FANTASY RP | Mahou Acadamy | OPEN & NEW


❥ コウ
May 4, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Candy

those who don't believe in magic

will never find it


the admins of this roleplay are Itai, Lolipup, Ethre, and Taka.
Please make sure that you listen to what they say <3

Witches and wizards have always been thought to keep their powers secret, as there are very few of them in the world, surrounded by the humans who will strive to judge them. Until, one day mahou academy was born. An academy built for male and female wizards, ages thirteen to twenty. Learn to master your abilities and make friends of your own kind.

no one liners
Be creative! Get into the spirit of things and let people read your character's thoughts and feelings, some inspiration and motivation for your character, anything, just make it interesting. Typing a one word or short one sentence reply to a full and detailed RP post gets annoying fast. While there is no word count minimum, the general rule of thumb is "try for at least 20-70 words"

be realistic!
If your character is hit, give them appropriate damage to the hit. For example ? In a Transformers based RP, if your character is human and Megatron shoots him with his fusion cannon, I'm sorry but your character is dead. If a Transformer is hit with a blast from that same cannon, he is going to be hurting. Be realistic and have fun with it.

Spell check, please use it. Please use proper spelling and grammar with your posts, and proofread them! It is very hard to read posts with spelling and grammar errors, misplaced words, or missing words, in an RP post. Please be kind to the other RPers and at least type like you paid attention in English class at school.
Absolutely no 1337 Speak, Chat Speak, LOL Speak, Internet Slang, Text Speak, or Text Short Hand will be allowed in any RP posts! We do not want to see it anywhere on the boards and repeated use of it in the RP is liable to earn you nothing less than being shut out from the RP.

Just don't do it. Pulling the "Yeah, and my character can do this" attitude and continually trying to One-Up other people's characters makes the rest of us want to either not RP with you or leave the site entirely. It is as immature as God Modding and refusing to let your characters be damaged by enemy fire. JUST DON'T DO IT!

Keep personal Drama out of the RP!

If you have an issue between you and another RPer, take it to Private Chat. Drama Baiting and Drama Mongering in public view drives away established members of the RP as well as new or potential members. If you have Real Life issues that are preventing you from posting promptly, politely excuse yourself from the RP. If you are simply having a bad day/week/whatever, do not take it out on others. While many do offer sympathy to those who are having an especially hard time, airing one's dirty laundry continuously is rude and annoying. It is also considered drama queen attention seeking and is liable to earn you nothing less than being shut out from the RP and likely cause others to turn away and ignore you.

No god-modding
yes, your character is magic, but that doesn't mean it can do everything. keep it somewhat simple with one or two powers so that all characters have fair abilities. God-modding is just not fun because it goes into the one-up category, your character is a teenager/young adult learning magic, not god.

the lobby consist of pure white couches, a rug, and a counter with binders, clipping to a piece of paper, the form is required to enter Mahou Academy

Character Name:
Powers(up to three):

( an image/gif is needed, but written description can be added along with the picture

