Animal Crossing Iceberg + Explanations (Well-Researched)

Apr 12, 2021
Tasty Cake
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Yellow Candy
I created this iceberg using a program called inkscape. I finally decided to add an explanation.
Iceberg template I used:
animal crossing iceberg.png

Ok so now time for the explanation:
1.) K.K. Dirge is a K.K. song which sounds...unsettling
2.) Brutus the Bulldog is a urban legend/ playground rumor about an "evil" villager that would move into your AC gamecube town if you were away for too long. Brutus is a purple/black dog with a black shirt and glowing red eyes. Allegedly he would speak in binary, crash the game if you entered his house, ect. Only one screen shot of him was reported and it is a known fake. Dataminers have not found any evidence of this "Brutus". It's just a hoax, so don't worry about him.
3.) Doomguy and Isabelle are BFF's. 100% Cannon. Is true. Can confirm. ( It's a fandom joke about how Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons were released on the same date leading both fandoms to conclude they were BFF's.) Even the Dev's think it's pretty funny.
4.) Isabelle is buff from her time in smash.
5.) The Animal Crossing series has plenty of easter eggs hinting at the existence of aliens in game. If you turn on a T.V. in new horizons at exactly 3:33 A.M. you will receive an alien broadcast. In new leaf the same encounter would happen except only exclusively on Sundays & Mondays. In wild world and city folk you can shoot down a UFO with a sling shot. Then, you will find Gulliver dressed like an alien looking for his missing spaceship parts. In the relatively obscure (getting to that later) animal crossing movie Gulliver and his spaceship make an appearance.
1.) Gulliver is an alien. Point #5 in LAYER 1.) already tells you everything you need to know for this one.
2.) Secret K.K. Slider Songs. You can get these by requesting the name of that secret song at a K.K. Slider concert. Your birthday song is also a secret song played only on your birthday. Secret songs vary by game.
3.) Aika Village is a famous new leaf dream address town. It has a horror concept and many people on the internet speculate on what it could be. Apparently it has a New Horizons recreation. NH dream address: 1182-7179-4326 NL Dream address: 2D00-002A-49A0
4.) Brewster serves special drinks with pigeon milk. Pigeon milk or crop milk is a secretion from the lining of the crop of parent birds that is regurgitated to young birds.
5.) Fan Theory. Gulliver's crew is trying to "get rid of him" if you know what I mean. Think about it, he washes ashore at least once every couple weeks with his communicator broken. In addition, the crew doesn't pick up once his communicator is fixed, leaving him to tell sad jokes until they get there. The worst part is that it keeps on happening.
6.) Crazy Redd's fake art pieces are haunted. From blinking to glowing something isn't right here... More importantly where exactly is he getting this stuff from??
7.) Episodes used to happen in older games. These are flashbacks revealing lore. Wiki Article:
8.) Who is Zipper T. Bunny? Whenever he is approached from behind (his costume's zipper is visible from the back) he will make remarks saying things like "It's rude to look at my back." , "Stop snooping there's nothing to see." or claiming that it is "not a costume". Some theorize that Zipper is Phyllis but that can be and has been disproven by having one villager visit Phyllis and another talk to zipper. No one can be in two spots at the same time!
9.) Crafting with or customizing a new tool restores it's durability. Relatively unknown but useful life hack.
1.) Fan Theory: Kappin' kidnaps children. Kapp'n is a kappa. Kappas are known to kidnap children in Japanese Folklore. I'm sensing a connection here...
2.) Obscure Japanese only release animal crossing movie. You can find fan subs/dubs online. Pretty fun to watch on a rainy day, would recommend for hard-core animal crossing fans.
3.) Who sends the balloon presents? Kinda strange how balloons with presents appear out of nowhere like every 10 minutes. Someone has got to be behind that, right?
4.) Gyroid face glitch in original animal crossing. It makes your eyes all black and soul less like a gyroid. To access glitch: Take the in-game train to the town of another player online, reset the GameCube while in the other player’s town, and starts up the game again. Be warned: this glitch also causes you to lose all the items in your inventory as well.
5.) Can you eat the food themed villagers? I mean they LOOK edible at least...
6.) I've encountered this in game. Everything is normal until the villager starts talking about how they heard a rumor that their lives are all fake and how it's just a game. The villager points out how music plays everywhere, all trees have 3 types of wood and how fruit grows too fast. The villager continues by saying how Tom Nook doesn't make any sense because he buys random and sometimes useless items so you can give him back his own money to pay off the house he sold you. Only for the villager to end the conversation by saying they were joking and they ate too many chips last night. :/ This dialogue only occurs with lazy villagers. (ACNH Dialogue)
1.) Basement screams. The villager dialogue goes "Basements are great for screaming! Nobody will hear you! Singing, I meant singing!" Dialogue is only accessible though peppy villagers. Stay away from your peppy villagers... (ACNH Dialogue)
2.) Gyroids are based on haniwa. Confirmed by devs. The Haniwa are terracotta clay figures that were made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funerary objects during the Kofun period of the history of Japan. Does this mean gyroids are haunted?
3.) Fan Theory: Coco is based on gyroids so she is based on haniwa by extension. Does this mean that she is a spirit living inside of the haniwa?
4.) Timmy and Tommy are not related by blood to Tom Nook, despite bearing a resemblance to him. Jock or Lazy villagers will tell you that Tom Nook raised them by himself after finding them on the streets. Tom Nook thinks of himself as their mentor.
5.) Fan Theory: Champ and Porter are identical, it's no secret. Some people believe they are the same person, however they have different names. Anyone can change their name right? Or maybe they are twins? However their birthdates are on different days, therefore disproving that theory. This still doesn't disprove that they can't be related. Maybe one is a cousin or older sibling? After all, you can't deny the similarities or maybe the dev's just got lazy...we'll never know.
6.) Fan Theory: Blanca is a yokai. There are many similarities between blanca and a noppera-bo, a japanese yokai (yokai are a group of spirits, demons and monsters found in Japanese folklore) which is faceless ghost. Blanca also likes playing tricks on April Fools, just like how the noppera-bo play tricks on people. This fan theory is by TheBigOReview on youtube. (

