makes you seem odd.
These activity arguments aren't doing much other than being distracting. Cariad is a different timezone, and to be honest it was night zero and there wasn't much to say up until this point.

But yeah, how could I forget about there being roleblocks and a possible jailer? It was probably some sort of combination. But then even that doesn't matter. First impressions are important and it's just a matter of everyone at least saying something today, so that there's material to read into, even though half of it is one liners.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And Oath, I don't know why you're trying to discredit the possibility of arsonist, because the lack of kills might mean we have one and that's Sataric's point. It's simple and it's a very logical theory. If anything, you trying to make town believe that Sataric having this theory makes him 'odd' (*cough* you mean scummy? *cough*) makes you seem odd.

They both seem odd tbh.

- - - Post Merge - - -

At least if you're going to use that logic.
And Oath, I don't know why you're trying to discredit the possibility of arsonist, because the lack of kills might mean we have one and that's Sataric's point. It's simple and it's a very logical theory. If anything, you trying to make town believe that Sataric having this theory makes him 'odd' (*cough* you mean scummy? *cough*) makes you seem odd.

I'm not trying to discredit it, I just think it's odd how in this game when there's a lack of kills, arsonist is brought up, but in past games when there has been a lack of kills, arsonist isn't brought up. Little odd, that's all.
Not focused on the Arsonist thing at all - It was just a thought that came to mind as one of the possible explanations for the lack of kills taking place. I also mentioned several other things. (Doctors, Roleblockers, etc..) And Veterans have been mentioned several times by now as well. All of these are possibilities. But as Ashtot said:

Also, I'm not seeing why the arsonist would be in play. If there are Mafia roles and Third-Party roles, than an arsonist wouldn't affect KP anyway, so not seeing the link, unless of course it was a Mafia arsonist.

It's entire possible that the Mafia might have a role that functions in a similar way to an Arsonist. In any case, I think that ruling out the possibility of a third party would be foolish. Still, it's of course possible that the lack of Mafia kills are simply due to inactivity or something along those lines. Just trying to get some conversations started.

Why would you think Arsonist over SK?
Didn't I already explain that? Because only one person died. That's what the theory came from in the first place. SK kills would not be delayed. Arsonist kills would.
(... Inb4 Oath is the Arsonist and mad I figured it out..)
I'm not sure the basis of what you're all arguing at the moment here but it's so disorganized we aren't getting anywhere. Let's make things look nice!

Current Discussion Topics
-Strange discussion about inactivity which is irrelevant and distracting. Dad made a good point on it. (Post #262)
-Missing KP
-Possible Roles in the game

Possible Roles Thoughts
While we could debate about whether or not there is an arsonist in the game until we all fall dead, it's quite irrelevant at the moment considering we have no way to know if there is one or not. Discussing the possibility of one can just distract us from our main goal - finding scum. Meanwhile, the missing KP is no discussion topic either. For all we know, there is no KP; therefore, same deal as the arsonist talk. It's distracting us from the goal. The only way it should come up again as a discussion topic at all is if people start claiming they were hit, so stop waiting for that to happen and let's get to work.

Small Sataric Suspicion
I find it odd how subtly Sataric said good bye to Feloreena. As we all know, Sataric and Feloreena are buds, but is it only a coincidence that Feloreena of all players happened to go first? Karla nor I, often two first night targets received PMs (or so we shared) of any protection on us. Why Feloreena, and why only her? Take a look at his post.
Rest in peace, dearest Feloreena. :(

Despite losing a great asset and strong player, the night turned out somewhat decently for us - Only one kill was successfully made and that makes me think that Doctors healed the right people and that Roleblockers selected the correct targets. This information could be incredibly helpful to figuring out who's the good guys and who's the bad guys - And add on top of that any inspections made by investigation roles and we might be off to a semi-decent start with a little bit of luck. The difficulty is forwarding and collecting this information into the thread in a safe manner since communication cannot take place in PMs.
What I've bolded, to me, looks like a deceptive scum talking. Try reading as if you knew he was a townie, a blue role, and a scum role. Which is looking most persuading at the moment?
Not only this but he is also the starter of the wasteful conversation about the third-party potential roles. While Sataric is notorious for creating much useless text, he is not well known for creating irrelevant conversation to the day.
This is only a suspicion, so just keep this in mind for the moment.
Not focused on the Arsonist thing at all

Sat it's something you've mentioned in 3 of your 6 posts. I'd say it's something you're focused on.

I normally don't say anything on night 0. We have nothing to discuss about.

It's day one, what do you think of this whole Arsonist/Third party thing? Or do you have any thoughts?

I still want to hear alise's thoughts.

- - - Post Merge - - -

On Trundle's note, that is a very good point. I hate to bring this up but in Mafia VI, you did mention you "would know if Ashtot was scum". In IRC Mafia, if I'm mafia in that, I target Crystal night one because I know she'll somehow find a way to call me out. Trundle's theory does make a bit of sense. Sataric would want to kill off the people he knows would call him out.

