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Mafia TBT Mafia XV: The Siren's Call (Game Over/Mafia & Third Party Win!)

Hi guys, sorry for being seemingly inactive, been packing (moving yay) and I work full time. I'm not usually this busy. BUT I AM HERE NOW!

My thoughts on players thus far in order of player list:

oath2order - Reading through his posts, mostly random one-liners and common thoughts/statements. Focused on Sataric heavily for mentioning a possible suggestion to missing KP. Oath doesn't seem to be trying like he usually does in other games, posting, but not drawing any attention to himself.

Cory - In the same boat as Oath, although slightly less mindless posting. I've come to known Cory as the nub of mafia, so it's weird to see him being quiet. Usually he spams quite a bit and has an opinion on everything.

ryan88 - Said they think Karla is scum. The fact that Ryan isn't posting makes me raise my eyebrow. He has always flooded games with one sentence/one word replies and has ALWAYS claimed early as town. I don't want to chalk his lack of posting as him learning and write him off. I feel like we need to keep him in the back of our minds. Also his first post kind of rubbed me the wrong way:

Has anyone even remembered I'm playing?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm not going to claim as everyone doesn't what me too.

Why draw attention to the fact that you're not claiming? idk, seemed unnecessary to me. Again, feel like we need to watch him.

Superpenguin - Honestly I feel like SP has come off as town to me. I don't have any current suspicions on him.

Alice - Notoriously quiet in mafia games to the point of getting modkilled, but I at least expected something from Alice. Alice's only post:

b-but I like it when you steamroll us. don't listen to oat poo-hoarder.

Right, because we all know mafia is a great place to practice your stand up routine.

Dolby - Ah my favourite silent guy. Dolby is doing what he does best - not post. He jumped pretty quickly on the Oath train after Dad mentioned it. I would like to see if blues end up dying before I cast suspicion as Dolby tends to be quite good at sniffing out people with blue roles.

Dad - I always enjoy playing with Dad. He tends to be more obvious as mafia and comes off as town to me currently. The tone of his posts are consistent with how he plays as town. I have no current suspicions on him.

Karen - Wants to lynch Ryan or an inactive. Hasn't posted much and since I haven't played with Karen in a long time, I'm having a hard time reading her.

JellofishXD - Is in my timezone and I think is of school age, so has ample time to post in the thread. Jello didn't want to provide anything on anyone because they were afraid of looking sus? I would argue that not even trying looks more sus to me. Pointed out Crystal for her pushing for inactives. Jello's only substantial post below:

I really have nothing other then everything everyone else has already said and if I said it I'd be called out for bandwagoning. I haven't read through everything but enough to know that C R Y S T A L is being like lunch te inactives they don't contribute but id really like to know what you've contributed (unless you get angry at me :()
I'm gonna wait longer to see if anyone acts sus

KarlaKGB - Karla isn't playing like he always has, which could be attributed to either the new fluffy rules or him taking a break. I feel like he's significantly less aggressive with accusations and not bringing much to the table. I remember him getting quite angry at players that posted silly things and derailed the thread. His new... passive? approach has me sort of scratching my head.

Sataric - The master of fluffy posts. It's tough to wade through the amount of writing Sataric does and I can't really ever get a read on him. I personally don't think considering other 3rd parties after seeing that the town win con says all anti-town killing roles really comes off as that strange.

Ashtot - I'm having trouble reading Ashtot as well. He has died so early in any recent games with him that I can't remember his playstyle. I just hope he doesn't start trolling. No current suspicions on him.

Tom - Didn't encourage talking N0, which is a good and bad thing. Good because people wouldn't hint at their roles, but bad because we could possibly have gotten a slip up. Tom plays completely neutral as town and as mafia. Would like to keep an eye on Tom (like every game I play with him).

Trundle - Trundle sucks as scum, plain and simple. He was painfully obvious in all previous games where he was scum. Has easily contributed the most out of all players. I believe Trundle is town.

C r y s t a l - All for lynching inactives when it is usually proven that all that does is kill townies. Harping on killing inactives for a lot of the game. Makes me suspicious that Crystal is steering towards VERY easy lynches instead of actually doing anything.

Hi. If we are lynching inactives ( and if no one slips) I think we should lynch Jellofish or Ryan88. These people are non contributors.

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no no lynch >:<

Cariad - Suspicious of Sataric and hasn't posted much. Don't have much to go on for her at the moment.

Yui-Z - Yui hasn't been talkative as she has been busy, so I can't get a read on her.

alise - Where are you? Alise hasn't said anything that has contributed so far. Was being silly on N0 and hasn't done much else. Wanting her to post more.

