Shop Dusty's Extra Steam Games - Requests are closed atm. :c

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I'd like to request Neptunia 2 again in case it gets cheaper :3

Alrighty! I've added you to the list! :3

how much would it be for primordia, gemini rue, and technobabylon if you could get them :eek: ?

or like a combi of either one (pri or gemini + technobabylon). i'd reeeally like technobabylon but like, it's the most expensive out of the 3 sob q w q

Right now, they would be 900, 900, and 4,000, respectively.
Buuut, as you know, I won't be buying them now because there's always a chance that they'll drop in price since they're listed to be on sale until the 22nd.

Daily Deals, Flash Sales, and Monster Sales take priority. Everything else goes on the waiting list until 1) they go into one of those sales or 2) the last day of the sale.

So I've added you to the waiting list as well, and we'll see what happens. :)

As an aside; I'm cautiously excited to see what the "Monster Sales" are like in an hour. I'm really interested in Monstrum, so I'm really hoping that being in the 'monster sale' thing warrants a palatable discount, haha.

1.) Ayaya - Trails in the Sky;
Sonic Adventure 2;
Sonic Adventure DX.

2.) Yatogami - Neptunia 2.

3.) River - Tabletop Simulator.

4.) Cadbberry - Terraria.

5.) missmew - Neptunia 2.

6.) hachi - Primordia;
Gemini Rue;
Why is my thread always more active when I'm asleep.

Will do, cap'n! :3

I am a terrible person. I could've sworn I responded to all my request PMs at least notifying that they've been put on hold until the sale happens. :c

Trails in the Sky is super likely to go down to at least $10 again, if not lower since it was $10 during the last huge sale. (It's actually on my own waiting list, too! Along with the first few Ys titles, lol)
And both Sonic Adventure titles have been as low as $2 in the past, half their current prices. c:

So I have added you to the front of the waiting list, seeing as you did technically request these for the sale like a week ago and I never responded, lol. And we'll see if they hit a lower price tag before we try to decide which ones we can get.

Terraria has been added to the "waiting list" as it's bound to go down to $2 like every other sale. :3

Don't Starve, however, is at its historical low. Are you requesting just the base game? Or the Reign of Giants DLC as well? c:
If only the base game, you're looking at 1,200 TBT.
If you want the base game and the DLC, it's 1,500 TBT. :)

Sure thing. :)
I still have you on Steam, so I've just sent it your way. Lemme know when you get it, and send by the bells whenever you get a chance. c:

Can I do the base game and DLC for Don't starve please
hello !
how many BTBs for CS:GO? it's currently ?5.99 atm thanks to the sale c:
hello !
how many BTBs for CS:GO? it's currently ?5.99 atm thanks to the sale c:

CS:GO is $7.49 for me -- go figure, Valve actually adjusted its regional prices.

But it's likely to drop to $3.74 in a flash sale, so I'm afraid you'll be on the waiting list until it does. c;

Hi. If possible I'd like to request Child of Light. :)

I was literally just about to make a joke about the incoming wave of requests for that, haha

It'll be 1,200 tbt and I can send it in a moment c:
CS:GO is $7.49 for me -- go figure, Valve actually adjusted its regional prices.

But it's likely to drop to $3.74 in a flash sale, so I'm afraid you'll be on the waiting list until it does. c;

that's ok!! thank you c:
Right now, they would be 900, 900, and 4,000, respectively.
Buuut, as you know, I won't be buying them now because there's always a chance that they'll drop in price since they're listed to be on sale until the 22nd.

Daily Deals, Flash Sales, and Monster Sales take priority. Everything else goes on the waiting list until 1) they go into one of those sales or 2) the last day of the sale.

So I've added you to the waiting list as well, and we'll see what happens. :)

that's totally fine aaa o/ thanks!
Hi. If possible I'd like to request Child of Light. :)

It's been sent your way c:

And sailormoons and hachi, thank you for understanding. :)
lemme go ahead and update it while I'm thinking about it, I don't wanna forget anybody along the way, lolol.

1.) Ayaya - Trails in the Sky;
Sonic Adventure 2;
Sonic Adventure DX.

2.) Yatogami - Neptunia 2.

3.) River - Tabletop Simulator.

4.) Cadbberry - Terraria.

5.) missmew - Neptunia 2.

6.) hachi - Primordia;
Gemini Rue;

7.) sailormoons - CS:GO.
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//awkwardly rolls back in

I'm interested in "Don't Starve + Reign of Giants" which is at $4.74 atm QvQ
Would 1,500 TBT be alright? :0
Hi: Bought those games already, so please disregard my request at post #534.
Thank you & FREE BUMP!
Steam put CS:GO on the front page for the same price it's been all sale. It's not on a 48-hour sale. What is this nonsense.

//awkwardly rolls back in

I'm interested in "Don't Starve + Reign of Giants" which is at $4.74 atm QvQ
Would 1,500 TBT be alright? :0

Disregard my late reply, lol. I grabbed a gift copy this morning while it was still on sale, it's in my inventory for you whenever you're ready to trade. c:

ahhhh nvm ><
sorry about that!

Child of Light, right?

It's still on sale - the daily deals are 48-hours long. It'll be $3.74 until tomorrow afternoon, EST. :)

Unless you already bought it?

how much for Brothers - A Tale Of Two Sons (it's around $3 with the sale i believe)? really interested in getting it. as well as Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons will be on sale until the 22nd, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait on that.

Kingdoms of Amalur - I can definitely do the base game, but I'll have to double-check if I can do the DLC Collection.

As a head's up, it'll be 1,300 for the base game, or 2,700 for the Collection.
And if Brothers stays the same price until the 22nd, that will be 900.

Hi: Bought those games already, so please disregard my request at post #534.
Thank you & FREE BUMP!

I was gonna respond last night to inform you that you'd have to wait a little bit, but by the time we got back from dinner we had already exceeded the half hour window you had.
Apologies for the late reply, though. :c
quiet screeching

I'd pretty much given up on the idea that I'd get the game with a sale, haha
Sending now <3
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