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Mafia 1984 Mafia: TOWN WINS!

At this point I agree that Trojans prob not maf. If Slammint was, that clears him of being maf, at least.

I'll analyze this tomorrow - way too tired to make a full blown post. Gonna stick around a tad longer though

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Nothing happened to me last night btw

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Alright, sleeps got my name on it. GOODNIGHT.
I never said you were 100% confirmed, and I think I had a pretty damn good reason to say that you were practically confirmed maf. Good job on the shot, though.

Off the top of my head, Slammint's reads said that she liked Labelle and me, and not Daniel, Trojan, and Ender. Due to this, and the fact that I don't think she can bluff her reads, I'm willing to read these three as strong green. As for Labelle, this is causing me to have to raise an eyebrow, because she'd logically be the last mafian left, if my theory stands. Also, she's in the "like" list, despite having not done much in relation to her.

I know that I defended Slammint a lot throughout D1/N1, and Im probably going to get flack for that. My stance made sense, though, and if we can't trust logic, what can we trust? If you didn't think it made sense, then shame on you for not speaking up (Ender did tho).

The good thing about this is that we have some more mislynches now, so lynching either Labelle or me should be fine today.

Actually, you know what? Trojan, are you a Vig, or a 1-shot Vig? If you're the former, then the one who isn't lynched is guarenteed to be mafia, if the game keeps going and if we're going to trust that Slammint had some experienced help (sure seems like they did).

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Actually, you know what? Trojan, are you a Vig, or a 1-shot Vig? If you're the former, then the one who isn't lynched is guarenteed to be mafia, if the game keeps going and if we're going to trust that Slammint had some experienced help (sure seems like they did).

What I was getting at was if you could shoot Labelle if you guys lynch me. If we lynch her and she seriously turns out as a townie, then from my perspective, it has to be Ender, but my presence would be a detriment at that point so shoot me.

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Also, we have 1-2 more mislynches we can afford, depending on how Vig plays.
I am 1-shot vig so your strat will probably not be plausible. Also, why do you fancy getting shot?
I am 1-shot vig so your strat will probably not be plausible. Also, why do you fancy getting shot?
Well it's pretty obvious that it's down to LaBelle or me for mafia. My death would confirm someone else (LaBelle) as mafian, and I think a townie life for a mafian life is well worth the trade. And if LaBelle is actually town, then it'd look like I was the mafian, which I'd rather just off myself and prevent the confusion than for us to waste a day lynching me.

Hopefully that answers your question. I'd rather not die, if possible, but if me living is detrimental, I'd rather not live.

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I think we have the win in the bag though, unless mafia somehow gains another KP. We have two MLs to burn, which means we have three mislynches before mafia wins. There's only two potential people for the last mafian.

This feels almost too town-sided. I don't like it. Do you guys think a cult is possible in this game?

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Yo Trojan, I know it's kind of a moot point as of now, but I'd like to know what you thought that I was suspicious back at the beginning of N1.
Someone just pushed the memewagon off the cliff. Here we go! :D
So spoopy. I mean, there's only 30 days until Halloween, after all.
Jokes, nothing important.

I like how you think RVS will get you killed over RQS when so far, every time you've used RQS, you've been mafia. ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

1) I'll try to make at least one decent post per day. Pretty busy right now, though.
2) A wittle bit.
3) Female villager from AC:HHD.
4) Chocolate, mmm...
5) N/A.
Information and jokes.
Edit by way of (spammy, non-post-merging) posting: I read your whole sentence about the RVS wrong. Off to a good start. :p
Too late - memewagon's rolling too fast to jump out now.

On another note, I'm excited to hear from the new players tomorrow. :)
Poking new players, nothing important.
Hi Bloobloop, what's with the vote for Kat?
Questioning Kat vote.
So you voted for Kat because you were familiar with her? Or because you weren't familiar with her?
Unless it's "Do do do do (vote for Endless)" it's not a real song amirite.Eh, the fact that you're trying to use strategy in itself is a good place to start.
Joking around
I like your way of thinking - it's always past 2:00 a.m. somewhere. ;)

I've wanted to ask this for a while now - Endless, Ender, do you know Trojan from somewhere? Apart from the new players, they're probably the one I'm most interested to hear from.
Questions and jokes
Interesting. I figured they must know someone playing since they've only posted in the Cellar, much like you two.3, actually. Call Me Daniel, Slammint & Trojan.

It took me like 20 minutes to write this... phones suck. Be back later with a proper computer.
Poking those who haven't commented.
Ooh, hi Trojan. Looks like half the player list is new to mafia, then. Welcome. :)

Endless, care to explain your reasoning on voting for Kat?
Questions, greetings.
I just woke up with the beginnings of what promises to be a nasty cold so I'll read this in a bit after I drink some tea and regain some semblance of coherency. Glad that everyone's active so far, though, it's always nice not to have to read into inactives with absolutely no posts to work off of.
Information, random comments.
Still not coherent, posting anyways. Keep in mind I?m writing this as I?m reading it so hopefully it makes sense when I change my mind about things based on later content. :p

Jumping the gun a little, aren?t you Rune? Two people had voted for her when you posted this with over 12 hours until lynch.When I first read this (keep this in mind for later please), I believed you over Endless but soft-townread both of you. While being wishy-washy doesn?t exactly make you look super strong town, in that situation I can understand your dilemma. As town (at least the way I play, some of you may beg to differ LOL), you want to be as honest and pro-town as possible without giving mafia any information that will give an advantage (in this case, making blue-sniping easier). Telling someone your role D1 when there?s not much on the table yet showing alignments, especially if you?re a PR, can be game-changing if the person you tell turns out to be mafia.
On the other hand, like I said, you want to be as honest as possible. So refusing to give information to someone who could be an ally pegs you as scummy. With that, you become a target for lynch. If you?re mislynched, we?re in the same boat as if you were blue-sniped - you?re still dead and town is down a PR.
It?s a fine line that relies solely on your own reads and subsequent judgements.

