Selling Town Reset: Check latest posts for updates

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✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
Feb 24, 2014
Rainbow Feather
White Feather
Fair Pinwheel
New Year's Party Popper
100% (422) +
Main Town Villagers
☆ These villagers are not in boxes yet.
☆ You'll have to pick them up within 30 mins of them going into boxes
☆ If you'd like to reserve them, please let me know.
☆ Price varies. I prioritize TBT sales over in-game bells

I'm resetting my main town, so I'm selling my villagers.

Ankha (97% original) - 500 TBT or 15m in-game
Mira - 100 TBT or 3m
Sydney 100 TBT or 3m

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I would like freya but i have 10 villagers and rizzo isnt moving out till the 6th. is she in boxes?
I would like freya but i have 10 villagers and rizzo isnt moving out till the 6th. is she in boxes?

Not yet. I'm planning to TT all my villagers out 2 hours time or so.
edit - also, pls letm e know if you're reserving her?
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7 million in bells for snake and bob if thats ok c:

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I literally just sold my tbt to bells DX
Oh, TBT takes priority? I'll do TBT then
I have space for 1 villager and agnes is moving on the 5th

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Ok ill take bob first if its ok.
Ill reserve freya but would i have to get her today or how long do you think itll take for you to get her in boxes
I have space for 1 villager and agnes is moving on the 5th
Ok ill take bob first if its ok.

Yup, that is if no TBT offer comes in

Ill reserve freya but would i have to get her today or how long do you think itll take for you to get her in boxes

sure, for tbt? and by the end of the day, since I'd like to reset ideally by 6pm EST

I might take bob for Tbt for a friend of mine! But I'll check in with her!

alright! :)

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Then can i have snake?

Putting you down for Snake and Bob? Same would apply with my priority, though. If they go into boxes before anyone else offers, they're yours.

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Ankha (97% original) - 500 TBT or 15m in-game -- none
Mira - 100 TBT or 3m --- none
Freya - 100 TBT or 3m --- gab_riel for TBT
Sydney 100 TBT or 3m -- none
Snake - 100 TBT or 3m --- Beleated_Media for in-game bells
Punchy - 150 TBT or 4m -- Wholockian for TBT
Felicity - 100 TBT or 3m --- none
Bob (97% original) - 150 TBT or 4m --- Beleated_Media for in-game bells
Cyrano - 100 TBT or 3m -- none

Man i guess bobs taken. Then can i have snake?

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Actually nvm ive reserved him on a cycling thread
^ Alright!

I'll start cycling roughly in an hour or so. :) PMs will be sent to those who have reserved~
okie dokes! I'm starting to cycle now. :)

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:) got Punchy out and he is adopted so
cycling on~!
Anyone who has reserved and/or is picking up villager(s) from me,
you can raid my town. Take anything and everything you want. I'm resetting, so it doesn't matter to me. It was already raided so there might not be much left? But there's a bunch of hybrids still. :)

Ankha (97% original) - 500 TBT or 15m in-game -- none
Mira - 100 TBT or 3m --- none
Freya - 100 TBT or 3m --- gab_riel for TBT
Sydney 100 TBT or 3m -- none
Felicity - 100 TBT or 3m --- none
Bob (97% original) - 150 TBT or 4m --- none
Cyrano - 100 TBT or 3m -- none

In boxes = Felicity

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voiding felicity
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