AMA TN4U's "Ask Me Stuff" Thread


Certified Dark Horse
Jun 2, 2023
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Green Crescent Moon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
C'mon, you know you want to. Just ask me a thing, and I'll answer it. I'll respond to pretty much anything, except:
  • Stuff that's political-related. I HATE talking politics, as it only causes arguments. Please keep such thoughts to yourself.
  • Posts that want my opinion or stance on highly-sensitive topics. I have my own opinions, and I'd rather not share them publicly.
  • Topics that are directly virus-related. That whole ordeal four years ago made my anxiety levels skyrocket, and I'd rather not think about it again.
    • I'll just answer one thing in regards to it - It made me stop watching news channels permanently because I would feel physically sick about the things they would talk about. Only recently have I started to follow sports, gaming and tech news again, but nothing more than that.
  • Things that would obviously go against forum rules, duh.
If you want to know a bit about me, my name is Trevor, 24M, currently living in Michigan, and I've shared some of my personal backstory about how I got into Animal Crossing here. Oh, and you can ask me non-AC related questions too, if you want.
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What would your top 5 favorites bands/artists be?
What would your top 5 favorites bands/artists be?
Ah, good question. I tend to cycle through bands quite a bit, so I don't have a definite favorite. However, there are five I can think of whom I've listened to their songs quite often:
  • If you've read my Brucewood Mac story, you can probably tell I've heavily based the band I made off Fleetwood Mac. Now, this will get a bit weird, as they've went through many genre changes. Their period from 1970 to 1974 (most of it with guitarist Bob Welch and before Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham) is probably my favorite, as it features the group stepping away from traditional 12-bar blues songs to more general rock-oriented songs, but still maintaining a blues sound. Some songs released from that era that really stick out to me include Hi Ho Silver (with Jeremy Spencer), Morning Rain (first Mac song to feature Christine McVie on lead vocals), What a Shame (In which I had no idea there was an extended version featuring lyrics until the 2020 box set came out, which sounds awesome), Future Games, Child of Mine, The Ghost, Emerald Eyes, Bright Fire, Angel (Bob Welch's version, obviously not as popular as the Stevie Nicks version, which is a completely different song), and Born Enchanter. I like a few other songs beyond that period, but they're few and far between. I prefer the more rock-oriented Mac than I do pop-oriented.
    • When it comes to solo stuff, I have a lot of Welch in my library. I listen to his earlier solo albums quite a bit, because I just love how he plays his guitar. Even the more pop-oriented songs (Ebony Eyes being one) I could listen to on repeat. When I bought the '79 album Three Hearts on CD, I listened to the first five tracks off the album on heavy repeat. They were powerful, and I liked them a lot. Unfortunately, I thought his 80's output was kind of weak, so I can't speak much about those albums.
    • So, the members of Brucewood Mac are based off Fleetwood's 1974 lineup, which was sort of an awkward period where there were only 4 members. The comparisons are:
      • Roscoe: Mick Fleetwood
      • Bruce: John McVie
      • Lopez: Bob Welch
      • Katt: Christine McVie
      • As for Brucewood's ex-members, Kidd is very loosely based off Danny Kirwan, and O'Hare was sort of a random tie-in that I thought of last second while doing Photopia stuff.
  • Another band I've been into (as well as a lot of solo stuff) is Genesis. Now listen, I like the Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins eras equally. From the 23-minute long epic Supper's Ready all the way up to the smooth and easy ballad Hold on My Heart, this band has released a lot of great songs.
    • Gabriel has such a unique voice that only got better with time during his solo career. If you listen to the guy the first time, you would probably not like his voice right away, and that's okay. The more you listen to him, the more you begin to understand how well he uses the power of his voice. After listening to his solo albums, I even began to like his lyrical content. Although most of his songs delve into things I would otherwise not be interested in, I could still piece together stories in my mind fairly easily. His best album in my opinion, both music and lyric wise, would probably have to be So.
    • If you know anything about 80's music, you've most likely heard songs by Phil Collins. We all know him from his vocals, but he's also a very good drummer as well. Even before he took over vocal duties in 1976 with A Trick of the Tail, he would absolutely kill it with his drums. Now, knowing me, I like more of his Genesis work than his solo stuff, but that's because Collins leaned more towards the pop scene on his own albums than with his usual band.
  • Yet another UK band I've liked is Roxy Music. Bryan Ferry is such an amazing vocalist, but you can't count out the other members.
    • There's the guitarist, Phil Manzanera. He's done plenty of work on others' solo albums, mostly with ex-member Brian Eno (listen to him rip it on Third Uncle. Seriously, try playing that song on Guitar Hero or Rock Band on expert if it were to ever appear). There's a few songs off Manzanera's first two solo albums that are pretty good, such as Diamond Head, Big Day, Miss Shapiro and Hot Spot.
    • I've mentioned Brian Eno already, but not everyone knows that he used to be in Roxy Music for their first two albums. After he split, he released some rather glam-sounding albums, before he became heavily involved with electronic ambient music later in the 70's. He also produced some notable rock albums utilizing his own electronic music style, such as Talking Heads' Fear of Music, David Bowie's Heroes, and also collaborated with U2 several times.
    • The band cycled through several bassists after the original one fell ill and couldn't play. They had John Gustafson (from hard rock groups Quatermass and Hard Stuff), John Wetton on Ferry's solo stuff (before forming Asia), and a few others.
  • I've always been big on David Bowie. His career had many ups and downs, but I thought all of his 70's albums (yes, even PinUps) were pretty good. The dude had many alter egos during specific periods, so he would always try to fit in with the times. That dude had character, and I actually liked him as a person as well. Some standout songs I love during his 70's period include Cracked Actor, Diamond Dogs, Fascination, Station to Station, Joe the Lion, Speed of Life, and Fantastic Voyage. I also really like Teenage Wildlife, which is an 80's song.
  • And finally, I'm going to mention Grand Funk Railroad because they're from Michigan like me. Yeah, the band wasn't super popular outside of the state, but they did have some great songs. It's also a sort of strange band because even though they've made some good albums, they also made a few duds in between (such as E Pluribus Funk, which I thought was too political). Several songs I've put on repeat multiple times include Mr. Limousine Driver, Hooked on Love, Flight of the Phoenix, Trying to Get Away, Gotta Find Me a Better Day, Stop Lookin' Back, Loneliest Rider, I Fell for Your Love, Out to Get You (featuring Frank Zappa doing an insane solo!), and Crossfire.
Who are your favorite Animal Crossing villagers?