Going off that though, I wasn't targeted since I'm sure he knows I would call him out on behavior so maybe that's not the entire mafia strategy.
Karla nor I, often two first night targets received PMs (or so we shared) of any protection on us. Why Feloreena, and why only her?

I haven't received a PM either. :rolleyes:

And yeah, Feloreena is like really top-notch and easy to figure out when she is scum (See Bird Mafia I and Obs for Olympus Mafia), so I mean it's not like she's a hinder to town in any way. Nonetheless, not everyone sees her as a big threat which is probably why she had no protection. RIP

And it's already been mentioned that players protected might not be told when successfully protected, and it could've been roleblocks that stopped the kills (even though in past games roleblocks don't stop mafia KP, things can change).
I'm not trying to discredit it, I just think it's odd how in this game when there's a lack of kills, arsonist is brought up, but in past games when there has been a lack of kills, arsonist isn't brought up. Little odd, that's all.

So apparently people not bringing up a theory with possibility in past games makes bringing it up in this game (where anti-town killing roles was actually specified) is odd? Okay. :rolleyes: It's called reading into the game, which is what you're supposed to do in mafia. But apparently that's odd behavior now.

We won't know for sure if arsonist does factor in to the lack of kills until the opening of a future day comes with a cluster**** of deaths. I don't know if town roleblockers or jailers can roleblock/jail the same person twice in a row in this game but I think it's advisable to anybody who is one to do so (if possible) if they haven't realized it yet.
So apparently people not bringing up a theory with possibility in past games makes bringing it up in this game (where anti-town killing roles was actually specified) is odd? Okay. :rolleyes: It's called reading into the game, which is what you're supposed to do in mafia. But apparently that's odd behavior now.

What are you even talking about?

I said that in past games, when we had missing kills, nobody brought up the arsonist or third-party. It was chalked up to doctor protections.

In this game, there are likely missing kills, but the difference is that arsonist/third-party is brought up. I'm curious as to what changed.
Meanwhile, the missing KP is no discussion topic either. For all we know, there is no KP;

What do you mean with the "there is no KP" thing - Could you elaborate on that briefly?

Anyways, If you find me suspicious, feel free to grill me - I have nothing to hide and will answer any questions I can without revealing too much about my role. In fact, I would be happy to be of service, because if you - Who is considered a strong player by almost everyone in this game - Finds me suspect, then that might make our investigative roles waste their night actions on checking up on me. Which in turn would be a waste of time and distract them from finding scum.

Feloreena is indeed the person I know the best in this game and if I was scum there's no way I'd ever kill her first (Check my previous games if you don't want to take my word for it..) seeing as I can normally get a very good read on her from her posts. I've been evil roles in many games that she's been in before and not once have I killed her first, or even particularly early.
What are you even talking about?

I said that in past games, when we had missing kills, nobody brought up the arsonist or third-party. It was chalked up to doctor protections.

In this game, there are likely missing kills, but the difference is that arsonist/third-party is brought up. I'm curious as to what changed.

But you were using the word odd against the idea. Odd is often used against people in this game as a synonym for scummy, and I think that this is how you were using the word when addressing Sataric. And this is my entire point in that first paragraph of my previous post. But now you're suddenly changing this to just you being 'curious as to what has changed' rather than another person being odd for an idea.
I agree with Dad. Oath does seem odd, fixating on Sataric merely for mentioning the possibility of the arsonist role being used due to the lack of kills seems suspicious to me. Then you change your reason to that in past games, when kills were missing, arsonist wasn't brought up, an entirely bogus reason in my eyes and easily explainable if it's legitimate, the closed set-up
What do you mean with the "there is no KP" thing - Could you elaborate on that briefly?

Anyways, If you find me suspicious, feel free to grill me - I have nothing to hide and will answer any questions I can without revealing too much about my role. In fact, I would be happy to be of service, because if you - Who is considered a strong player by almost everyone in this game - Finds me suspect, then that might make our investigative roles waste their night actions on checking up on me. Which in turn would be a waste of time and distract them from finding scum.

Feloreena is indeed the person I know the best in this game and if I was scum there's no way I'd ever kill her first (Check my previous games if you don't want to take my word for it..) seeing as I can normally get a very good read on her from her posts. I've been evil roles in many games that she's been in before and not once have I killed her first, or even particularly early.

Considering how you died night one as scum in PoI (and she won day two so you really had no chance to kill her), was scum with Fel in Olympus, and then you shot her first in Idiot Gunsmith (I read scum chat, you were definitely considering day-shooting her or tsundere), so yes, you would kill her first.

But you were using the word odd against the idea. Odd is often used against people in this game as a synonym for scummy, and I think that this is how you were using the word when addressing Sataric. And this is my entire point in that first paragraph of my previous post. But now you're suddenly changing this to just you being 'curious as to what has changed' rather than another person being odd for an idea.