TL;DR: From that interaction alone, I soft town-read both of you because I saw both sides of the argument.

Then, Endless jumped on Slammint. Um, what? By your logic for voting Slammint, how are you town-reading Trojan? And expanding on that, why didn?t you attack Bloobloop for doing basically the same thing sans the (basically non-existent) bandwagon? Major red flags here.This is probably one of the best posts I?ve seen you make. Disagree on the top point, as I?ve already made it clear how I see Endless?s motive in that if he were town. But the rest, totally agree - hadn?t considered a scapegoat, but it makes sense since it?s been a fairly quiet day and nobody?s really done anything to put themselves on the chopping block. (Dolbywagon anyone?)This post alone makes me town-read you because it?s so all over the place and yet makes complete sense. Feels like you were just jotting down what you knew in a way that doesn?t feel forced.I like how your defence against Endless completely ignores the fact that he attacked & voted for Slammint on reasoning that could?ve applied to any of the new members plus all the stuff Ender?s been saying about the PMs he and Endless had been exchanging.As far as I can tell, nobody?s been inactive?

This post is a giant ramble-y mess.
I admit, I liked this post a lot. Good process of thought.

What made you change your mind? It's an easy out if you're actually teamed like someone suggested earlier, but I don't think Dolby would be that cruel, LOL.
Questioning me.
Um, what? Why did you feel the need to out this? Clearly I've missed something. Outing someone else doesn't make me want to not lynch you...
Commenting on Endless being weird.
Your play has been so weird this game if we were playing Town of Salem I'd assume you were a jester. They may have applied slight pressure but not nearly enough to out them as a PR.
Commenting on Endless.

Overall, there's been very little actual... tells. A slight town lean would be the best I could ascribe.

Hey guys, how are all of you?
Can anyone explain how this all works?
Hey guys how goes it? Ready for lynching?!
Repeating self.
Story, there's that hurrican wakeen thing that was making my internet not so good today. But i'll try to be more active now.
Explaining why inactive.
Oh no it didn't, but its made my area really good and its been raining all day, so if i go offline suddenly i apologize.
Aw Endless! Also Trojan I think your signature is too big you may want to shorten it.
I thought endless would die first honestly.
"I thought endless would die first honestly" REALLY FEELS OFF TO ME.
I think Trojan is Mafia, and maybe Saraskat too.
Weird post pushing off towards Trojan and Sarasa.
To me your the most likely to be mafia, im getting a very suspicious read on you...
I can't give you a precise reason why, but the vibe i get from you isn't a good one. If you turn out to be mafia i wouldn't be surprised. And if you'd like to get a better read on me, feel free to ask me questions!
"I get a weird feeling" Nothing too bad here but it's fairly normal bad scumhunting.
woaahhhh I'm not mafia! Or am I ;).
Well I'm not lynching you get if thats what your implying, I'll wait until i get a solid read on someone. But I will be ready back to answer your questions right now.
I will be posting what my opinions are in a couple of minutes.
Promising opinions.
Okay Here is my opinion on everybody so far.
LaBelleFleur- Doesn't post a lot but seemed very excited to lynch in the beginning. However if she posted more i could get a better read so on a scale of 1-10 for being mafia, i'd say 4.
EnderWiggin-Kinda suspicious for wanting Endless lynched at the beginning and just lynching in general. Hasn't raised any red flags more me yet so I'd say....a 6
SarasaKat-Seems very experienced at mafia and has a very detailed read on everyone, seems like the kind of person who would be constantly thinking about everyone even when not online. I feel as if you already have a plan on who you want dead.I also think you question things alittle to much and seems that you would be good at lying... You get an 8.
Runeraider-I really get a read on you, but i don't think your purely innocent... its just a hunch though. 5
Trojan- I can't really rate you yet but you seem to be on the more suspicious side to me. 6
Panda1376-Hasn't posted a lot so i can't read from much, but you seem innocent so you get a 2.
Slammint- You always looked very confused on whats going on and i think your still trying to figure out how this all works. You get a 5.
Bloobloop- I haven't seen you post any more than 3 posts so i have no clue. But i think you would post more if you were mafia.0

The most suspicious to me is Saraskat but thats probably becuase you post the most and i can get the best read from you.

But honestly its pretty early ingame and i'd like to know more about you all so i cannot give any of you a proper reading yet. Later on this can all change so keep that in mind.
This is really the most scum-like post. It's a lot of "I could be wrong" coupled with "Sarasa is my strongest read but that might be just because you talk a lot."
Correct, i'd like to see more people post more in order for me to make a better judgement. So why don't we all share some info about ourselves?
I don't know stuff like:
Favorite game
What do you do to past time
Why do you like tbt
Questions are always good.
Oh hey ender how's it going?
I don't know why you need to ask this, but this isn't a tell.
Oh sorry Sarsa let me answer them now.

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Oh wait where are the questions again?
What do you think about Endless saying that Rune is confirmed?
Don't think to much about it honestly.

Why is someone who doesn't post an auto 0? Couldn't it be a mafian lurking in the shadows?
I've known bloobloop before and they don't seem like the kind of person to be stalking and gathering info, I'm guessing they are pretty busy like I am.