Username: Itai
Character Name: Mayuri ( May, Yui ) Kushimaya
Age: fifteen { May Nineteenth - 5/19/1999 }
Gender: female
Powers: Mayuri can teleport in short distances at about fifteen feet every two-seven minutes, although this is not all she can do, she has the ability to shoot small beams of light from her hands, in which inflicts damage on most beings, she can't always do this one, as it is quite strong.
being the only magical being in her family that lives close by has left her powers to suffer.
Personality: the female is pretty shy toward new people and isn't very trusting. If she's with another shy person it will most likely be complete silence, as she will not start the conversation. Although, if she knows someone long enough, she will tell them most anything, even if they are lying to her, she probably wouldn't notice it.
Mayuri doesn't notice most lies but she is immensely sensitive toward name-calling and rude things, she tries hard not to cry about it though, usually giving excuses such as "my eyes water from allergies"
while, she does like to tell secrets to her friends, there is one that she will never be able to tell anyone, other than someone really close, in which she has not met, she tries to keep secret her "neko" appearance with a large witch hat and her tail under her dress.
Appearance: A white haired neko with the powers of a wizard/witch. She has a long braid with purple ties in it. And, a white dress at knee-length with a ribbon on the collar. A black hat with two white cotton balls, and white silk stockings followed with black flats.
a hidden white cat tail with a poofy end and a hidden pair of white cat ears.
Username: Itai
Character Name: Kou Kuraku
Age:thirteen { July 9th- 7/9/2001 }
Gender: Female
Powers: Kou lives in 'the country' she lives by lakes and ponds, and one day i her
childhood, she discovered her power to manipulate water and ice. She didn't tell her parents
until the day she heard of Mahou academy, although they were hesitant, they allowed
her to go to the school, Kou isn't the best with her abilities but she is pretty good for
a kid.
Personality: A very anti-social and sarcastic person. She argues about almost anything
and doesn't have much respect for adults, this often leads her into detention and threatens of being grounded at home, though, she continues to do this no matter the trouble she
gets in. kou also gets easily embarresed by almost everyone, she'll freak out if anyone makes silly dances, voices, sings, really anything embarreses the teenager.
Appearance: A girl with long blonde wavy/curly hair. She tends to use 'text talk' aloud. Kou hates her hair but is often too lazy to flat iron/straighten it.
People usually mistake her for round sixteen due to her tall 5'4 height.
Username: Itai
Character Name: Satoshi Kushimaya
Age:nineteen { December sixth - 12/6/1995 }
Gender: male
Powers: Satoshi can create many illusions and he's very talented at it.
He will create an illusion towards his enemy, creating them to fall under a spell
and stop fighting, he will then run away, as he is quite killed with handheld weapons
but once the enemy is distracted, it's easier to just run.
some enemies are too strong and can fight through the illusion
Personality: Satoshi is known as a 'tsundere' he is caring and kind but tends to
act cold and harsh towards people that he likes. He is especially mean to his younger cousin, Mayuri. Rather than elders. He is always very kind, and acts as a teachers-pet to stay away from the inconvience of getting in trouble with adults.
He is mean towards people, just to hide his true, sweet attitude, although, inside and out, Satoshi hates small children (0-3 ), as they are described as "gross", "annoying", and "a bother"
Appearance: A white haired male who wears a grey and black jacket under a dressy shirt and tie above grey-ish blue jeans. Satoshi wears black shoes and has dull brown eyes and small frown that is usually planted on his face.

Username: BlueWolf101
Character Name: Dokusei
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Powers(up to three): Dokusei has emitted a heavy radioactive cloud around him since as long as he can remember. The cloud only projects about three feet away from his body and he wants to train to be able to change its size and control it. He's never had any close friends because the toxins cause the body's internal organs to slowly shut down unless they can get the antidote, which he keeps on him at all times. He must wear his gas mask, because even his own body didn't build up an immunity.
Personality: Seemingly sad all the time, Dokusei has always despised his power and thinks it's disgusting and horrid compared to the other wizards. He walks slowly, thinking of his entire being as a curse alone, and he remains withdrawn and distant, even to those who get close to him. He tries his best to avoid making friends because he doesn't intend to hurt them, but believes that contact is a must with friendship, and he can't offer that. Life, this far, is hopeless to Dokusei and he decided to go to this school to try and find a reason to change that.
Appearance: A pale skinned male with dark black hair and striking red eyes. He wears a black coat lined with a fur hood and is never seen without his gas mask. His skin emanates a faint green glow at all times, regardless of the range of his toxins.

I like the sound of this!
Username: MayorBambie
Character Name: Aurelia (Auri) Kamini
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers(up to three): She can blend into shadows, becoming practically invisible, cast black magic and is more powerful at night.
Personality: She tends to be very cold towards everyone until they earn her trust, which is very difficult. She looks down at everyone but is wary and doesn't like people trying to protect her. She likes to bring other people down and is also very eccentric and fast paced, physically and mentally. On the outside, she appears to not care what people think, but this is just a mask, as she does actually care, especially if it's to do with her height. She enjoys reading, listening to music and martial arts. She despises parties, large crowds and people who slow her down.
View attachment 92684
Appearance: Long black hair with a straight fringe, always wears black, very pale, almost white, skin, navy blue eyes and is really short. She tends to wear a black dress but, in colder months, wears black jeans and a leather jacket.
Ooh, this seems fun!
Character Name: Yu (YuYu) Himearashi
Powers(up to three):Illusions, familiar summoning and Dark Magic from Tomes, although often she fails and does the wrong spell!
Personality:A very nice girl-her powers don't really suit her! She tries not to lie, but accidentally does, and she also tries not to be rude, but her heritage sometimes makes her be. . She is very clumsy, and drops things a lot! She things things are cute based on personality, not appearance; she ends up summoning things that she thinks is cute, but really is ugly! She has a tendency to lose her things, so sometimes she will forget her staff on a test day! She can summon lots of familiars, but she usually summons Tonkii;
She is a very likeable person.
She has a fringe that is swept to the side, the top of her dress connects to the shirt-its like a white blouse underneath her dress- and hair that reaches the edge of her skirt. The color of her ribbon is always red, to cause a contrast. She usually wears the same outfit, but she sometimes changes it to this:
She always uses the same tome and staff.​

Taka said:
Is my new form acceptable?

