• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

★☆taking free requests!☆★Mewms art hangout~!♪


☆Sassy Servant☆
Jan 16, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
October Birthstone (Opal)
Yellow Candy
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Easter Egg
☆Auction now up~!☆


It doesnt get any better than this friends~ ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
So yeah.
Thats really all i have to say. My main reason for being on hiatus was because things happened and feels were felt.

*cricket, cricket*

Im taking requests on occasions. Hangout . Talk. Stream. All that stuff.

Basically im reviving something similar to my old thread for those of you who remember it. All requests are free, scroll down for art references. HOWEVER; I'm going to be choosing requests so it is not first come first serve. Im going to also be picking 2 requests at a time simply based on what i want to draw. Please don't take it personally if i dont pick your request ╥﹏╥ I'm a total weirdo I'm sorry~

No rude comments please, however constructive criticism is accepted and encouraged ( ? ▽ ` )ノ

Requests can be of anthros, humans, OCs, mayors, basically anything. Try to keep the requests mostly up to just one character though!

Also if you have received a chibi from me in the past 3 months i ask that you may hold on requesting so others can get a chance to get a request too.

for now you can request at any time you want and your request will be considered the next time slots are open~

For a better chance at getting your request getting picked PLEASE give a detailed ref of the character. It doesnt even have to be a high quality screenshot or anything, if you explain the character in detail with character traits it makes it so much more easy for me to come up with a pose ( ;?Д`)

Okiedokie, now for the actual art ( ̄◇ ̄;)~


(for azukitan)

(For buuunii)

(For sej)

(spoiler is kinda big~)
[sorted from newest to oldest]



DA: http://mewmewmewm1.deviantart.com

☆SLOTS: Slots closed for now!~☆

☆Auction slot: Azuka ~ completed!

☆Auction slot: Pengu

Ahh hopefully i didnt forget anything~ oh and im probably going to spell your names wrong on the slots, I'm sorry in advance' ಥ_ಥ
soooo thank you very much for reading and im looking forward to your requests!

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Welcome back, Mewms! c:

Anywhoo, I can't remember if I've requested in the last three months or not, so Imma just post a request here xP


Name: Cygni Swarovski

Species: Black Swan

Height: 175 cm

Likes: Peace and quiet, dancing, reading, polishing his doll collection (a small army of matryoshkas), Yaeha (since he’s the smallest troublemaker of this bunch), waterweed-flavoured frozen yoghurt, Mukuro (he likes kids).

Dislikes: Having to clean up after Skel’s messes, Having to clean up after Mukuro’s messes, Pandas, being mistaken for a girl, Mukuro getting dismembered, algae.

Brief overview: Skel’s butler nanny swan familiar because he lost a bet, but the two of them go way back so it isn’t much of a problem. A very pretty boy, often mistaken for a girl, gets pissed off when it happens. Used to be an uptight, violent, snobbish dweeb. Now he’s just an uptight dweeb who’s pretty much the team mom of this whole pack of idiots. Acts like an overly concerned mother to Mukuro.

Backstory: He came from a family of aristocrats who were eagerly anticipating the birth of their new baby daughter… only it turned out to be a boy. His parents still raised him as a boy, but since they had really, really wanted a daughter, they ended up subconsciously bringing him up as they would a girl, by buying him dolls, giving him ballet lessons, giving in to his temper tantrums etc, and as such he ended up being a rich spoiled brat who was thoroughly bored by and sick of the life of an aristocrat and his parents buying him dresses. As such, when he reached near-adulthood, he ran away from home to join the monochromatic animals mafia/criminal underworld. After having picked up some form of martial arts and actually becoming rather good at it, his ego grew three times too large and he ended up picking fights with just about anybody.

As expected, he ended up challenging someone waaay beyond his ability, and got his ass handed to him (aka nearly gutted, both legs broken, wings nearly shredded), and was forced to retreat, flying away with his tail between his legs, certain that he was going to die. Fortunately, he crash-landed near Skel’s clinic, and since the doctor witch hadn’t gone completely off the rails yet, he took the swan in and fixed him up. Now, since he owed Skel quite a bit (and also needed to lie low for a while), he ended up living with the doctor witch as his friend/pet for quite some time. Over those years, having had to put up and assist with Skel’s increasing crazy and general lack of common sense and people skills, he’s mellowed out and became the genuinely nice, if not rather uptight bird he is today.

At some point in time, he ends up saying “For all of your quirkiness, you really can bring people back from the brink of death, huh,” which prompts Skel’s epiphany and instils the idea that HOLY **** IMMA SHINIGAMI WHY DIDN’T I SEE THIS EARLIER, leading to him dashing off to get his cloak, scythe, skull mask and to put up ads asking for familiars. Of course, Swarovski had no intention of going along with this rubbish and tried in vain to make Skel see all the flaws in his reasoning, that he wasn’t a Shinigami in the least and no one with half a brain would ever believe him (but arguing with someone whose mantra is “eh, close enough” is never a good idea), and eventually made a bet that “If someone actually signs up for that ad, I’ll be a familiar”. Half a day later, a hyena dashes in to sign up, Swarovski nearly bursts a blood vessel, and here we are today. (Note: No one else signed up after that, Mukuro joined the troop in a different way.)