Also, if you can, can you cite specific instances where you got the opinions you did on the ones you didn't put down? For reference, you gave a reason for Labelle and (kinda) Ender and (kinda kinda) me, but not for anyone else.
I don't really have any evidence expect the fact that they've stated that they have experience so it makes it harder to tell if they're lying or not. More experience makes you a better player.
Can you clarify what you mean by "just lynching in general" for Ender?
They seemed very excited about the lynching, like he was waiting to vote, which i think he voted for endless, for no good reason i've seen.

Really weird answers. Talking about my vote on Endless, when it has been repeated that I already stated I was doing it before we got roles. Immediately scumreading experienced players. Didn't think anything about Endless' comments which were very important.

This is definitely my strongest scumread of the player pool.

Not too sure, to be honest. This is my first game of Mafia and I'm not very familiar with any of the players except for one or two.

Not familiar. Probably not the best strategy, but eh.

Boring. Empty. Nothing much in it. I'm going to put it out there that this is very null.

1) At least once a day, i work nights for the next couple days so ill probably be posting at strange times.
2) Zero... this is my first and i have little clue as to what I'm doing.
3) Some anime babe by artist MasterRAYS.
4) Mexican Food
5) LaBelleFleur... maybe ? ha

You can't be held responsible for anything you post after 2am... haha Cheers.
Responding to RQS
you bring up a very good point SarasaKat...and im glad to see that someone else is up at an unreasonable hour.
eh im sorry... so your on east coast ? 6:25 ? i hope you have a god day at school.
I got you silly joke Ender ;]

How many people haven't we heard from yet ? 2 ?
Side notes, meaningless.
DOESNT PLAY AC ? thats it he's getting lynched ;-]
wow that was so much to read and take in.... haha
does it matter that my vote didn't post in bold letters ?

At first i thought i shouldn't vote Endless cause Ender didn't vote for him and seeing that you two had a verbal discussion made me think that you probably had a pretty good read on him and i was going to follow your vote but then i started thinking that maybe you guys were aligned seeing that you two voted for the same person at pretty much the exact same time and the way you both targeted Slammint made me think that maybe you were just trying to take out an easy target... and as far as it being Endless and not you is that i find him harder to read and he already had votes against him so i thought my vote would be more efficiently placed on him... so your safe for now. haha
Weird analysis but not bad. I can understand each stage.
and as far as those of you whom are voting for Sarasakat are concerned, my question to you is why would you be voting for someone just cause Bloobloop made a premature stab in the dark and you decided to perhaps jump on the bandwagon. I know that most of us are new players and are not really sure how this works, but i would advise you to please rethink you decision and maybe place your vote where it would actually make a difference for example breaking up a team that has the advantage to communicate verbally with not proof or evidence as to what was actually said and or agreed upon.
I really like this post.
haha thanks for recapping what i had just wrote Slammint... if you don't mind me asking... how old are you Slammint ? and ur located in the uk ? you're English ?
on very cool i just got back from London my fianc? lives there and ill be back over there for christmas... what part of London you from ?
also the way Ender voted for Endless straight away and then changed it to them voting for the same person at the same time makes me think it was a distraction to help hide the fact that they are a team and hoping that people for be fooled by it and playing it off as if it was a joke... smooth move. haha
Getting distracted with my joke vote.
oh cool... near wembley ... not far from my fianc?, he lives in Hampton, near Richmond.

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Runeraider... this is a 10 person game...
Side comments, corrections.
yes it is haha... i hope you're feeling better.
SarasaKat how come you haven't voted ? hmm.... ?
Noting important things.
Trojan ? im curious as to what you have to say to this and also i know your on and looking at this thread so why aren't you contributing and also not voted yet ?
Poking people.
Pipe down over there Endless i was just trying to get him involved in the game and see if he had anything helpful to contribute.

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besides i wasn't pointing my finger at him i think i made it pretty clear as to whom im targeting.... any last words Endless ? hmmm...
Trojan why would you put SarasaKat in your Mafia List but then vote to Lynch Slammint ?

you have 5 minutes to change my mind Endless wanna try ? ? ? could save you
Poking things.
oh gotcha i see what you did there... ha
How are you not at fault ? You voted to lynch him !! Ha
Poking Rune's joke.
Oh sorry Rune... The sarcasm got lost, my bad.
Animal Crossing / Pokemon.
Video Games / Forum.
A fun way to connect with people who have similar interest.

I don't see how this helps you gain any insight on who's mafia or not. ?

Some of my current reads are as followed... if had to choose as to whom is acting the most sus at the moment that would be Call Me Daniel and Trojan. Slammint I can't tell if she is really that clueless or covering up.... I don't see why people at saying Sarasakat is sus but im keeping an eye on you. ha
Comments and reads.
Why would Trojan wanna know how to properly send in a mafia kill ?

Why would you target SarasaKat with no evidence ? makes me look at you twice.

and im still getting a negative feel from Ender... he doesn't seem to willing to try to help snoop out the mafia just seems to be laying low and now going back and looking at his and Endless votes maybe knowing Endless wasn't mafia and wanted to fly under the radar along side of him he followed Endless vote to lynch Slammint, seeing that he did vote second a few minutes after Endless.

Generally I've really liked Panda. Still new but I do like what they've done so far this game. Also their PM convo with me made me think they were likely town, and I'm still sitting on that.

Holy crap you make me weak.
I'm curious though - last game you wrote up a whole essay about why Endless is scum, but now doing something that takes less work (Pming everyone) is something you're too lazy to do? What changed?

Yo Bloop, I'm glad you're using stragety, but votes are generally used as saying, "Hey, I think you're mafia." That's why when the majority of voters chooses to say that someone is probably mafia, they get lynched. I don't see how not knowing someone pegs them down as mafian.

My only guess to as why Bloop voted me instead of someone else is that I'm probably the person they're least familiar with (which was the reason they stated). My only active area on these forums is mafia, and I've only been a member since July, soo...


