Mayor Name: Katelyn
Town Name: Asgardia
Town tagline/motto:
FC and DA/if you want them displayed: FC: 1564-4346-2906
Dream Villagers: Paula, Freya, Rosie, Fang, Kyle, Skye, Whitney, Fang, Lobo, Chief
Current Villagers: Kody, Beardo, Peewee, Peck, Ed, Bangle, Peaches, Lucky, Peck
Villagers to be displayed: Dream villagers
How would you like your villagers arranged?: Whatever you think would look good lol
Native Fruit/do you want it displayed: Peaches/yes
Background image:
Mayor image if desired:
Animation: I'm not sure what you can do but I would like it animated x3 (what you think would look good)
Desired font if any: Bold
Font color and other colors you want used: It doesn't matter xP
Shape: Rectangle
Icons you want used and for what:
Would you like a matching avatar?: (if yes add 40 TBT and please fill out the avatar form)
Other specific requests or details: (greatly appreciated!)
Payment method + amount: 200 TBT? If that's enough :3
Secret word: Sparklestar
Thank you![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I'll pay once you confirm this!