Favorite movie?

Favorite food and drink?

Favorite thing about Animal Crossing?
Who are your favorite Animal Crossing villagers?
Well, there's two that are my favorites. Bob and Dotty. I've explained why in this thread, and they're definitely coming back as residents in the next game! Hopefully they make a LEGO version of both; I just saw the collab announcement several minutes ago. Rosie and Bunnie were seen in LEGO form, so they could totally do Bob and Dotty if they wanted to!

Me, Bob & Dotty.jpg

Favorite movie?
Funny you ask that; I have over 1,000 Blu-ray movies and only watched about 5% of my whole collection. I still got ways to go, but never can find the time to sit down and enjoy a film. So far, in terms of telling a story, I thought WALL-E was really good. When it came out, I've since wanted to know the events that lead up to the movie, such as why the B&L corporation took over the world government. It sounds ridiculous as a kid, but scarily realistic the more you understand it as an adult. That movie is way more than a kid's movie if you ask me.

In terms of emotional impact, the Toy Story movies always get me, even the fourth one when Woody ultimately decides to leave the gang behind and venture into the great unknown with Bo Peep.. Each film touched me in different ways, and I loved both Hanks' and Allen's voice performances throughout.

Favorite food and drink?
This varies quite a bit between burgers and pizza, depending on the mood. For drinks, my favorite soda has always been Sprite, and ever since turning 21, I'm still trying to experiment which alcoholic beverage I like the best. So far, I like these frozen piña coladas that my local supermarket sells. What's funny, however, is that I don't even drink often. I'm both forced to limit myself due to my real life job (I drive a school bus full-time) and I'm almost always in the mood for something non-alcoholic anyways. I guess with time, I'll figure out a favorite.

Favorite thing about Animal Crossing?
I would have to say how the series overall is an excellent coping tool to just forget about a rough day and take your mind elsewhere. New Horizons especially got me through some serious rough times early on, even if I didn't play with others and joined this forum after the hype died down. Ignore the small petty things - the game made me happy, and that's all that matters. I'm happy to be a fan.
What are your favorite shows?
I've never been a huge TV guy, but when I watch 'em, I mostly watch western animated shows. I've watched The Simpsons (almost every episode up to halfway through season 26, and yes, they're still airing new episodes after all these years), Futurama (up to the end of season 3), most "cartoon cartoon" shows on Cartoon Network (Johnny Bravo, Ed Edd n Eddy, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls [the original, don't judge me as that show actually has very cool action scenes] and some Courage the Cowardly Dog), Regular Show and Amazing World of Gumball (both up to season 2), SpongeBob, Fairly OddParents, Jimmy Neutron, and some others I'm probably forgetting about.

I haven't been into recent live action shows, mainly because I have no interest in them. I'll gladly watch newer live action movies if they feature established actors, but that's pretty much it. I also have every season of Seinfeld on DVD; I've got to get around to watching it as I'm really curious to see why it was so great in the 90's.