1) I'd say moderately active. 3 posts at the minimum
2) Quite a bit. This is my 3rd forum that I'm playing forum mafia on.
3) Phoenix Wright. My one and only weakness.
4) Hmm, I'll go with Mint Choclate Chip icecream. Tbh I'm kind of surprised that I like it so much.
5) I don't think that Bloop would have voted me if there was a mafian behind the strings holding them back, so I'm gonna go with Bloop.

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Hm, you need help knowing what to do?

Let's start here:
Why do you think Labelle is town compared to the others. If you can't say a specific reason, then quote the posts that make you think that she's town.

Also, if you have any questions, seriously feel free to ask or Pm me or something.
Serious, strong post from off the bat. I liked this one.
Lol whats kinda sad is that I just got up.

For school.

I wanna sleeeep ;N;
Side comments
Yup, I'm an eastcoaster. Kinda wanna move out west though (if there wasnt that insane drought...)

@Ender Fair enough. To my knowledge, most info PMs are basically carbon copies of eachother, so it wouldn't take much mental work. So the main thing I'm getting from this is that you don't have the motivation factor.
Really pushing on trying to say I'm not motivated? I thought that weird but not really a tell.
If I've gotta be the death fodder for D1, ok.

But I think I know the reason. When Endless PM'd me asking for my power, I was skeptical at first and said I wouldn't give it to him, then I realized we could use it to stop fake claiming and then told him (main reason was that I wanted to hear his powers tbh, and that was the counter proposal). That could've taken as a suspicious action since I was being indecisive?

Quite frankly, the question in the first place is kinda suspicious. Besides fake claiming prevention, I feel like its main use is night related. The only two night action reasons that made sense to me is if he were:

A: A Watcher. Not sure if you guys have played with one before, but they sit outside someone's house and see who visited them that night. Reason they'd want to know powers is so they could verify who they visited and what they did.

B: A mafian trying to organize who's important to kill.

If his motivation for asking such a question was night actions, then these are the two options I see. And I can tell you right now that he didn't say he was a Watcher. So this leads me to think he could be maf.

As for the potential for trying to prevent fakeclaims, that is helpful but it comes with a double edged sword - it prevents town from making fake claims as well (which can be useful for reaction testing). I would think that Endless would have taken this into consideration.

There's also a possibility that he tried to word the question in such a way that scum could slip and tell him that they kill, but I feel like that's trying to play for Scholars Mate in chess. Even though it's a quick checkmate, most good players never use it because it can easily be blocked and leaves them in a worse position afterwards. And I don't think Endless would try a cheap tactic like that.

"Why'd you go along with it then if you think it was so suspicious omfg"
I felt that knowing his answer would be essential in either furthering my suspicion or taking the edge off of it. I would have voiced something about this sooner, but I was gone all of yesterday with a friend.

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Dat ninja tho.

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Lol Endless, I was trying to pinpoint YOUR motovation, and see if it alligned with a town perspective or a mafian perspective. I think you got my motove wrong.

Speaking of which, what was your motivation for sending that?

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Explanations. I can understand the train of thought i nthis.

Even that wording is bull****, now that I'm looking at it. I get what you're trying to say, but where's your trail of logic?

Point A: Kat says that she's willing to give her powers b/c Endless could be using it to stop fakeclaiming
1) Who the hell knows
Point B: Kat is trying to see if her action looks like a townie thing to do rather than it actually being pro-town.

Can someone tell me how he got from point A to point B?

My best shot af of now:
Point A
Kat is therefore trying to see if what Endless is doing is pro-town
Point B

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Remind me to not make posts on my phone when I've got my laptop in the next room over lmao


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TL;DR any of my last two posts:

- Endless' question had little motivation in the first place if it was a town alligned motive, so this points to him being mafia
- Endless' suspicion of me lies in faulty logic
Turning on Endless. (Notably didn't vote him?)
This is a closed set-up, so we don't know the roles for sure this time around, but common ones include:

Cop/Sherrif: Inspect one person per night and see if they're town alligned or mafian alligned
Doctor: Chooses one person per night. If they get attacked, they do not die.
Veteran: Has two night lives (DIFFERENT FROM TOS, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO PLAY IT!)
Vig/1-shot vig: Shoots someone at night (if one shot, they can only do this once)
Roleblocker: Prevents someone from taking action for one night
Godfather: Mafian who looks town-alligned to Cop

More uncommon:
Jack of All Trades (JoAT): Has a one shot heal, shot, and inspect.
(More to be added as people think of them)
Useful information post.
Oh, and Townie: No power other than their vote/voice.

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Hmm, so it was mainly because I went back on my decision for seemingly little reason? I can see that. That's a crime of being wishy-washy though - I'm still not seeing the whole "Im trying to look town rather than actually being town" thing. The reasoning of the PM being a reaction test makes a lot of sense, too. I'll unvote for now.

@Everyone else What was your thoughts on the exchange that just occured?
@Daniel Right now, we're in the day phase - which is where we try to pinpoint suspicious actions (by suspicious, I mean actions that hinder town winning in some way, be that through stifling conversation or doing something that'd help the mafia), and vote them out of the game.
I'm gonna go get Karla's explaination.

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Der :)
Information, questions, comments.
Slammint, I know there isn't a lot to go off of, but if you had to pinpoint one person as scum, who would it be? Rather than being 100% random in your vote, try for your best educated guess.

*sighs* Today was awfully inactive... Wish there was more to go off of.

A. So you think good players have a higher chance of being mafia? And you chose me, rather than some other good ones. Was there any reason for that?

B. If you think I'm your team mate, then why're you voting me?

C. When someone is suspicois of you, we need to hear your voice alone, not others. I can't make your opinion for you. You have to do that for yourself.