Lauren - It strikes me as odd that Lauren is also playing passively like Karla. She has always been aggressive at calling out anything that seems sus with people. Something about her current playstyle doesn't sit right with me.

Jeremy - Agreed with Oath's posts on Sataric. Jeremy, although typically inactive, he seems to post WAY more when town aligned or at least tries to bring up thoughts. The fact that he is slipping back into posting ~once per day/night cycle makes me nervous. I feel like Jeremy definitely needs to be watched.

Natty - Kind of passively point out Karla, but back off in the post to not draw attention? Has posted bland statements and appears to be contributing while trying to stay out of the spotlight. Not 100% certain on Natty as of right now.

After work thoughts with Minties~
I don't see the issue with raising Arsonist as a possibility. It appears to be an irc mafia role, and a lot of people have been playing irc mafia. Hosts normally will make some sort of comment if notifications are not given, so I'm going to work off the assumption that hits and saves are notified.

The wording "anti-town killing roles" is really weird. Implies the existence of a cult? They're definitely anti-town, and they don't kill. Except that they would still need to be killed for town to win. I can't imagine any anti-town roles that don't need to be killed for town to win.
I don't see the issue with raising Arsonist as a possibility. It appears to be an irc mafia role, and a lot of people have been playing irc mafia. Hosts normally will make some sort of comment if notifications are not given, so I'm going to work off the assumption that hits and saves are notified.

The wording "anti-town killing roles" is really weird. Implies the existence of a cult? They're definitely anti-town, and they don't kill. Except that they would still need to be killed for town to win. I can't imagine any anti-town roles that don't need to be killed for town to win.

Well survivor would be one. I mean it's not "anti-town", but it's still 3rd party. SP had one in his most recent game with the same town win con.
Hmm I would read "not aligned with town" as being very different to "anti-town", but I guess I'm being pedantic. Assuming the host meant the same thing, I guess there's a high likelihood of there being survivors. Similarly, there are likely third party killers too.
Yo minties, I've just woke up, keep your finger waggling away, thanks!

Anyway, karla, being far too quite for my liking, yes I have to agree time zones, means he will be quiet as will I and various other people when active discussion is going on. We need to make room for this, but also he is usually very aggressive and sniffs out scum like no tomorrow and will just question everything that's said.

I think dolby or oath mentioned that sataric said goodbye but is friends with fel? I will not take someone rip/bye post as scummy, I said this to Alise in I can't remember what mafia, why would someone display emotion over a game death in a game? Rip is perfectly fine! Christ.

Now, I suggest we work hard because there's less than 12 hours and I refuse to have a game like bird mafia!
Yo minties, I've just woke up, keep your finger waggling away, thanks!

Anyway, karla, being far too quite for my liking, yes I have to agree time zones, means he will be quiet as will I and various other people when active discussion is going on. We need to make room for this, but also he is usually very aggressive and sniffs out scum like no tomorrow and will just question everything that's said.

I think dolby or oath mentioned that sataric said goodbye but is friends with fel? I will not take someone rip/bye post as scummy, I said this to Alise in I can't remember what mafia, why would someone display emotion over a game death in a game? Rip is perfectly fine! Christ.

Now, I suggest we work hard because there's less than 12 hours and I refuse to have a game like bird mafia!

  • There's 36 hours left.
  • I didn't mention the goodbye. That'd have beenn Trundle.

Small Sataric Suspicion
I find it odd how subtly Sataric said good bye to Feloreena. As we all know, Sataric and Feloreena are buds, but is it only a coincidence that Feloreena of all players happened to go first? Karla nor I, often two first night targets received PMs (or so we shared) of any protection on us. Why Feloreena, and why only her? Take a look at his post.

What I've bolded, to me, looks like a deceptive scum talking. Try reading as if you knew he was a townie, a blue role, and a scum role. Which is looking most persuading at the moment?
Not only this but he is also the starter of the wasteful conversation about the third-party potential roles. While Sataric is notorious for creating much useless text, he is not well known for creating irrelevant conversation to the day.
This is only a suspicion, so just keep this in mind for the moment.
Notice how many players that are just sitting back silently without posting anything. There's constantly a lot of people viewing the thread. And some of the people that are normally much more vocal as town isn't saying very much right now. (Jeremy, Alice, and to some extent Yui Z comes to mind right away..) - We really need to try and get better reads on as many people as possible so that we can figure out where everybody stands. Right now I find the non-talkers the most scummy.
I'm sorry if it seems that way to you, but I haven't viewed the thread since I made my last post at around 11pm (GMT) last night. I was going to catch up and make an early morning post today, but something happened which meant I was unable to get involved with any discussion as I hoped. So really, this is only the first opportunity I've had to read through and post properly. :)

Anyway, thoughts...

