Giveaway Fourmonthiversary Giveaway [Reopens Soon]


Aug 21, 2014
White Lily
June Birthstone (Pearl)
100% (78) +
I decided to host a giveaway because I'm clearing out my ACNL storage, and this coincides with my fourmonthiversary (it's a thing now)! There will be a number of things going on over the next few days... (All times displayed are in GMT/UTC)

Saturday, 20th December

From the start~ Hurry Up and Post!

The person with the 1st Reply wins 30 Bell Tree Bells!
The person with the 2nd Reply wins 20 Bell Tree Bells!
The person with the 3rd Reply wins 10 Bell Tree Bells!

Sunday, 21st December
All day~ In Game Bell Giveaway

Because this is the day I have been on TBT for four months, anyone who posts "Happy Fourmonthiversary!" on the thread will be entered into a random name selector. The winner will receive 1 million in game bells!

Monday, 22nd December
All day~ Furniture Fest

At random times throughout the day, I will announce that I will be giving away some different furniture sets. Whoever claims them first can have them for free!

8pm-10pm~ The Great Gift Grab

There will be a selection of wrapped prizes waiting for you in my town. If you post on the thread that you wish to take part, I will add your friend code and let you know that you've been accepted. You will then be granted entry to my town, where you may take three wrapped gifts. These could be anything from furniture to hybrids to bells. Be sure to let me know what you got from the event once you have opened the presents!

Tuesday, 23rd December
8pm-9pm~ Minigame Madness

Those of you who have entered one of my giveaways before may remember how this works. Over the course of the hour, there will be twelve five minute minigames. These will each test either your general knowledge, speed, creativity or luck! The winner of each game will receive an ACNL prize.

All Day~ Poison Leela

At any point in the day, you may post your favourite recipe for any dessert you like. I will then choose the one I think looks best and award the poster 50BTB. I'll attempt to bake it as soon as I possibly can. I will be sure to post pictures of the finished product, or whatever toxic monstrosity I manage to create with my terrible baking skills. If I end up poisoning myself, the police should look to this thread. This is totally not stolen from Jeremy's TBT Fair event. Obviously.

Wednesday, 24th December
All Day~ Christmas Countdown

The most wonderful time of year is almost upon us, so I will be here to eagerly await Christmas with those others of you who celebrate it. Anyone who makes a post on this day will receive two entries for the grand prize, which is explained later on...

8pm-9pm~ Awards Ceremony

As this event draws to a close, it is time to reward those of you who have celebrated my fourmonthiversary with me. The following awards will be given:

Most Bumps Award~ Whoever has the most bumps at the end of the event will receive 20BTB from me. Just make sure you don't spam the thread, bumps are only allowed if the thread is near the bottom of Re-Tail.

193rd Post Award~ For no reason in particular, the person with the 193rd post will receive the full sweets series from GracieGrace.

Valuable Contributor Award~ The person who makes the highest amount valuable contributions to the events will receive a variety of hybrid flowers and other gardener's delights. If this goes to a tie, all of these users will still receive the original prize, I'll just hand more out.

9pm~ Grand Draw

For every post made in this thread (minus any spam), the poster will receive one entry into the Grand Draw. As mentioned above, each post on the 24th December will receive two entries. Three random entries will be drawn from a random generator, and these people will receive 2 million bells each!

So, I think that pretty much covers everything. I hope everyone has a lot of fun, and I wish you all good luck! Oh, and there is one more thing...

Thursday, 25th December
All Day~ Merry Christmas!

I will personally wish everyone who has posted on this thread a very merry Christmas!

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Can i join.
No too late.

Last edited:
Can i join.
No too late.


It only counts if you say this on the 21st December in my time zone. Apologies, it's my fault for not being clear. Just come back tomorrow and say it again!

I won't be around tomorrow or Monday morning so the thread may be rather quiet, but I'll be more active later on in the giveaway. Look forward to that!
I decided to host a giveaway because I'm clearing out my ACNL storage, and this coincides with my fourmonthiversary (it's a thing now)! There will be a number of things going on over the next few days... (All times displayed are in GMT/UTC)

Saturday, 20th December

From the start~ Hurry Up and Post!