  • He still acts in a rather feminine fashion, such as walking very daintily (blame the ballet lessons) in his good moods. Doesn’t help people identify his gender easily at first glance.
  • His laugh is some deep, heavily accented honking noise which would scare the pants off people if they heard it in a dark alleyway at night.
  • He’s always very concerned about his teammates and boss, making sure that they eat properly (Yaeha and Mukuro), that they don’t spend all their time cooped up in the house (Yaeha and Skel), that they don’t talk/pick fights with random people (Mukuro) and that they don’t cause a huge mess, bloody or otherwise (Mukuro and Skel, respectively).
  • Mukuro often asks him for piggyback rides, which he agrees to grudgingly.
  • His genderbent form is flatter than he currently is.
  • He doesn’t enjoy being referred to by his first name for some reason or other.
wow meww your improvement is off the charts! you art looks amazing! keep up the good work!:D

hibiscus sweater.jpg

So this is Preston.

He is a 21 year old guy who enjoys making himself look good. He has grey eyes, grey-brown hair, and a little bit of tan. He has a VERY toned body. He acts very confident. He is masculine, but acts shy and isn't very tough. He is VERY hot and gets a lot of attention.
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Ooh! I'd love a slot!
Ref- ta-dah!
HTML Code:

art style: mini pixels / pixel icon / flat chibi
reference: animation?: for pixels only!
other details: yes/no
offer: offer however much you feel
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Nooooo I'm too late ;w; Mewmew senpaiiiiiiiii, I'm happy to see you back! Is it okay if I put in a request even though it looks like you only have 2 slots? I'll edit this post once I get my refs cx ilysm bby <33
It's not first, come first serve peoples~ :p She's gonna pick the requests she draws for this round. (dunno if people are reading it all before posting...)

And Maddie, you already know I LOVEEE the new piece!! <33 Totally in my lil backlog for new desktop wallpapers that I need to make. XD

Hope you can draw for me again in the future~! Can't wait to see what requests you decide to draw next.
It's not first, come first serve peoples~ :p She's gonna pick the requests she draws for this round. (dunno if people are reading it all before posting...)

And Maddie, you already know I LOVEEE the new piece!! <33 Totally in my lil backlog for new desktop wallpapers that I need to make. XD

Hope you can draw for me again in the future~! Can't wait to see what requests you decide to draw next.

I read it so fast and didn't even notice that lol cx my bad ;w; i'm like half asleep
I would totally request but my new Elf Warrior OC is probably way to complicated. >.<

If you wanna attempt here she is.. been awhile since I've posted on an art shop in TBT. But you know I'm a sucker for your art. :p


Here's her gallery.

Elf Warrior Adalia
I'll pop a request in, if you don't mind! I haven't seen your art before (but I've only been here a few months, so that may be why), but it's really cute. You show a lot of improvement since your earlier works and you have a very adorable, distinctive style.

Anyway, I'd love it if you would do one of my mayor!

Here's a few refs and a description:








((Any of the above outfits would be fine! I tried to put multiples that I've made out there so you have a choice to choose from. Also, art of her is visible in my signature on the right side, too.))

Melody Rose is the kind of mayor that has trouble saying "no". She does everything that she can for the town of Mirage and its villagers and often gets suckered into buying over-priced things from the residents or fake paintings, etc. But she doesn't hold it against them. In the end, she still feels that she's doing them a favor and is happy to befriend them in any way possible.

Melody's passion is dressing up. She likes to wear a lot of different outfits and costumes, especially ones that follow themes. One day she may dress like a princess, the next, like a milkmaid or a mermaid, etc. "Variety is the spice of life" is something that she lives by. She's a fan of colorful things and has a very creative mind that she likes to work into doing things like flower pictures and patterns in the town.

On the other side of things, Melody is not an early riser and can often get behind with things and sometimes disappoint residents when she forgets things that she promised them due to taking on too many requests at once. She has issues with running late, being forgetful, and just taking too much on her shoulders at once. She's also very easily embarrassed and highly gullible. But it generally doesn't ruin her sunny disposition. One problem results in her trying even harder, be it to make something up to a villager or coming through with something like a project she has fallen behind on.

Thanks so much for offering to do this, no matter what you choose!
Hii I think I've requested you before but I hope it's alright if I do it again <3
It's for my OC's this time
they're twins btw <3
I'd love to request! :) Please can you draw my mayor? (x)
Thank you for doing this! :) Your art is adorable!
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Your art is absolutely adorable and amazing! I would love to request some art of my mayor. Here's my mayor reference. :)


Thank you so much! I love your art so much. :D
ahh omg you're back! i missed your streams (even if they were buggy XC)

I'll leave a request here:
Can you draw this character of mine? [x] [x]
The boots are combat boots like [these]. I'll find the shirt ref now whoops.


Thanks for doing this! Can't wait to see who you draw!
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Hi! Could you draw one of my OCs? Refs in signature under "Draw my OCs?" Link. Thank you!
I'd totally love art! qwq

My mayor is in my avatar, I'm getting a bigger pic of her soon!
(She;s wearing yellow dotted dress, crown, blue eyes, brown bun, & mary janes ^w^)