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Edit: You changed your vote to Ender? Why him above everyone else?
Poking into Daniel.

Hey I aint hatin :p Drilling people is all about the game. No hard feelings, man.

Hm, if all players besides you are good, then what defines a good player in your book?
That, my friend, is the textbook definition of OMGUS reasoning :p I agree that voting without stated reasoning is suspicious though, but it's not enough on its own. Do you have any other reasoning?

@Rune You don't think Endless' PM was a reaction-test move?
Questions, responses.
@Ender Huh, weird. He's gone back on himself three times just today, including that. Endless, care to explain?
Response to my ramble.
I feel like out of all of us active, the only one who has red flags is Endless. Slammit genuinely seems confused, and it looks like hes trying to be logical. And then there's Endless going back and forth all day. Hmm...

Jesus christ why do I have to work soon.
Also pushing on Endless again.
Slammit, don't tell me you haven't read back!?
Yo Ender, can you C/P this chat you and Endless had? It'll make referencing it a lot easier for the rest of us.
Ah, sorry about that Slammit.

Have you read all of the posts in this game this far?
At work btw so lurking
@ Trojan I wanna read back before voting
Explains why no vote.
Well ****, if he was town, that takes me back to the drawing board.

Gonna read though and see what I missed. Never quite caught the suspicions surrounding Slammint.
Defending Slammint? This is where Sarasa is starting to really go downhill.
Literally the only thing I can think of as to why Slammint could be scum was that initial vote for me (if there's anything else, tell me). Which yeah... that's bad. But you all made it sound like theres absolutely no motivation for him voting me. I think it was bandwagoning, actually. I have a theory about it, but I have an idea...

Slammnit, you never answered my question completely from earlier. Why did you vote me, and not someone else, if it was random? Seems like a pretty big coincidence that the person you voted on complete random was set to lynch.

Trojan, I saw that you pegged ne as possible scum. Why? I'd like to defend myself.

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Reason he voted you must have been because he thinks you're mafia. Can't think of any other reason he'd do it.

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I really liked that post Labelle made btw. Im townreading her for that.

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I really liked that post Labelle made btw. Im townreading her for that.

Townreads Labelle. I note that Sarasa keeps poking Slammint.

Gonna organize my thoughts here.
1. LaBelleFleur
3. EnderWiggin
6. Trojan
7. Panda1376
8. Call me Daniel
9. Slammint
10. Bloobloop

Ok, so from my perspective, two out of these 7 are mafia. I didn't include Rune cause hes confirmed (by Endless).

I'd be shocked if Labelle was maf. Her posts are strong. Yet, I'm pretty confidant that Ender or her have to be mafia. Why? It'd be cruel of Dolby to have the entire team based in new players. So as of now, my money's on Ender, (he seems very town, but hes the master at bluffs soo) but I'm not so confident in this catagory on who's the townie and who's the mafian. Ill leave this for later.

The second mafian is more likely to be new. My gut says Trojan actually, as of now. He knows basic mafia tactics, as he's played Town of Salem. And his suspicions felt oddly like a carbon copy of Endless'. He hasn't posted anything particularly contributive, either. He also mentions my actions as justified and then in his reads pegs me as mafia. In his reasoning for editing one of hos posts, he says, "Said something wrong". And then finally, he says that he'd look sus of Endless ends up being mafian. Why would he comment on that? I get that some of this stuff coupd be due to noob syndrome, but that's just too much information to disregard.

So Im thinking it's Ender/Labelle + Trojan, as of now.

I don't think its Bloop partly due to her random vote and partly due to her inactivity. It couuld be Call Me Daniel, I suppose, but I cant get a solid read on him atm since he hasnt really posted anything. Panda seems to be trying to get people involved and questioning others, so I'm reading him pretty strongly as town. Slammint seems to just be geniunely confused and trying to put something together, so I'm thinking he's alright (for now). That vote he made's a big no no though. My order, from least suspicious to most suspicious, is:

Call Me Daniel

@Trojan Why did your opinion change on me? And what was the thing that you said wrong and edited?

@Labelle As a mod, you can look back on previous edits, right? Can you check what Trojan originally said?

Suspicion post and reasonings. Here's where this "MUST BE 1 EXPERIENCED" thing comes in.
What makes you think I'm mafia?

@Slammint. Hmm, alright. That went against the idea in my head, actually, but thanks for answering
Oh, and she* for the pronoun I refer Slammint by. Sprry ^^"
I thought you were going for me because the others were voting me and you thought that they knew what was going on, so the. You voted me xD
Giving Slammint a better reason for her vote? Ooooh.
... You need more than that to indict me lmao, but ok. Can you quote some posts you find scummy?

Also, what were your thoughts on the whole Endless vs Slammint issue yesterday?
Poking Daniel.
Usually you vote to lynch the person you find most suspicious. I'm guessing if it's not me, it's Trojan then? I'd like to hear why you're sus of Trojan.

As of now, I'm reading Daniel as weak town since he doesn't seem to be afraid to put his opinion forth, but the reasoning is pretty weak.

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Yeah, he pretty much copied Endless's reads there. He also put me down as sus for no given reason.
Comments post. Reading Daniel as town.
Alrighty, take your time man :) Better for them to be quality than for you to rush.
Hey Slammint, you're gone Mon-Fri, right? Two days and one night would have passed by the time you get back :/

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There should be two mafians in the game, iirc.

Slammint, can you quote some posts from Ender that make you sus of him?

