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How do you feel about games that record your total play time?

I love seeing how much time I’ve put into a game! Better than not knowing how much time I’ve devoted to it imo
I don't mind it, but mine is usually never accurate because I often will pause the game. I would boot the game up and pause somewhere along my playtime because something usually arises that I need to address for whatever reason. I know my NH time is not really right since sometimes I would use the beach ambience to fall asleep back when I had a hectic pandemic work schedule in 2020-2021.
i love to see how many hours i've sunk into a game, more out of intrigue than genuinely wanting to face how much time i spend on them haha. one of my biggest upsets in life is that in my peak year of sims 4 playing, the hours counter broke and was stuck on the same amount of time for agesss until it finally started working again and obviously hadn't recorded any of the hours i'd spent. but maybe it's best i never know
i love knowing how much time i spent in a game! and no time is wasted if you truly enjoyed yourself :giggle:
It's only time wasted if you hated it. There's so many games that I absolutely love and I don't mind seeing the numbers crawl into the hundreds or thousands because I know how much fun I had playing them. When it gets really depressing is when you realize how often you played without having any fun at all.
I think it’s interesting to see what my play time for games are. I kinda wish there was a way to see on older consoles since I used to replay my games more on them.
I like seeing how much time I’ve spent on a game. I think it would only be a bad thing if it was in a bad game. But I really love being able to see how many hours I’ve played a game for.
Seeing how many hours I spent playing on a game can feel satisfying for me, especially with those I spent a lot of time on like ACNH (I think I had over 500 hours). But then I feel down and I think to myself, "I wasted over 20 days of my life on a single game when I could've used them on something more." That last part was recent, though. I never had that kind of mindset until I saw this thread a few months ago. So... yeah. Same opinion as the OP, basically
I record every game I beat on a google slides sheet and include the hours I’ve spent on it along with notes and an overall score out of 10. It encourages me to actually commit to finishing games rather than going back and forth between tons and never finishing them. I also like knowing how long I spent since it helps me think about whether the game was long enough to justify the price or not.
I love it. I like recording how much time I spent on a game because it reminds me how much I love/d a game.

OP said they feel like it’s time wasted, but I agree that it’s time enjoyed. Also, I tend to vastly overestimate how long I played a game. I’ll think I’ve played 50 hours then it turns out to be 15 total.