Username: Taka
Character Name: Tsuki Sumizome
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers(up to three): Tsuki is extremely powerful, so much so that it can be hard for her to control herself when she becomes angered, which may even cause her to harm her own friends if she is not stopped. She is also a very swift fighter, but taking hits isn't something she does well.
Personality: Honorable, just and a quick thinker, Tsuki is a skilled tactician. She is loyal to her friends and will never refuse a person in need to the point that she would give her life for a stranger. Despite her fast thinking skills in battle, she is extremely naive when it comes to activities a normal girl engages in and knows nothing about the latest trends. She knows even less about love than anything else, so she can't relate when people talk about crushes or relationships; Tsuki is generally very socially awkward.
Appearance: Tsuki always wears battle armor passed down through the generations of her family. She puts up her long black hair to ensure that it doesn't get in the way and her katana never leaves her side unless she is fighting. She is often told that her bright blue eyes would match much better with a beautiful gown, but she blows off these comments with the notion that she was not trained for such things.

No, I didn't draw this--but I have no idea who did.
Username: Lolipup

Character Name: Gowther

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Powers: Invasion, this technique allows Gowther to imprison an opponent in an illusion of their fondest memory, The illusion is triggered by conjuring a magical bow and firing an arrow of light into the target. entrapping his enemy in the illusion of their own memories.

As Invasion allows Gowther to see into the mind he can discern whether someone is lying, which is perfect for a teacher of Mahou to have.

Another technique that Gowther rarely ever uses is 'Nightmare teller', of which he entraps his target within their most horrifying nightmare using their memories as a basis to create said nightmare.

Finally, Gowther's third technique is to conquer up his pet familiar, a Carbuncle made of light, the little furry creature brings a warm feeling to all those that embrace it, bearing emotions of happiness within it.

He is shown to be completely clueless and unaware of others' feelings,
not understanding the meaning of friendship. Gowther often states things factually,
not understanding how what he says can upset people, which is not his intention in the least bit.
Since Gowther doesn't understand emotions well, Gowther goes to great length to understand them. For example, observing other people interacting and trying to copy them to fit in.

Although due to his lack of understanding emotions, Gowther hopes to learn more about people at Mahou academy, which is exactly why he applied to become a teacher there.
his knowledge of magic is impressive, so what he lacks in social interaction Gowther can make up for with helping others when they are struggling with certain subjects.

Gowther also appears to enjoy posing whenever introducing himself to someone.


Username: ethre

Character Name: Akama Yuto

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Powers: Coup d'Etat Faker - an ability that allows Yuto to replicate himself, creating an optical illusion from his agility and acceleration so it can be perceived as him having multiple clones dominating the battle area.

Object Manipulation - an ability that allows Yuto to use his eyesight to control small objects' movement and move them places within about 20 meters away, like knives. He doesn't use this one much since it never really works unless in the case of a full moon.

Personality: Akama projects a dependable, caring and cool personality who tends to get teased a lot but a lot of people still admire him. However, in spite of this, his true self is an insecure and fragile person. He's really afraid of losing the people around him, and acts like people would want him to act like to to be trusted and needed. He shows his true nature from time to time, but feels he's nothing without his faux nature. At times, he shows signs of being awkward and timid - he also displays an obvious interest in animals and a small one in gaming, which he keeps more hidden.

Other: Possesses a scythe he can summon at anytime, which is his main weapon because his object manipulation doesn't work all the time.