The person with the 1st Reply wins 30 Bell Tree Bells!
The person with the 2nd Reply wins 20 Bell Tree Bells!
The person with the 3rd Reply wins 10 Bell Tree Bells!

Sunday, 21st December
All day~ In Game Bell Giveaway

Because this is the day I have been on TBT for four months, anyone who posts "Happy Fourmonthiversary!" on the thread will be entered into a random name selector. The winner will receive 1 million in game bells!

Monday, 22nd December
All day~ Furniture Fest

At random times throughout the day, I will announce that I will be giving away some different furniture sets. Whoever claims them first can have them for free!

8pm-10pm~ The Great Gift Grab

There will be a selection of wrapped prizes waiting for you in my town. If you post on the thread that you wish to take part, I will add your friend code and let you know that you've been accepted. You will then be granted entry to my town, where you may take three wrapped gifts. These could be anything from furniture to hybrids to bells. Be sure to let me know what you got from the event once you have opened the presents!

Tuesday, 23rd December
8pm-9pm~ Minigame Madness

Those of you who have entered one of my giveaways before may remember how this works. Over the course of the hour, there will be twelve five minute minigames. These will each test either your general knowledge, speed, creativity or luck! The winner of each game will receive an ACNL prize.

All Day~ Poison Leela

At any point in the day, you may post your favourite recipe for any dessert you like. I will then choose the one I think looks best and award the poster 50BTB. I'll attempt to bake it as soon as I possibly can. I will be sure to post pictures of the finished product, or whatever toxic monstrosity I manage to create with my terrible baking skills. If I end up poisoning myself, the police should look to this thread. This is totally not stolen from Jeremy's TBT Fair event. Obviously.

Wednesday, 24th December
All Day~ Christmas Countdown

The most wonderful time of year is almost upon us, so I will be here to eagerly await Christmas with those others of you who celebrate it. Anyone who makes a post on this day will receive two entries for the grand prize, which is explained later on...

8pm-9pm~ Awards Ceremony

As this event draws to a close, it is time to reward those of you who have celebrated my fourmonthiversary with me. The following awards will be given:

Most Bumps Award~ Whoever has the most bumps at the end of the event will receive 20BTB from me. Just make sure you don't spam the thread, bumps are only allowed if the thread is near the bottom of Re-Tail.

193rd Post Award~ For no reason in particular, the person with the 193rd post will receive the full sweets series from GracieGrace.

Valuable Contributor Award~ The person who makes the highest amount valuable contributions to the events will receive a variety of hybrid flowers and other gardener's delights. If this goes to a tie, all of these users will still receive the original prize, I'll just hand more out.

9pm~ Grand Draw

For every post made in this thread (minus any spam), the poster will receive one entry into the Grand Draw. As mentioned above, each post on the 24th December will receive two entries. Three random entries will be drawn from a random generator, and these people will receive 2 million bells each!

So, I think that pretty much covers everything. I hope everyone has a lot of fun, and I wish you all good luck! Oh, and there is one more thing...

Thursday, 25th December
All Day~ Merry Christmas!

I will personally wish everyone who has posted on this thread a very merry Christmas!

I would like to join, I might not be here this week so...
Happy Fourmonthiversary!
Might be on on Monday, and I'd like to do the activities
And Wednesday (pretend I post everysay I'm in for on this list)
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

- - - Post Merge - - -

It only counts if you say this on the 21st December in my time zone. Apologies, it's my fault for not being clear. Just come back tomorrow and say it again!

I won't be around tomorrow or Monday morning so the thread may be rather quiet, but I'll be more active later on in the giveaway. Look forward to that!

I can't, it's FAKE CHRISTMAS! for me
I did it today because cant check tomorrow as im busy with other things. I dont know yet but can i join?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I may be able to. Dunno yet.
Hopefully I'll be able to log on later, but in case I can't, I'll update the thread tomorrow. That means I might not be able to announce today's winner until tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find time.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And thanks for the Fourmonthiversary wishes so far ;)