Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

No, I can tell you that godfathers is 100% significant, and I'd find it really funny if Toads made all the godfathers godfathers

Endless, if this makes sense to you, please confirm that I'm not hopelessly deluded

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Purely asking Endless because I think that Toads would get a laugh out of what I'm considering he's doing
Toads didn't mention that we can send role actions before the game start I check everything
Is there really much significance to the message though? I feel like there's something I'm missing here.
I can't be undoused but doc can save me still but meh.

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I have ideas who may have done it but idk if they'd be that obvious orrrrr idek
Is there really much significance to the message though? I feel like there's something I'm missing here.

Yeah I'm pretty sure there is. It has to do with role flavor, and I want someone else to confirm that I'm not wrong about it
Heyden being doused in gasoline is.. interesting, since there was no official night 0.
However, it's also something that would be pointblank suicide to claim if it wasn't actually true. (In that there's an arsonist in the game.)

The only possibility I can think of where Heyden is not doused would be if he's actually arsonist. But Heyden's reaction to being doused is reeking legitimacy, so I don't think that's the case.

Agree with Dolby on regard to punchy, his initial post did not come off with a jocular vibe. Don't think it's a strong read, but it's there.

Since no one else has bothered with an RQS, here's one:
If there was 7 buttons, each one a different colour of the rainbow, and you knew 1 blew up the world but didn't know which, but you had to click one, which would you click?
How much mafia experience do you have?
What's your preferred alignment?
Who's in the mafia team?
What's your preferred pronoun?

My answers:
If there was 7 buttons, each one a different colour of the rainbow, and you knew 1 blew up the world but didn't know which, but you had to click one, which would you click?I'd pick one of the purple colours, because brains function in binary fashions - and therefore don't make too much of a destination between the 2 purple shades on a rainbow. Consequently, it's much less likely that a bomber would choose a purple than another colour.
How much mafia experience do you have? I'm new xd
What's your preferred alignment? Town, it allows much more interesting gameplay than mafia. (Ex. I get to figure out the moving interactions of the mafia team rather than pretending to do so.)
Who's in the mafia team? Dolby, Glow, and Dad, because I like losing.
What's your preferred pronoun? He works, as does "your lord and saviour"

"To the Real Housewives awards show, I'm your host Tangy Cohen and I'm so excited to be here right now with 18 of the biggest divas, I have ever met."

"Tonight we honor all the greatest moments and will find out..."

The lights cut off, all the housewives panicked, gasped, and grabbed they weaves. A kerfuffle was evident in the center of the stage. The distinct sound of a knife stabbing flesh could be heard. Tangy Cohen let out a cry akin to a mother during child birth.

But then... silence. The lights flickered on to reveal Tangy Cohen had been horrendously assaulted with a pair of scissors and his gorgeous salt and pepper hair has been massacred. A slight stab wound in the head oozed blood... i mean come on it was dark.

Tears welled up in the eyes of our host, and she ran back stage. She reached the doorway to the hall, when a cloaked, shadowy figure emerged from the dark depths. A machete appeared from underneath the cloak and with a swift SCHING Tangy Cohen's head rolled back on stage .

A mixture of screams, gargling, and whimpers were heard across the stage. There were killers among this party.

An anonymous message was found on the host's seat after the lights turned back on.

Game begins, remember you may pm people on tbt or quicktopic, no discord yet. Mafia rules apply in those, but moderation of that is person by person, let me know if something is breaking rules.

Its better now
Destinction* not destination. Thanks autocorrect.

@Dolby I can't figure out what you're on about and I've extensively looked into the flavour of my role
If there was 7 buttons, each one a different colour of the rainbow, and you knew 1 blew up the world but didn't know which, but you had to click one, which would you click? Why is this a question?

How much mafia experience do you have? over 40 games at this point

What's your preferred alignment? Mafia because i like being sneaky with things ;)

Who's in the mafia team? my_mom.jpg

What's your preferred pronoun? He/Him/daddy
Destinction* not destination. Thanks autocorrect.

@Dolby I can't figure out what you're on about and I've extensively looked into the flavour of my role

Well ****, I thought I had something

Also Heyden claiming doused as arsonist is honestly kinda dumb because he's going to have to ignite eventually. And he'd be ****ed if there was a dead doc. Agreed that he has to be telling the truth about being doused

If there was 7 buttons, each one a different colour of the rainbow, and you knew 1 blew up the world but didn't know which, but you had to click one, which would you click?
Red, as it's my favorite alignment
How much mafia experience do you have?
A good deal
What's your preferred alignment?
Mafia (duh), those I'm 2 for 3 as hostile third party
Who's in the mafia team?
Again, as I've stated, Punchy feels kinda maf like, and Chele feels different from the last game, in which she was maf. Kinda feel that Farobi is slightly town as well
What's your preferred pronoun?
He/comrade/Eternal President of the Republic
Dolby prefers to be referred to in the third person
Okay. Punchy has rung a bell for me. I’m definitely gonna go look back at his posts privately. I’m not going to announce what it is unless I’m fully confident about him... in which I’m not.
I should start PMing people but I need to stack up on notes now.
How much mafia experience do you have? A pretty decent amount, to be honest. I have only played one game on this forum, but much more on Town of Salem. I can’t really remember my Epic Mafia games because I played it a while back.
What's your preferred alignment? I actually like being Mafia, but I like to be Maf with scum mates.
Who's in the mafia team? Punchy hasn’t been scum yet and gut tells me that he could, but I can’t really judge off chance.
What's your preferred pronoun? She/her
If there was 7 buttons, each one a different colour of the rainbow, and you knew 1 blew up the world but didn't know which, but you had to click one, which would you click?
The context of why the buttons were there in the first place would be something I'd question first. Assuming it's a bad guy (or bad environment) who placed it there, then I'd push the red as it's most likely to be disregarded because of the deadly associations with its color. Everything else I would overthink to death lol.

What's your preferred alignment? I used to like the idea of playing Mafia, but now I'm chill if I'm playing as town because more free-flowey mind.

What's your preferred pronoun? dat boi
With 18 players, I’m not sure whether to think if there’s 3 or 4 scum. Either way I’m estimating that they’d have 2kp.
So right now I’m going to read back through the thread because I need to go soon and I have very limited internet.
I'm just going to go with gut feeling and say my thoughts about the few posts so far. Dolby seems kind of agressive so far with his 1 post, kinda sus. Farobi's post: I don't like it. Kinda sus.

Also, if Punchy is scum I doubt he'd throw this out so early against a teammate, so Punchy/Farobi is less likely in my mind
Dolby, I can see where you’re coming from when you’re saying that Punchy is suspicious, but do you really think that he’d call your joking post about killing the pros and Farobi’s voting question sus? Honestly when I first saw it, I knew that it was a joke. Despite Punchy’s skill level, he wouldn’t even dare to be serious and call it sus, then retract it by saying it’s a joke.

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Plus, Vanessa didn’t even sus him, she just asked him if it was a joke. If somebody actually sussed him for that post and he retracted it that way, then sure that’d be sus but Vanessa just asked if it was a joke. If he was serious then he’d admit it imo.