Daniel and Slammint, do you guys have any town reads (people who you're more confident about being town than others)? If so, who?
Questions. Again poking Slammint a lot.
Hmm, alright. I'm guessing you can't really point to any posts that make you think that Labelle and I are town then?
Wow, I'm honored you think highly of my experience. Thanks man. You are right that I think about this stuff all the time :p

I'll give you that I second guess pretty much everything, but I don't see how that makes me scummy. I'm trying to get more information on the playing field so that I can have a better idea on who's mafia, who's town, and what peoples' motivations are. Other than that, the main reason I'm seeing is because Im experienced, so you think I have the potential to pull stuff. I can't really defend myself against a gut feeling. I'm curious as to where you got the idea that I was plotting to kill everyone, though.

Considering your reasoning for being sus of me, this is kinda ironic, but QUESTIONS AHOY!
What do you think about Endless saying that Rune is confirmed?

Why is someone who doesn't post an auto 0? Couldn't it be a mafian lurking in the shadows?

Also, if you can, can you cite specific instances where you got the opinions you did on the ones you didn't put down? For reference, you gave a reason for Labelle and (kinda) Ender and (kinda kinda) me, but not for anyone else.

Can you clarify what you mean by "just lynching in general" for Ender?

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I was talking to Slammint there :p


Only prob is that we cant lynch at night.

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Is there any way you can get online, or no?
Talking to Slammint.
Well damn. You're prob gonna get replaced then cause 2 days and 1 night's a **** ton of time.
Talking about a replacement.
1: Ace Attorney Series (daamn, maybe the 3rd game? Or the 1st).
2: Hang with friends, video games, TBT, Tumblr, Youtube, aaand I think that about sums it up.
3: Mafia lmao. Came here through Smash Camp.

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@Slammint There's a replacement on hold if you need it :)
I feel like this is almost Sarasa going "I'd like you to replace."
How'd it go? :eek: I was meaning to watch, but I kinda forgot about it lol
Ooh damn.

Yeah, I play LoL. I haven't played my provisionals for ranked though because I suck ass and I know I'm gonna get Bronze 4 tbh (not quite bad enough for Bronze 5, but still).
I think he went to sleep. Don't blame him for that one lol

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Yo Daniel, can you answer those questions I asked in that spoiler though?
Questions, responses.
Woah woah woah I was reading the OP and I think I realized something..

Not sure if he had to change the set up or not due to less players, but putting in a neutral side heavily suggests a neutral party being in the game. Thought I'd point out the possibility.
Pushing the idea of a third party?
Linking questions.
If your role has a unique ability, it's called a night action. It's specified in the role you were given.

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@Everyone besides Slammint and Daniel
What're your current reads? If you had to peg two people as mafia, who would they be and why? Also, if you have any town reads, who are they and why?

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@Bloop I saw you poke your head in here earlier, but no comment from you. What're your thoughts about what happened so far?
I thought you were the confirmed town Rune?

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Ok thats sus af. I'm pretty damn confidant he's scum.

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If he doesn't get lynched tomorrow (unless something comes up), I'm going to be sad.
Can you put some explaination behind your reads?
Relatable tbh

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Oh, yeah. Anyone can answer thos if they wish, but aiming this at Labelle and Ender in particular:

What're your thoughts on Trojan?

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Wait, you think someone saying another person was a Town PR is nothing much to think about?!

I saw Bloobloop in the thread earlier, actually, but they didn't say anything. Do you think they were simply busy and trying to catch up, or does that change your mind?

As a side note, and this goes to everyone, using gut feelings and hunches as the reason you indict/clear someone is a place to start, but it is by no means the end all/be all. In order to be taken seriously in mafia, you need to find evidence to support your claims. I know I sound like a broken record when I keep asking you guys for evidence, but it's crucial that it's there. Otherwise, all your opinion is is that - an opinion. Not an argument/statement. It even looks suspicious when you base a suspicion based of purely a hutch, as it shows an unwillingness to go back and back up your claims and you're expecting people to just follow your train of thought. I get most of you guys are new, which is why I haven't been using that as a point against you guys. But it can and will be used against you in future games, and it's better to start using evidence later than never.

Now that being said, it's good to have opinions. We want to hear them! Even hutches! However, in order to understand them/see if your opinion has any merit, you need to have evidence that the rest of us can analyze. And if you're stating a hutch, then A. try to find what makes you feel that way/quote it. Explain it if you can. And if you can't, then B. Don't make a big deal out of it. State it, say that it's merely a hutch that you tried and can't explain, and move on. And keep trying to find evidence for it as time goes on.

I've really got to take a closer look at the whole Ender situation. I mean I think he's very likely mafia due to host bias (I'd be shocked if neither LaBelle nor Ender was mafia), but nothing struck me post wise at a glance. I'm gonna go take a deeper look at him.

Again pushing this idea.

I liked the start of Sarasa, but with the sudden 360 from Slammint and the weird ideas pushing (3rd party/must have experienced mafia, almost sounds PIS-y.) I've gotta say Sarasa is among my scumreads.

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So tl;dr reads:


Weak Townreads:


Call me Daniel

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Why are you so confident of this "MUST HAVE EXPERIENCED MEMBER" thing? I'm not even sure Dolby knew how experienced half the playerbase was. I don't think all of the newbies even introduced themselves AS newbies, and Dolby hasn't been around for a while. He only showed up for that last game we played.

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Welp sorry for being an idiot there. I still disn't see Slammint as a massive mafian, but I trust Ender a **** ton more.

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@ Ender I felt that him asking how to send in the maf kill was pretty damning in terms of him being maf. Why else would he ask that?
Did he actually ask how to send in a maf-kill?

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To explain my tl;dr reads at least a little, for those that don't want to crawl through my quote-walls:

Trojan - One-shot Vig. Pretty much confirmed.

