Cycling Mini BLOOP Cycling 2.0 || {BOXES: N/A } ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

Tia is not in boxes so she's not up for auction yet, I'll be posting a separate thread for her auction o:

Portia is auto-voided & Nate moved in
it's fineeeee c:

Ken moved in

------ I'll be back at 10pm est
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I believe they're the same

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I added my second town Demacia; please check opening post

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oh question, is it 16 cycles to get a villager you lost back? or 20?
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EDT is for spring
EST is for winter
They're the same thing, it's all about the daylight savings time hour change.
EDT is for spring
EST is for winter
They're the same thing, it's all about the daylight savings time hour change.

EDT is not "for spring." EST is not "for winter." They are not the "same thing." Stop posting misinformation.
KK nvm, I'm back to cycling. I'll be on Halcyon till I get 5 more villagers to move out and then I'll switch out to Demacia.

Nate is auto-void and Ken moved in.
Clearly you're the one who's misinformed when you don't know the difference between EST and EDT.
But feel free to educate yourself with the spoiler
When including time zones, many writers in theUnited States prefer to specify whether it is Daylight Saving or Standard Time (abbreviated EDT and EST, respectively, for the Eastern time zone).

Daylight Saving Time, which refers to when we ?spring ahead? by one hour, begins in the U.S. in late Winter. In 2011, for instance, we changed to Daylight Saving Time on March 13.

On November 6, 2011, we will switch to Standard Time when we ?fall back? one hour.

When we spring ahead and fall back, it?s important to not just remember to change your clocks, but also keep an eye out for the correct usage of EDT and EST in your news releases.
O, ok lets just end this discussion LOL, I am from Ontario so I use both EDT and EST and got confused about their proper uses.

But it was my mistake for saying EST instead of EDT, since it is EDT for me atm. Sorry sorry ~
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Clearly you're the one who's misinformed when you don't know the difference between EST and EDT.
But feel free to educate yourself with the spoiler
When including time zones, many writers in theUnited States prefer to specify whether it is Daylight Saving or Standard Time (abbreviated EDT and EST, respectively, for the Eastern time zone).

Daylight Saving Time, which refers to when we “spring ahead” by one hour, begins in the U.S. in late Winter. In 2011, for instance, we changed to Daylight Saving Time on March 13.

On November 6, 2011, we will switch to Standard Time when we “fall back” one hour.

When we spring ahead and fall back, it’s important to not just remember to change your clocks, but also keep an eye out for the correct usage of EDT and EST in your news releases.
LOL! On the contrary, compare your spoiler to your earlier post. It is quite clear you are ignorant. You owe us an apology for your rudeness and disrespect.
Gee golly gosh I accidentally labeled them opposites. :rolleyes: guess that completely disproves the fact that edt and est are the same just used for labeling daylight savings time. Whhhioooopppsss

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~~zooms away from Spammy spam~~

Apollo is in boxes

----- Tipper moved in -----

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I'll wait 20 mins
Hi there: I believe poppet has been seeking Apollo, so I just PM & VM'd them.
Hopefully they will respond in time.
Thank you! C:
I'll add you right now c:
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