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"COLLECTIBLES" - A blessing or a curse!

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"Why should everyone having them make yours not worth it?"

It kills the value of the collectable. If everyone has access to every collectable it doesn't make them "unique" and "special" anymore. Look at the oranges for example. No one likes oranges because they're readily available to everyone and are extremely common. Are you saying you want feathers to be available to everyone? Even the golden egg? Some collectables are meant to be limited in stock and not available to everyone. I believe that was what Crystal was getting at. Also, I'm not understanding what you mean by "everyone will have them one day". Some collectables may never be restocked again. You never know.

"If a new user comes and does really like the items for what they are, it's something they will immediately be slapped with knowing they can't get."

That's just one of the hard realities of life. Just because you see something you like doesn't mean you'll get it. You need to work your way in to get said desired item. You need to earn it.

"Collectibles =/= Exclusive. It's just what people seem to want them to be and I honestly can't understand why."

The more exclusive an item is, the more expensive and "special" it'll be. People want their collectables to be special. Simple as that. If everyone has access to every collectable in existence on this site it'll kill the value and meaning of them. I know some people gage the value of their collectables on how they got them but that doesn't mean anything to people who look at them. Collectables are showcased for a reason: Accomplishments, bragging rights, and your interests (I'm looking at you, Jaime).

"The only thing all the limited elitist stuff does is make me not want to be apart of it at all. I would actually like collectibles more if it wasn't for that."

Your golden egg makes you feel special in some way. Right? It has to. It's the only one on the site and you earned it. You should be able to showcase that collectable to everyone. It's a memory and an accomplishment. Like I said, giving everyone access to every collectable will make them meaningless (I already explained why). The rarity of some collectables is one of the reasons why I like the idea of them. I enjoy seeing how hard users worked for their collectables. It's one of the aspects of TBT that makes it unique from other forums I've been on. You also need to understand that collectables are an add on to this site. You don't have to associate yourself with them if you don't want to.

Whether or not the shop does get restocked or whatever happens: I don't care. The majority of the users on TBT, however, would say otherwise. No matter what happens to collectables, there will always be sides that people take. Some people want them to be available to everyone while others want limited stock to preserve the uniqueness. My solution to this problem: Introduce new collectables. Simple solution.
I've said over and over I'm ALL FOR the Golden Egg being available to everyone. This goes for all my items. I don't care how hard it was to get them--others getting them does not ruin it for me and it never will. Mine was not only a gift, but memories of searching for eggs. Other people getting them does not take that from me and that is already tons of value in itself. Plus I find the item cute in itself, so again, no value loss even if it was put up at unlimited stock for free in the shop.

This is a website and comparing it to reality and life is silly. Most people go online to get away from said realities--it's part of why people join forums like this, especially ones for a video game.

Does other people living make your life suddenly less valuable? No. Other people having the same collectibles does not make them less valuable. It's simple as that.

It doesn't make me feel special at all. I collect items because I like collecting. It doesn't make me feel any better than anyone else. None of my stuff does. I collect because I like to collect, not to be better than others.

You've sure said a lot for something that you apparently don't care about :p

Regardless, constantly adding new collectibles won't fix the problem. Either they should just all be made unlimited and put up or more effort needs to go into them in the first place.

And for some people, the collectibles are the main focus of the site. Whether it's an add-on or not, for some people, that's their favorite part.
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If that's how you feel about your collectables, I completely respect that. There's not many people like you.

Doesn't matter if comparing this site to reality is silly or not. It's a fact that follows you every where. You can't always have nice things as soon as you join something. You need to earn them.

There wouldn't much in terms of "collecting" or "collectables" if everything is available to everyone 24/7. Part of what makes collectables great is that it takes time to get your desired one. You really need to put effort into getting it. Users who put the effort in deserve to have bragging rights. This can be winning a contest, participating in a raffle, or saving up TBTB to buy something. And like I said, that's one of the concepts of the TBT collectables that I like a lot.

Just because I don't care doesn't mean others don't or that this isn't an issue. I'm only putting my 2 cents into the matter.

Look at the shop right now. How many collectables are available for purchase? Pretty much nothing. I believe adding more collectables will solve the problem. If not that, it'll at least help. I find it confusing that you said collectibles are the main focus on the site for some users. If that's true, wouldn't you rather not make the collectables readily purchasable in the shop? That would destroy their work and all the time they spent trying to get their collectables. Their values fly out the window. The importance of collectables are degraded.