Except we have the option to no lynch.
Why is the option for no lynch even being mentioned right now? We have a 48 hour day and we're not even halfway into it. Anything can happen during that time... Same goes for lynching inactives. I don't think we should talk about them until we're completely stuck and running out of time to lynch someone.

What do you mean with the "there is no KP" thing - Could you elaborate on that briefly?

Anyways, If you find me suspicious, feel free to grill me - I have nothing to hide and will answer any questions I can without revealing too much about my role. In fact, I would be happy to be of service, because if you - Who is considered a strong player by almost everyone in this game - Finds me suspect, then that might make our investigative roles waste their night actions on checking up on me. Which in turn would be a waste of time and distract them from finding scum.

Feloreena is indeed the person I know the best in this game and if I was scum there's no way I'd ever kill her first (Check my previous games if you don't want to take my word for it..) seeing as I can normally get a very good read on her from her posts. I've been evil roles in many games that she's been in before and not once have I killed her first, or even particularly early.

The first comes across as overdone reverse psychology to me. The fact that you seem so sure of yourself makes it seem like your trying too hard to make people think you're town.

Hmm That's an interesting choice of kills. I'll be on again with my computer to post my thoughts.

I looked through your posts, and I really couldn't find anything that actually explained any thoughts of yours. Sure, you've made a few suggestions and asked a question or two:

Maybe maf was blocked?

Why arsonist?

Maybe scum is inactives and forgot to send in actions?

You're not inactive, that's for sure. I feel like I can't get much from your posts. At the same time, you do often post one-liners or short paragraphs in other games anyway, but this time seems different. Kind of like you're trying to look like you're contributing a lot without being the centre of attention.
So it was I KNOW SOMEONE DID but I didn't know who anyway, 36? Wat..

Ahem sleepy errors aside, for a game with as many older players as there is everything is quiet through from night 0, I mean sataric and trundle and various others have posted but not enough to go on, people's suspicions and what not.

I have a very light suspicion on Karla, this is going on his activity and also how he's not even being mildly aggressive or pulling evidence out of his arse, but this could well change when he wakes/finishes work! So we'll see, I'll hold off.
Hi guys, sorry for being seemingly inactive, been packing (moving yay) and I work full time. I'm not usually this busy. BUT I AM HERE NOW!

My thoughts on players thus far in order of player list:

Cory - In the same boat as Oath, although slightly less mindless posting. I've come to known Cory as the nub of mafia, so it's weird to see him being quiet. Usually he spams quite a bit and has an opinion on everything.

What do you mean a nub :p Also, I have been asleep while a lot of the discussion has been going on so I am catching up right now. I have just happened to of seen this. After my 2 month break of mafia I have been spamming less and I still try to get my opinion on everything (another post will be coming shortly?)

- - - Post Merge - - -

No ? mark at the end. A post will be soon.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't think Sataric would kill Feloreena. It would kinda of be an obvious. Fel is kinda like a hidden gem, no one really notices that she is a good player. So I honestly think it could be anyone that killed her. I think it is kind of weird that Oath is only fixated on Sataric at this point. There are many other players that have voiced their opinions thus far. To Karen, lynching Ryan is not worth it, he will be a distraction this game, if we DO think he is scum though we will lynch him. But right now he is being typical derpy ryan. I do agree with Lauren though, Karla has been very quiet this game, granted the day is not even half over, but I hope he posts something of importance soon.

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Theres the post lol.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh **** I forgot to write about the arsonist theory. So... it does seem strange there there is only 1 kill, but I am thinking that mafia has 2 KP and a lot of other powers. So that means 1 person got protected. I honestly think there is no third party because as seen in previous games Tina doesn't really use third party. The only time I recall her using third party is in Nub Mafia III. I honestly think there is no arsonist even more than there being no thirds because the setting of this mafia is on water so would it really make sense to have an arsonist? They could just jump in the water!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow I used honestly twice oops

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sorry for so much post merge but Tina also had cult in mafia X
For the kills I very much think there is blue roles behind this, veterans and doctors! But why would a veteran out themselves with just one life left? So if it was a veteran and they were hit, don't out yourselves!
For the kills I very much think there is blue roles behind this, veterans and doctors! But why would a veteran out themselves with just one life left? So if it was a veteran and they were hit, don't out yourselves!

If a veteran was targeted, then whoever tried to kill them might be able to assume their role anyway, seeing that they've not died - outing themselves would mean they can be protected, of course, there's always the risk of them lying. However, at the same time they might assume that the person they attempted to kill was protected anyway, so they won't be sure if they're veterans or not either. With that in mind, it probably is best for them not to say anything.