Weak Townreads:
Labelle - Been pretty nothing but I like the reads post they posted.
Panda - Town feel from PMs and generally been pretty straightforwards.

Bloobloop - Not enough information.

Call me Daniel - Really wishy-washy. All over the place. Pushed some weird things and can't explain any of his reads.
SarasaKat - Really weird interaction with Slammint, constantly poking them to answer. Slammint's read does this random 360 after voting the bandwagon. Is pushing on a weird "Must be vets" thing, but probably is playing the long game with a "Why would I suggest that if it could easily get me lynched if I was mafia." play down the line.


I'm actually convincing myself that Sarasa is more likely scum than Daniel.

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Would be really funny if Sarasa was scum. Endless will be so salty that he tried to get both mafia lynched on Day 1 and got lynched instead.

Also: Sarasa was very strong at times against Endless but never voted. That's really sticking in my craw atm.
Alright so the last time I refreshed this was when Ender posted his ISO, so Im gonna reply to the pertinent points rn.

Half the players he saw last game, the other half basically stated they were new. I'd think Dolby would have a good idea of who was experienced and who was not. I can check to verify, though.

@Why I didn't vote Endless if I found him suspicious: I stated that I found him the most suspicious out of those active at the time, but that doesn't mean I thought he was supreme mafia. I didn't feel super confidant about anyone being mafia at the time. I know I should have voted him if I thought he was the most suspicious regardless, but I really liked the whole reaction test thing, and just couldn't bring myself to.

@Poking to answer: Haven't I done that to pretty much everyone? If anything, I'd say I poked you and Daniel more.

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@Half of your posts against me in the ISO: Why the hell would I be trying to give Slammint reasoning in thread? Because of WIFOM? It'd make more sense for me to poke her in PM/mafia chat otherwise.

@Slammint needing a replacement You don't think she should have gotten one? She was going to be gone for 5 days. I think my reasoning there made sense.

Gonna dig into the other ones now

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I wanna join, but HOW DO YOU PLAY?

/in nice to meet my fellow players!

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Sorry for the edit, i just remembered not do do that but since its an entry hopefully its fine.

Oh, thank you very much! This is my first game of Mafia, so I'm excited!
I wanna join, but HOW DO YOU PLAY?

/in nice to meet my fellow players!

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Sorry for the edit, i just remembered not do do that but since its an entry hopefully its fine.
3/5 heavily inplied a new mafian player before roles were handed out.

Panda has 104 posts, and Trojan has 15 as of now. That means the two had quite a bit less when they signed up. Dolby could have also easily looked everyone up on the TBT wiki, so I don't think information is a problem here.

You think Dolby wouldnput two inexperienced players together?

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Did he actually ask how to send in a maf-kill?
If we are to trust Rune, yes.
@Labelle's reads Overall, I agree, and I really like that rambly post of hers. However, her general lack of involvement with the game is a source of concern tbh. I get real lives are busy and such, but it being D2 and her not posting since lateish D1 is sort of disconcerning imo.

@Daniel I'm reading him as super confused, more than anything. Had his posts been from an experienced player, I'd totally agree with you that he's suspicious. But considering that he's trying to contribute says a lot to me. Most new players I have contact with are illogical, so that's something that I feel needs to be taken into account.

@BlooBloop Yeah, pretty much agree with you there. Only part that I read differently is the vote itself - I don't think a mafian would be voting randomly like that.

@ Panda I agree with that read as well.

@EN thing: I brought up the possibility because its often forgotten. I felt that it was important that we didn't forget.
Hello, I'm not dead, was just busy yesterday. Going to try and post my thoughts tonight, but voting for Kat now in case I don't make it back in time.

Assuming Dolby paired an 'experienced' player with Slammint, that leaves myself, Kat & Ender. Two quick reasons I'm voting for Kat (will explain reasoning better later, I'm at work right now):
1. From everything I've read, my town-read on Ender is stronger than my read on Kat.
2. I'm getting deja-vu flashbacks to Meme Mafia, in which Kat appeared to be strong town but was in fact mafia. I've no doubt Ender's more than capable of this as well, but I'm just seeing similarities and it's making me uneasy.
@Why I didn't vote Endless if I found him suspicious: I stated that I found him the most suspicious out of those active at the time, but that doesn't mean I thought he was supreme mafia. I didn't feel super confidant about anyone being mafia at the time. I know I should have voted him if I thought he was the most suspicious regardless, but I really liked the whole reaction test thing, and just couldn't bring myself to.

Fair enough.

@Poking to answer: Haven't I done that to pretty much everyone? If anything, I'd say I poked you and Daniel more.

Not really everyone. To be honest it in itself isn't much of a read. It's more coupled with the weird interactions that make me raise an eyebrow.

@Half of your posts against me in the ISO: Why the hell would I be trying to give Slammint reasoning in thread? Because of WIFOM? It'd make more sense for me to poke her in PM/mafia chat otherwise.

Okay. This is such a hugely wrong response you're literally begging me to vote you.

I'm FAIRLY sure I can be confident in saying you'd know that if a new player had weird reasons for something and then suddenly corrected themselves with no input, that would instantly cry scum. Therefore in-thread prompting is literally the easiest way since it camouflages and you always have the excuse of "Why didn't I mafia chat them the better reasoning then."

Please, let's not pretend I'm stupid.

@Slammint needing a replacement You don't think she should have gotten one? She was going to be gone for 5 days. I think my reasoning there made sense.

No, I do think she should've. I was actually hoping for it myself because I felt I'd have a better time reading Dad, since I knew how he acted. It was really a non-point, which is why it didn't make it to my tl;dr reason for me putting you in scum.

3/5 heavily inplied a new mafian player before roles were handed out.