You have your opinion. I have mine. They're both very different. Like I said in my other post, there are two sides. People who want to make all the collectables available to everyone and those who want to preserve the uniqueness. There's no right or wrong side.

There's still a difference between having an opportunity to earn them in the first place and not being able to. Many collectibles are restricted in certain ways either due to not being able to be traded or only being able to be gotten by certain individuals. If you plan to make collectibles, just by the name, everyone should have a way to be able to collect them.

People collect because they enjoy collecting. Many people collect these items because they like them. I personally love cute trinkets in general and they are usually my favorite things on sites and in games. The thing is, time is relative and there are definitely ways people can easily get them in comparison to someone who may have been working hard for months and still hasn't passed.

As an example, I remember an art contest a friend of mine entered on another site. She entered for the participation prize with a drawing that took her about 5 minutes. She won the entire thing--beating out many pieces people spent days on. Her piece looked great regardless, but my point is she put no effort into it. There's people who can easily get something with little effort and there's people who will put in tons and tons and tons of effort--trying as hard as they can and still lose. And especially with things restricted to contests and other things (not to mention time zone issues), there's just so much that really isn't fair in any way, shape, or form. Bragging rights is more or less just another way of being a sore winner, honestly. Why would you ever want to shove something into someone else's face? I don't understand that mindset.

I wouldn't call more than one or two, pretty much nothing. There's a fair amount, but there'd be a lot more if they could actually stay in stock. Again, values aren't everything. Some people truly just like the items. They don't care about the value--it's just pretty or they think it looks cool. Making them more accessible doesn't ruin value to someone. Personally, I feel if people only collect them for bragging rights or to act like they are better than anyone, it ruins the point and is also really cruel to people who actually like the items.

If you get what you achieved, no time should feel wasted. There are times I've spent a large amount of money on something only for another to pop up for very cheap or said item to suddenly be released again. I've never regretted it. You can't change the past and regardless of what happened, I still got what I wanted. I've never had any regrets. If anyone truly wants something, it becoming more readily available should not ruin it for them in any way.
I do agree that there is a difference in "opportunity" to earn a collectable. I have the mind set that if you missed the event you missed it. Case closed. Participate in the next one. Things like the trophy collectables should never be available to trade with other users, though. It's a collectable that represents you winning something. A collectable like the feather, though? Do as you wish with it. It's a trophy collectable that has more room available to do what you please with it.

It'd be nice to see the ratio of what users think about that. Do users prefer the collectable for its looks or for its rarity? It's something we could find out. Make a poll. Me personally? I like collectables because of their looks. I have all the Japanese letters because they're awesome. It sucked that I had to fork down 15,000 TBTB for the yellow character to complete the set. I do wish that collectables were a bit easier to obtain. A restock or two in the shop would be most welcomed. But to make collectables available all the time? Nonsense. That takes away a lot of the meaning behind collectables.

@Your last paragraph: This is where you and I are very much different. I'm someone who likes acknowledgement for what I've done and achieved. If I spent $100.00 USD on something and the next day that item dropped to $5.00 USD, I'd regret not waiting another day. I'd view it as a loss of $95.00 USD. Like I said before, I respect you a lot because of this. I don't know many people like you.
Honestly the only problem I have with collectibles is the fact that even if limited people can buy however many they can grab from the store.

Like typically if there's a limited item, the shop will restrict the quantity that a single person can purchase to make it fair for other people that may want the item as well. So having it where I could theoretically grab all 5 restocked のs before anyone else is just a really heavily flawed system imo.
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Releasing a lot of new collectibles wouldn't help, the same thing would happen, people would still grab as many as possible for either bragging rights or making a huge profit selling on, therefore excluding many who would aspire to owning just one and do not care if it is exclusive or not.

Even if buying from the shop was limited to just one per person, as long as owning more than one was not limited, such as the birthstones, members could buy one and then if they wanted more could trade for others, similar to what we see today with people looking to buy in chocolate cakes and peaches to make a collection.

There are plenty of different opinions as this thread proves, but collectibles have become an important part of Bell Tree life even though some claim they are JUST pixels. Bell Tree was started primarily for AC which is also JUST pixels, and what is AC all about ?

Releasing a lot of new collectibles wouldn't help, the same thing would happen, people would still grab as many as possible for either bragging rights or making a huge profit selling on, therefore excluding many who would aspire to owning just one and do not care if it is exclusive or not.

