-------------------------------------Vote Form----------------------------------
User Name:*DerwinLV
Friend Code:* in the sidebar
Group A: no. 3
Group B:*no. 3
Group C: no. 1
User Name: PrincessAurora
Friend Code: In sidebar
Group A: No. 2
Group B: No. 4
Group C: No. 1
User Name: Orieii
Group A: no.2 <3 (Cutest town!)
Group B: no. 3
Group C: no. 1
Participant's Name: NebulaDark
Prizes: (2)
Comment: Excellent
Do u hope the same event will be held in future? Y
What kind of event do u like: This or some house checking or so I'm not very creative at events^^'
Feedback* : I like this event to bad I got no votes aw well maybe next time...still my town is coming a long way...and it looks bad in the winter :[
Did I do it good this way swpau?
yes thanks about ur feedback...^___^ and the "Prizes: (2)" means u can obtain 4 Wi-Fi Ratings from the event...(1 rating is gift for sending feedback.)thx