Panda has 104 posts, and Trojan has 15 as of now. That means the two had quite a bit less when they signed up. Dolby could have also easily looked everyone up on the TBT wiki, so I don't think information is a problem here.

You think Dolby wouldnput two inexperienced players together?

Your five quotes have 2 Daniel and 2 Slammint.

I can't find a TBT wiki that's up to date. That might just be my bad skills.

Trojan was new and here for mafia. It's actually likely that it was assumed they were like me/Endless. Also Daniel didn't imply they were new? Unless you're saying the editing thing meant that it could be assumed.

And would he? I don't know. That's why I refuse to count it out. You're putting a LOT of surety into something I wouldn't count on. I mean, sure, if you know the host and their habits, I could understand, but from what I can tell you've never played in a Dolby game before. So.

@Labelle's reads Overall, I agree, and I really like that rambly post of hers. However, her general lack of involvement with the game is a source of concern tbh. I get real lives are busy and such, but it being D2 and her not posting since lateish D1 is sort of disconcerning imo.

@Daniel I'm reading him as super confused, more than anything. Had his posts been from an experienced player, I'd totally agree with you that he's suspicious. But considering that he's trying to contribute says a lot to me. Most new players I have contact with are illogical, so that's something that I feel needs to be taken into account.

@BlooBloop Yeah, pretty much agree with you there. Only part that I read differently is the vote itself - I don't think a mafian would be voting randomly like that.

@ Panda I agree with that read as well.

@EN thing: I brought up the possibility because its often forgotten. I felt that it was important that we didn't forget.

In your Labelle response you have "concern over her not being around" and yet she stated quite clearly she was coming down with a sickness towards the end of her posting run.

In your Daniel response you call him "Confused". To be honest newer players are often more convicted about the most random scumreads, Daniel is doing a lot of "I could be wrongs" and giving himself outs and reasons why he can backtrack. This is something experienced players often don't fall into as mafia. In fact, if he was experienced, that waffling would make me think he was town, simply because an experienced player as scum would generally avoid something that they know brings attention to them.

In regards to Bloo... There are a lot of ways that can be read. It's true, it could be town, but it's such a weak tell that I'm not going to stake any real serious thought into it until she posts more.
Okay. This is such a hugely wrong response you're literally begging me to vote you.

I'm FAIRLY sure I can be confident in saying you'd know that if a new player had weird reasons for something and then suddenly corrected themselves with no input, that would instantly cry scum. Therefore in-thread prompting is literally the easiest way since it camouflages and you always have the excuse of "Why didn't I mafia chat them the better reasoning then."

Please, let's not pretend I'm stupid.
Jesus christ fine I'm a moron. I thought it was a legitimate question.

Alright, to try to make it clear, the reason I ended up telling her my thoughts was because I wanted to see her reaction, and I wasn't entirely happy with it(suddenly saying thats half the reason) , but I felt like her previous post about "Well I can only post what I think" was an extreme town tell. That's the only way I can reason why I said that (it was a gut feeling why I didn't say much else, tbh).

@Quotes Yeah I know. Couldn't edit tho so there wasnt much I could do

@Daniel Newness The whole edit thing seemed pretty newbie player so I'd say yeah - that'd be enough to assume the player is pretty new. Admittedly, part of the reason I'm going with that theory is because I don't think anyone else is that suspicious. I'm trying to think of some sort of direction that I think could be correct rather than flail around and not be able to provide my own thoughts.

@Daniel's reads Maybe I haven't played with new players enough then. My old mafia group basically stayed static the whole time, so I don't have too much experience with new players. In any case, I'd like to see what he has to say for himself. I don't know what to think anymore.

@Labelle's reads I'm sick rn. Does that mean Im not posting? No.
@Labelle's reads I'm sick rn. Does that mean Im not posting? No.
What do you want me to say to this? I'm sorry I have real-life obligations that don't always allow me to sit on a computer refreshing this thread? I was feeling crappy Saturday, busy all day Sunday, worked today, came home, and now I'm writing a post. Not sure if I'm just taking this post too personally or not - it just feels like you're lashing out a bit in a desperate attempt not to get lynched, even though you practically volunteered yourself earlier.
@Labelle's reads I'm sick rn. Does that mean Im not posting? No.

I'm feeling like this is getting a bit personal. >< Just because you're sick and you're still active, that's your choice. I'm never going to argue that you should post even while sick, because I know how it can be.

I'm sorry you're ill though. ><
Well, that's something I love too. =P

But I'm just going to say that you need to post more. It will take time to develop a towngame people can't tell from your scumgame, but lurking isn't going to help anyone, and will get you lynched a lot when it could be avoided. ^^

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That's personal experience talking. I started as a lurker. Then I loved how no one could read me so I built a talking game around being unable to be read.
Well, that's something I love too. =P

But I'm just going to say that you need to post more. It will take time to develop a towngame people can't tell from your scumgame, but lurking isn't going to help anyone, and will get you lynched a lot when it could be avoided. ^^

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That's personal experience talking. I started as a lurker. Then I loved how no one could read me so I built a talking game around being unable to be read.

I see! Thank you for the advice~
@LaBelle being ill and busy is a legit reason for not posting much the last few days cause before that she was posting a good amount and she still made time to come in everyday and try to keep herself updated...

@Bloobloop you might be happy that what don't much about you but thats not cause you're good at disguising anything you just flat ut don't post so your making me suspicious of you...

Who initially came up with this whole idea that Dolby would for sure have one experienced and one unexperienced as mafia ?
Sarasa did. Hence why I'm questioning it so thoroughly.

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Tbh it really sounds PIS-y. (PIS = Perfect Information Syndrome. Where you assume or state something that isn't confirmed publicly because you know the truth of it.)