Giveaway x

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Mint is minty(? someones probably already said that....I don't know what to say. I'm bad at thinking, but this giveaway is nice ^.^)
The winners will be picked tomorrow so your last chance to enter is today :)
Mint is a great friend :) thank you for doing this
Whoo picking the winners tonight :)!
Please enter in less than an hour so I know you are count :)
Mint is generous! Thank you for doing this! I had to buy a whole new copy due to an accident so I lost everything so this would help, but if I don't win it's okay c:
Good luck to all^-^
I would like to enter. Mint is awesome for doing this fantastic giveaway! good luck to everyone! ^.^
Picking the winners in 10 minutes.
I have to set up this generator thing + count all these entries ;-;
(Last minute entries are welcomed...)
Okay guys real life is LITTERELY taking advantage of my time on here. But enough of that I will be announcing the winners as well as bonus prizes!
So drum roll please :)

1st Place
✿ Chocolatechips

2nd Place
✿ Starlark

3rd Place
✿ The Hidden Owl

So congrats to the winners, I will start with the third place winner, second, and then to the first. All winners have 48 hours (2 days) to pm me to grab their winnings. If you won anything please leave a wifi rating to prove I have given you the items <3

If you are one of the people who have extra entries you win something as well. If you don't see your name let me know.

(Your prize is under the username)
✿ Wendy Marvell: +2 Entries
Worth a free hybrid :)
✿ DeadJo: +4 Entries
Worth two free hybrids :)
✿ The Pennifer: +6 Entries
Worth 5tbt off my shop
✿ Parnit101: +10 Entries
Worth 10tbt off by shop
✿ Snype: +35 Entries
Worth 30tbt+ off my shop
✿ Debinoresu: +72 Entries
Worth 35tbt off my shop
✿ MayorKate: +85 Entries
Worth 40tbt off my shop

AGAIN: If you won anything please leave a wifi rating to prove I have given you the items!

Message me for further questions, I have used random generator to pick the winners + counted their extra entries!

Closing this thread, winners will be notified. Thank you everyone for participating. I will inform you all when you can pick up your goods.
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