We'll have more answers after night 1 anyway, so maybe it'd best if we don't focus less on the KP/kills for the time being.
That's what I was thinking they might be protected they might not, mafia wouldn't risk it, it's not worth having their kills reduced again.
Morning Thoughts

Hey everyone, I just woke up so here the morning thoughts, the part of the show where I am still asleep but decide to post anyway so it doesn't usually make sense or makes me look bad.
First off, I just want to give a great big round of applause to Minties' post where she has contributed more than nearly all of you so far while working full time and moving. If you weren't lazy and inactive before, you sure are now! I also wanted to comment on that and say some opinions that sprung off of hers.

Jeremy - Agreed with Oath's posts on Sataric. Jeremy, although typically inactive, he seems to post WAY more when town aligned or at least tries to bring up thoughts. The fact that he is slipping back into posting ~once per day/night cycle makes me nervous. I feel like Jeremy definitely needs to be watched.
While I agree Jer needs to be watched, I feel like he hasn't been online for very much of Day 1 and just hasn't had the time to post. He usually doesn't say anything of interest until at least Day 2 from what I remember, and just comments on whatever topic is being discussed.

Cariad - Suspicious of Sataric and hasn't posted much. Don't have much to go on for her at the moment.
Now that you mention Cariad, when I was reading through posts something went off in my head for him/her (please inform me gender, I assume female?).
First post of the game was an odd one.
I want to say that I'm just a detective but I'm afraid people will believe me (I'm not)
I have no idea what was going on here, although I'll assume she was just joking around? To me it looks a bit like a scum member trying to play dumb. The ultimate Dumb Scum tactic. But this suddenly changes.
But, considering those last actions, you could use that to hide :rolleyes:

I'm not really sure about an arsonist, it doesn't really seem like it'd be in the game tbh. maybe a serial killer (ooh British navy as sk lol) but we don't know.

I also think that Sataric is scum, to me he sounds like he is trying too hard to seem town. It's like a fake smile you put on. He just gives me that vibe.

With the KP I reckon we just have good doctors. It just seems most likely to me, and if there are 2 doctors then that's enough to protect two kills and maybe the mafia roleblocker blocked the serial killer (just a guess)
Cariad in this post seems to shift her intelligence upwards a few levels and mentions 4 things which I will lay out.
  • Calls out Sataric for using Feloreena late death in previous games to hide for killing her early this game
  • Comments on the Third-Party possible roles
  • Mentions that she thinks Sataric is scum
  • Talks about possible doctor and roleblocker roles
These things really show that Cariad is looking past basic posts into what people are doing, but as I read this post I found it odd how fast attitudes changed When it was time to accuse someone of being scum. While all I posted was a suspicion, she has jumped on it and, to me, it looks like it's a push for a Sataric lynch while no near enough evidence is gathered up yet. The facts that her two posts share completely different style from this and she is thinking and acting smart but still for some reason is already considering Sataric scum is raising red flags in my head. I'll leave the rest of you to dissect what I've wrote and share your thoughts.
Yo minties, I've just woke up, keep your finger waggling away, thanks!

Anyway, karla, being far too quite for my liking, yes I have to agree time zones, means he will be quiet as will I and various other people when active discussion is going on. We need to make room for this, but also he is usually very aggressive and sniffs out scum like no tomorrow and will just question everything that's said.

I think dolby or oath mentioned that sataric said goodbye but is friends with fel? I will not take someone rip/bye post as scummy, I said this to Alise in I can't remember what mafia, why would someone display emotion over a game death in a game? Rip is perfectly fine! Christ.

Now, I suggest we work hard because there's less than 12 hours and I refuse to have a game like bird mafia!

What is this post?
"yeh karla is sus because quiet but timezones o wait im also quiet because of timezones yeah but still lets watch karla"
"durr rip post is not scummy"
Well karla there's not much to go off is there? Nice post, fu of content, I like it.

If you could do any better go right ahead.
Also wasn't riding your ass, I stated your time zone, so please back the fudge down.

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Well I can't, but I guess that makes me scummy, right?

Never said that? Where did I say you was scummy? I said I was awaiting you to post?

- - - Post Merge - - -

You just ridiculed my post when I'm attempting to do something when there really isn't much to go off right now and you say you can't, fair enough, that's fine, but don't rip my post apart for fun.
Twice you've said you're suspicious of me because I'm too quiet/inactive (wrong, I've been actively posting). Now you accept there's very little to go off. Please continue to point fingers, contradict yourself, say nothing useful, and exhort everyone else. Pretty sure you did this in the last game I played where you were scum.


What I want to know is why people are even considering no lynch. No lynch is **** 95% of the time.