Giveaway Team Popsicle's Candy Giveaway! c: {Winner announced!}


Team Popsicle <3
Jul 14, 2013
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Voodoo Doll
100% (570) +


✧ Hello! Welcome to my giveaway! c: I'll be giving away the entire candy set collectibles! To join all you need to do is just comment that you'll like to enter! I'll be updating the entry list when I can, all I ask is for you guys to please be patient for when I update the entry list! :3 If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Also if you'll like to chat with me or other Team Popsicle members, please feel free to head on over to Team Popsicle in the Basement! :^) {I don't want to turn this giveaway into a chat group, so please refrain from commenting unless it's to enter or if you have a question about the giveaway! Thanks and good luck to everyone! c: }

End date: 9/29/15 at 11pm PST time
Raffle Drawing: Click here to go to the website I'll be using to pick the winner! Short description of how the winner will be picked: I'll be putting all of the entries on this website, and it'll randomly choose the winner!

Note: You do not have to be a popsicle member/popsicle in freezing member to join this giveaway! This giveaway is intended for everyone to join! c: I wanted to give back to the community since so many kind people have always been hosting great giveaways!! ; v ; Also once you win the candy set, please feel free to do whatever you want with it! You can gift it to a friend, sell it for tbt so you can afford other collectibles you want, etc.!

-Call me Daniel
-King Dad

And the winner of my giveaway is....
Congrats!! I'll be sending your candy collectibles shortly!! Thanks for entering everyone!! :)

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I would like to enter! Fantastic giveaway, Miharu! <3 (why am I still up?! lolz)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is it just by or another radom number draw by post number etc? The terms of the draw weren't clear XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

And obviously one entry per person, correct? :)
I would like to enter! Fantastic giveaway, Miharu! <3 (why am I still up?! lolz)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is it just by or another radom number draw by post number etc? The terms of the draw weren't clear XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

And obviously one entry per person, correct? :)
Daww thank you! :D And sorry haha I am so used to the drawing for TP for the raffles that I forgot to mention it ahahaha I will be using the same website I used to draw the winners for TP's raffles! I forgot the name of the website, but basically I put all of your names on there and it chooses the winner c: So it's not by your post number or anything like that XD

And yup! Only one entry per person! c: I will add you to the list now! :D

We dont hav to be a popsicle member right?
If so, id like to enter c:
Nope you don't need to be a member or own a popsicle to enter! This giveaway is for everyone and that's why it's placed in the marketplace (≧∇≦)b I will add you to the list now! :D
I'd like to enter! Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone~
Wow, awesome giveaway Miharu! I'd love to enter as well ^^

Thank you!