link to youtube channel)
7.) Night Clowns. In ACNH villagers mention how they were going to move out anyways because of the night clowns. It's quite unsettling to be playing and suddenly your villagers start talking about night clowns...
1.) Obscure 7/11 collab with ACNH in Japan only. You would have to go to a 7/11 in japan and scan a code to receive exclusive 7/11 items. In Japan convenience stores are extremely common. Hence the collab.
2.) Raddle is toxic and underrated.

3.) Shari forgot to wash her hands. Gross. :(

4.) Blazel. According to the Animal Crossing Wiki " Crisp (previously called Blazel by fans) is a beta special character in Animal Crossing. Her name was mistranslated by the community and really translates to "Crisp" because the Japanese translation of Chestnut is far off from what her name really is. She can only be accessed by using an Action Replay code. Digging through data from Dōbutsu no Mori+ led to the discovery of her name. "Blazel" was her unofficial name, based on the fact that her appearance combines features of Bliss and Hazel. "
Link if you want to read more about her and other beta stuff:


(Image of Blazel pictured above.)

5.) Who created the robot animal crossing villagers? Someone must have built them, but who? More importantly why?
6.) Lucky's fishing accident. It is theorized that Lucky is Walker's ghost or that Walker is Lucky before injury. However this is untrue. His name comes from the fact that he is lucky to be alive, disproving the theory that he is dead. Also, Lucky has yellow eyes, not blue ones like Walker. The wiki states" According to "The Crossing Guardian," the now-defunct official website for the original Animal Crossing, Lucky was given his bandages following "a bizarre fishing accident involving a hook and two bass." This is the only official explanation for Lucky's appearance, with no other statements from Nintendo in any way." Crossing Guardian Wayback Machine Link) However, Lucky's e-card (e-cards are like amiibo but for older consoles) describes the accident as well according to TheBigOReview's youtube video.

(link to youtube video) (link to animal crossing wiki)


(Lucky's e-reader card pictured above, a bit blurry but if you zoom in this is what it says:
"Lucky took luck into his own hands when he went on that fateful fishing trip last week. Between casting his rod too far, swinging his line on a rock, and losing his balance and falling over-board. Lucky's luck held true to form."
7.) Mr. Resetti has a new job in ACNH as an emergency dispatcher. Confirmed by devs in polygon interview:
8.) Wisp doesn't know he's dead. When he bumps into the player he gets scared thinking the player is a ghost. You can only become a ghost by dying. Therefore, wisp thinks he is alive and doesn't know he's really dead.

I hope you liked this iceberg thing I made cus I was bored. Please let me know if any of my information/sources are incorrect. Iceberg was made by me using inkscape and that template I linked to above. I researched and wrote the explanations.
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