Apparently you're not too good at "reading into the game" as you so put it. It's kind of inferred from my post...

I'm not trying to discredit it, I just think it's odd how in this game when there's a lack of kills, arsonist is brought up, but in past games when there has been a lack of kills, arsonist isn't brought up. Little odd, that's all.

...that I would want to know what has changed from past games to now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I agree with Dad. Oath does seem odd, fixating on Sataric merely for mentioning the possibility of the arsonist role being used due to the lack of kills seems suspicious to me. Then you change your reason to that in past games, when kills were missing, arsonist wasn't brought up, an entirely bogus reason in my eyes and easily explainable if it's legitimate, the closed set-up

And if my "fixation" is odd, then I can easily look at other people. You, for example, popping up suddenly to jump on the "Oath looks suspicious" bandwagon.
What do you mean with the "there is no KP" thing - Could you elaborate on that briefly?

Anyways, If you find me suspicious, feel free to grill me - I have nothing to hide and will answer any questions I can without revealing too much about my role. In fact, I would be happy to be of service, because if you - Who is considered a strong player by almost everyone in this game - Finds me suspect, then that might make our investigative roles waste their night actions on checking up on me. Which in turn would be a waste of time and distract them from finding scum.

Feloreena is indeed the person I know the best in this game and if I was scum there's no way I'd ever kill her first (Check my previous games if you don't want to take my word for it..) seeing as I can normally get a very good read on her from her posts. I've been evil roles in many games that she's been in before and not once have I killed her first, or even particularly early.

Sorry, by the "No KP" thing I merely meant that we have no idea how the mafia works this game, so we can't assume we're missing KP. Meanwhile, it's just a suspicion and I'm glad you responded to it well instead of blowing up like many do. I'm not going to command the blues and tell them what to do, but if they're inspecting based on who I find suspicious they're playing wrong. I have other suspicions (often just gut feelings through their wording of posts) but you're the first person I had anything to create anything semi-logical about.
Apparently you're not too good at "reading into the game" as you so put it. It's kind of inferred from my post...

...that I would want to know what has changed from past games to now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And if my "fixation" is odd, then I can easily look at other people. You, for example, popping up suddenly to jump on the "Oath looks suspicious" bandwagon.

I understand that you were saying that the arsonist theory being used in this game but not previous games is weird, but the point that you seem to be avoiding is that I'm calling you out for calling Sataric odd for bringing it up in the first place. Here, I'll quote it:

Honestly just your strong focus on this theoretical Arsonist/SK over mafia is a little odd.

But oh! You're right, I'm not great at reading into things. How could I miss that you're also saying that him bringing up the arsonist theory instead of talking about mafia also played a part in him being odd. But was not talking about mafia for just a moment really his intention or are you just trying really hard to make other members of the game agree that Sataric is acting weird? And to add to this, your reaction to Dolby is that he is also behaving odd for 'jumping on a bandwagon' when in reality he's just reading into one of the more active chatters in the game and also making a slightly different conclusion than I am.
But oh! You're right, I'm not great at reading into things. How could I miss that you're also saying that him bringing up the arsonist theory instead of talking about mafia also played a part in him being odd. But was not talking about mafia for just a moment really his intention or are you just trying really hard to make other members of the game agree that Sataric is acting weird? And to add to this, your reaction to Dolby is that he is also behaving odd for 'jumping on a bandwagon' when in reality he's just reading into one of the more active chatters in the game and also making a slightly different conclusion than I am.

Well, it's hard to read into Sataric, at least for me. So it's hard to make any definitive statements, but it did look to be as if he was trying to avoid discussing the mafia team.

are you just trying really hard to make other members of the game agree that Sataric is acting weird?

And this. It's day. We're supposed to decide who we want to lynch. I think he's acting weird. I wouldn't say it's enough to want to lynch him over.
Well, it's hard to read into Sataric, at least for me. So it's hard to make any definitive statements, but it did look to be as if he was trying to avoid discussing the mafia team.

So it's hard to make definitive statements but you saying it did look to be as if he was trying to avoid discussing the mafia team isn't definitive? But this is day and we need to decide on who we want to lynch, and if there are no inactives then the town has to see somebody as weird enough to lynch, right?
So it's hard to make definitive statements but you saying it did look to be as if he was trying to avoid discussing the mafia team isn't definitive? But this is day and we need to decide on who we want to lynch, and if there are no inactives then the town has to see somebody as weird enough to lynch, right?

I'm not saying he was 100% oh my god guaranteed avoiding discussing the mafia team, I'm saying it looked like he was.

As of right now, I'd consider the following inactive:
  • Alice (wait she's playing?)
  • Karen (probably getting back into the swing of the game)
  • Cariad (iirc she's in Tina's time zone so it's about 4AM for her, so I'm not concerned about her right now)
  • Minties (should be on soon to hear her thoughts, not a concern right now)
  • alise (where are you)
  • Jeremy