Even if buying from the shop was limited to just one per person, as long as owning more than one was not limited, such as the birthstones, members could buy one and then if they wanted more could trade for others, similar to what we see today with people looking to buy in chocolate cakes and peaches to make a collection.

There are plenty of different opinions as this thread proves, but collectibles have become an important part of Bell Tree life even though some claim they are JUST pixels. Bell Tree was started primarily for AC which is also JUST pixels, and what is AC all about ?


I'd say Animal Crossing itself is more of a customization/'the simple life' simulator rather than collecting. It depends on how you play the game. Either way, not the point.

I'm all for the way collectables are now. Keep in mind it's still fairly new in terms of how old it is, and there will probably be many, many more down the line, as well as restocks to keep everyone happy.
A question for the mods in this thread: do you do a rolling release or is all at once? Sorry if this has been previously answered, I did a few searches and didn't find a thread that specifically answered that question. Basically, I'm biding my time for the September birthstone release, but I wasn't sure if what hit the market is all that you release, or if you do like 3 or 4 smaller releases throughout the day to accommodate various timezones. Thanks.
A question for the mods in this thread: do you do a rolling release or is all at once? Sorry if this has been previously answered, I did a few searches and didn't find a thread that specifically answered that question. Basically, I'm biding my time for the September birthstone release, but I wasn't sure if what hit the market is all that you release, or if you do like 3 or 4 smaller releases throughout the day to accommodate various timezones. Thanks.

I don't know whether they're doing another year of them or not.
People do have them for sale though.
I've got a September one that I might sell.
A question for the mods in this thread: do you do a rolling release or is all at once? Sorry if this has been previously answered, I did a few searches and didn't find a thread that specifically answered that question. Basically, I'm biding my time for the September birthstone release, but I wasn't sure if what hit the market is all that you release, or if you do like 3 or 4 smaller releases throughout the day to accommodate various timezones. Thanks.

Not a mod, but i know the answer to this one so I'll answer? :) For the stones, once it is released, it is available in unlimited quantities for that month. So September is coming out probably this week or next, and it will available for the entire month of September for anyone who wants to buy it. (It is limited to 1 per user, though.)

For something like the letters, let's say the pink one or something... it will get released once (like 10 or 20), then sell out, and the admins usually pick another time to release it (I think in an attempt to be fair to the diff time zones). Some of those are announced, some are not. Hope that helps.
(It is limited to 1 per user, though.)

it's not limited to 1 per user as i have duplicates...
You just have to change the quantity when checking out in the shop
Releasing a lot of new collectibles wouldn't help, the same thing would happen, people would still grab as many as possible for either bragging rights or making a huge profit selling on, therefore excluding many who would aspire to owning just one and do not care if it is exclusive or not.

Even if buying from the shop was limited to just one per person, as long as owning more than one was not limited, such as the birthstones, members could buy one and then if they wanted more could trade for others, similar to what we see today with people looking to buy in chocolate cakes and peaches to make a collection.

There are plenty of different opinions as this thread proves, but collectibles have become an important part of Bell Tree life even though some claim they are JUST pixels. Bell Tree was started primarily for AC which is also JUST pixels, and what is AC all about ?


For some people ya it is.

Also some ppl, like myself, come here to chill with old friends that they've made here through acnl. I think it's fine the way it is. People are different. Some people will collect, some will care less, And the world will countine to rotate on its axis.
Okay I am going to VENT, it makes me angry to have new collectibles put up and never even know about it. SOME OF US HAVE REAL jobs and families that we have to take care of and then to see lots of people with their sidebars completely covered with the same Items. Some of us also like helping others on here and do NICE things, Greed is not NICE.
Okay I am going to VENT, it makes me angry to have new collectibles put up and never even know about it. SOME OF US HAVE REAL jobs and families that we have to take care of and then to see lots of people with their sidebars completely covered with the same Items. Some of us also like helping others on here and do NICE things, Greed is not NICE.

They had a notification an hour in advance
They had a notification an hour in advance

This is the first time i've seen a countdown for a bell direct as well. Usually dont they just post the bell direct and restock whenever with no notice? They also stated that they'll be restocking the beach party collectibles all throughout the week. The beach collectibles are also being sold like crazy in the TBT marketplace for not that much higher than they were sold for in the shop. It's not like its totally unobtainable...
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