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Username: Zelorm
Character Name: Myokola Stanislav Holub
(Goes by Moroz)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers(up to three): Survive in subzero climates, Frost and ice control Personality: Moroz is Russian for frost. Moroz was not Russian, or even born in Russia, but his parents were Ukrainians. He is controlling, maniacal, rude, and rich. He does well in his classes. He wants nothing more than to control peoples lives. Like his parents, he is very stereotypical Russian. He often wears an Ushanka and a fur coat. He is very chivalrous, but expects men to do the same as him, and women to always look their best. He is blunt and serious in public, but seems nice in private. He is superstitious, knocking on wood and the like. Despite being underaged, he does drink Vodka. He loves sunflowers.
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Username: Itai
Character Name: Mayuri ( May, Yui ) Kushimaya
Age: fifteen { May Nineteenth - 5/19/1999 }
Gender: female
Powers: Mayuri can teleport in short distances at about fifteen feet every two-seven minutes, although this is not all she can do, she has the ability to shoot small beams of light from her hands, in which inflicts damage on most beings, she can't always do this one, as it is quite strong.
being the only magical being in her family that lives close by has left her powers to suffer.
Personality: the female is pretty shy toward new people and isn't very trusting. If she's with another shy person it will most likely be complete silence, as she will not start the conversation. Although, if she knows someone long enough, she will tell them most anything, even if they are lying to her, she probably wouldn't notice it.
Mayuri doesn't notice most lies but she is immensely sensitive toward name-calling and rude things, she tries hard not to cry about it though, usually giving excuses such as "my eyes water from allergies"
while, she does like to tell secrets to her friends, there is one that she will never be able to tell anyone, other than someone really close, in which she has not met, she tries to keep secret her "neko" appearance with a large witch hat and her tail under her dress.
Appearance: A white haired neko with the powers of a wizard/witch. She has a long braid with purple ties in it. And, a white dress at knee-length with a ribbon on the collar. A black hat with two white cotton balls, and white silk stockings followed with black flats.
a hidden white cat tail with a poofy end and a hidden pair of white cat ears.
Username: Itai
Character Name: Kou Kuraku
Age:thirteen { July 9th- 7/9/2001 }
Gender: Female
Powers: Kou lives in 'the country' she lives by lakes and ponds, and one day i her
childhood, she discovered her power to manipulate water and ice. She didn't tell her parents
until the day she heard of Mahou academy, although they were hesitant, they allowed
her to go to the school, Kou isn't the best with her abilities but she is pretty good for
a kid.
Personality: A very anti-social and sarcastic person. She argues about almost anything
and doesn't have much respect for adults, this often leads her into detention and threatens of being grounded at home, though, she continues to do this no matter the trouble she
gets in. kou also gets easily embarresed by almost everyone, she'll freak out if anyone makes silly dances, voices, sings, really anything embarreses the teenager.
Appearance: A girl with long blonde wavy/curly hair. She tends to use 'text talk' aloud. Kou hates her hair but is often too lazy to flat iron/straighten it.
People usually mistake her for round sixteen due to her tall 5'4 height.
Username: Itai
Character Name: Satoshi Kushimaya
Age:nineteen { December sixth - 12/6/1995 }
Gender: male
Powers: Satoshi can create many illusions and he's very talented at it.
He will create an illusion towards his enemy, creating them to fall under a spell
and stop fighting, he will then run away, as he is quite killed with handheld weapons
but once the enemy is distracted, it's easier to just run.
some enemies are too strong and can fight through the illusion
Personality: Satoshi is known as a 'tsundere' he is caring and kind but tends to
act cold and harsh towards people that he likes. He is especially mean to his younger cousin, Mayuri. Rather than elders. He is always very kind, and acts as a teachers-pet to stay away from the inconvience of getting in trouble with adults.
He is mean towards people, just to hide his true, sweet attitude, although, inside and out, Satoshi hates small children (0-3 ), as they are described as "gross", "annoying", and "a bother"
Appearance: A white haired male who wears a grey and black jacket under a dressy shirt and tie above grey-ish blue jeans. Satoshi wears black shoes and has dull brown eyes and small frown that is usually planted on his face.

Username: BlueWolf101
Character Name: Dokusei
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Powers(up to three): Dokusei has emitted a heavy radioactive cloud around him since as long as he can remember. The cloud only projects about three feet away from his body and he wants to train to be able to change its size and control it. He's never had any close friends because the toxins cause the body's internal organs to slowly shut down unless they can get the antidote, which he keeps on him at all times. He must wear his gas mask, because even his own body didn't build up an immunity.
Personality: Seemingly sad all the time, Dokusei has always despised his power and thinks it's disgusting and horrid compared to the other wizards. He walks slowly, thinking of his entire being as a curse alone, and he remains withdrawn and distant, even to those who get close to him. He tries his best to avoid making friends because he doesn't intend to hurt them, but believes that contact is a must with friendship, and he can't offer that. Life, this far, is hopeless to Dokusei and he decided to go to this school to try and find a reason to change that.
Appearance: A pale skinned male with dark black hair and striking red eyes. He wears a black coat lined with a fur hood and is never seen without his gas mask. His skin emanates a faint green glow at all times, regardless of the range of his toxins.

