What makes you cringe?

I cringe at my science teacher

I don't understand half of the things she says.
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The glitch that's been happening on here a lot recently where it says a new post's been made on a thread but it isn't viewable until someone else posts after.
when people call themselves lower than they really are #>H<
people saying they don't like a game before they even played it!!!!!
people not using THIS FONT!!!
Most people, if I'm honest. Especially people who take things way too seriously, and also the people who seem like they're being annoying just to piss you off.
I just looked up stretches to do before drawing so my wrist wouldn't cramp up as fast and the flexibility of this dude's wrists is making me scream.

when people call themselves lower than they really are #>H<

What does this mean
when people talk about nasty stuff (ex. toilet, vomit) wHEN UR EATING
her threads ^ and people that say things that are random like WAfflEZ adn diNOS xDDD
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People (especially old men/women) who talk about topics they clearly know nothing about and end up looking like idiots as a result.
people who stereotype/judge others for the dumbest sht like being into pokemon, minecraft, anime, hentai or whatever they don't agree with
people who stereotype/judge others for the dumbest sht like being into pokemon, minecraft, anime, hentai or whatever they don't agree with

Took the words right out of my mouth; as if an interest defines who somebody is and/or how they live their lives. Complete and utter BS.
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