Ah yeah, I saw your post in your other thread! Sorry to hear that happened to you, but I hope you get well soon! Take as much time as you need healing. c: <3
thank you hun ♥
Ah yeah, I saw your post in your other thread! Sorry to hear that happened to you, but I hope you get well soon! Take as much time as you need healing. c: <3
shape #:you pick!
big text:get spooked!
small text:aerin of salem
villagers (any number, up to 10): muffy, lucky, ankha, roscoe
background:https://s1.favim.com/orig/151201/8bit-fall-gif-halloween-Favim.com-3685281.gif AND http://data.whicdn.com/images/206317939/original.gif
animated, Y/N:y
OTHER: I would like one made with each background, so I can choose which I like more to use. XD
total TBT:20
no problem ♥ would you like different shapes or both the same?
will do them as soon as my hand heals ;_;
Oh no! What happened to your hand? I hope you're ok!
Whichever shapes you think bests suit them! I trust you. =]
okay ^^
I closed a door on it like an idiot ;____; I'm okay, but because it's my right hand I can't really use my mouse ):
Owchies! I hope it heals ok! I've done that to my fingers and it's no fun at all! <3
hi there! here are your cards
squidpops, Chibi.Hoshi, Bloobloop:
I love it! Thank you so much! tbt sent~