Ooh, this seems fun!
Character Name: Yu (YuYu) Himearashi
Powers(up to three):Illusions, familiar summoning and Dark Magic from Tomes, although often she fails and does the wrong spell!
Personality:A very nice girl-her powers don't really suit her! She tries not to lie, but accidentally does, and she also tries not to be rude, but her heritage sometimes makes her be. . She is very clumsy, and drops things a lot! She things things are cute based on personality, not appearance; she ends up summoning things that she thinks is cute, but really is ugly! She has a tendency to lose her things, so sometimes she will forget her staff on a test day! She can summon lots of familiars, but she usually summons Tonkii;
She is a very likeable person.
She has a fringe that is swept to the side, the top of her dress connects to the shirt-its like a white blouse underneath her dress- and hair that reaches the edge of her skirt. The color of her ribbon is always red, to cause a contrast. She usually wears the same outfit, but she sometimes changes it to this:
She always uses the same tome and staff.​
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Thanks to everyone for enrolling!
Me and the mods will discuss who we are accepting and not accepting tomorrow,
and I'm sure we will start the roleplay some time tomorrow too, goodnight!
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I like the sound of this!
Username: MayorBambie
Character Name: Aurelia (Auri) Kamini
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers(up to three): She can blend into shadows, becoming practically invisible, cast black magic and is more powerful at night.
Personality: She tends to be very cold towards everyone until they earn her trust, which is very difficult. She looks down at everyone but is wary and doesn't like people trying to protect her. She likes to bring other people down and is also very eccentric and fast paced, physically and mentally. On the outside, she appears to not care what people think, but this is just a mask, as she does actually care, especially if it's to do with her height. She enjoys reading, listening to music and martial arts. She despises parties, large crowds and people who slow her down.
Aurelia goth.jpg
Appearance: Long black hair with a straight fringe, always wears black, very pale, almost white, skin, navy blue eyes and is really short. She tends to wear a black dress but, in colder months, wears black jeans and a leather jacket.
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I think I see the pattern of everyones character being mean...?
I don't think everyone should have a rude character..​
I-Is my character mean?? I tried to make her nice and peppy....
Sorry if my character comes across as mean. I just tend to find that i'm better role playing as a more evil style character, as I'm not particularly peppy or goody-goody in real life, so it's harder to relate to it.
Sorry if my character comes across as mean. I just tend to find that i'm better role playing as a more evil style character, as I'm not particularly peppy or goody-goody in real life, so it's harder to relate to it.

It's fine, I just would prefer for there not to be anymore ;w;;​
Sorry if my character comes across as mean. I just tend to find that i'm better role playing as a more evil style character, as I'm not particularly peppy or goody-goody in real life, so it's harder to relate to it.

I know xD
I didn't think she was perfect....

Well, she isn't actually perfect, but she has very little flaws [clumsiness is a grade A sue "flaw" and doesn't count] and no actual personality flaws. [Ones that actually make her less goody goody and actual bother people.] :U

Like, for example, being overly judgmental to people she's just met, perfectionist, critical of everybody, lies to everybody, cowardly, close minded. Stuff like that.
Well, she isn't actually perfect, but she has very little flaws [clumsiness is a grade A sue "flaw" and doesn't count] and no actual personality flaws. [Ones that actually make her less goody goody and actual bother people.] :U

Like, for example, being overly judgmental to people she's just met, perfectionist, critical of everybody, lies to everybody, cowardly, close minded. Stuff like that.

Didn't you say you weren't joining? I don't want to be rude, but pestering people about their forms in a roleplay you aren't even going to be a part of isn't the most productive thing. The admins of the roleplay will decide whether or not the forms are good quality or need need tweaking.

That being said, sometimes you need to see a character in action to judge whether they are a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. If we assumed that all characters with good qualities were going to god-mod all over the place, not much would get done.
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