In general, I'd watch more shows if I wasn't so hyperfocused on organizing things on my computer. I spend way too much time doing that!

I was inspired by @boring’s AMA thread about wanting AC quiz questions, so I figured I’d do the same for my own thread! I can answer general Animal Crossing questions, but I’m knowledgable with New Horizons mostly and some of New Leaf. Don’t be shy; ask away! I won’t cheat, I promise.
You said you have a side island, who do you have there? Is there more lore connected to your main island? Is Bruce, and the others in your stories there?

Dotty and Poncho are such an adorable couple, are you making a story involving them? I love love that video. It's so funny. Your editing is on point.

Regarding the rest of your villagers. Do they fit into your whole band story? Is this where the Lopez, Kyle, and Cherry in your stories lives now?
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if I wasn't so hyperfocused on organizing things on my computer. I spend way too much time doing that!
Oh yeah, I like doing that too. I categorize things into appropriate folders and subfolders. Rename files so as to keep a certain consistency. I like keeping my desktop clean. Except for the recycle bin. That sucker stays in its filthy corner; don't spread your stink everywhere. 🚮🤢

Do you organize your possessions like that in Animal Crossing too? 🤔 I sure do. Gotta keep my tools in the first few slots of my inventory, categorize items put in the dressers... I think New Horizons sorts those possessions for you, don't they? I don't remember, but in the older games I certainly kept my storage tidy. 🧹 Except for Doubutsu no Mori on the N64. 1 item per wardrobe? Really?? 🙄 Yeah, let me slam my 6ft long, 4ft tall, 80lbs solid oak wood dresser here with six drawers and put one shirt inside of it. Genius. Oh and the radio, same thing. One song only. 🤯
I abandoned my own thread that's advertised in my signature and now I feel terrible. I kinda wanted to talk to some of you guys anyway, so BUMP! I'll answer some stuff now...

You said you have a side island, who do you have there? Is there more lore connected to your main island? Is Bruce, and the others in your stories there?

Dotty and Poncho are such an adorable couple, are you making a story involving them? I love love that video. It's so funny. Your editing is on point.

Regarding the rest of your villagers. Do they fit into your whole band story? Is this where the Lopez, Kyle, and Cherry in your stories lives now?
  • Yes I do! It's called Parkwood, and currently the villagers that reside there are Bam, Beau, Bruce (seen in Wahu stories), Filbert, Jacques (formerly a Wahu resident), Katt (also seen in Wahu stories), Lolly, Peanut, Punchy and Whitney. I'm trying to not tie this island's lore in with Wahu, as that island has a separate unseen city I refer to for several characters' origins (Beachport). Once I get Parkwood up to speed - which may take a while depending on interest and free time - then I'll make new stories.
  • Thank you! I really should make a story involving the two. I consider both of them to be the cutest villagers on my island, and it was such a coincidence that the two happened to be together like that. I've also indirectly mentioned about the relationship being on-and-off - Poncho sometimes relies on his neighbor and best friend Bob to be there when Dotty becomes indecisive or is not in the mood to do anything, whether or not it's Poncho's fault in the first place. In regards to my editing, I took video classes during my brief college tenure and in high school, and became influenced by YTP's and the like when it comes to my humor. Obviously, I cannot share some of said videos as they contain content that would break forum rules, but you'd probably get an idea of what I'm into.
  • If I arranged my lore correctly, Lopez moved to Wahu before joining Brucewood Mac, due to his childhood friend Cherry inviting him. When Lopez took over full time for ex-bandmate Kidd, Lopez's best friend and co-worker Kyle was invited to Wahu during a studio session. The band story somewhat ties in with the island lore, though it's not blatantly obvious. Another multi-parter I did involving Kyle, Lopez and Cherry that takes place entirely on Wahu is KyLopezVentures. Part 3 was finally posted roughly two weeks ago after a long delay.
Do you organize your possessions like that in Animal Crossing too? 🤔 I sure do. Gotta keep my tools in the first few slots of my inventory, categorize items put in the dressers... I think New Horizons sorts those possessions for you, don't they? I don't remember, but in the older games I certainly kept my storage tidy. 🧹 Except for Doubutsu no Mori on the N64. 1 item per wardrobe? Really?? 🙄 Yeah, let me slam my 6ft long, 4ft tall, 80lbs solid oak wood dresser here with six drawers and put one shirt inside of it. Genius. Oh and the radio, same thing. One song only. 🤯
I tried to keep a system in place in New Leaf. One section was dedicated to furniture, another for wallpaper and flooring, yet another for clothes, and the last one for furniture overflow and miscellaneous items. As for my pockets in New Horizons, I have my tools laid out in a specific way:

New Tool Layout in Inventory.jpg

For a good while, I also carried a full stack of medicine for when I entered villager houses and saw that they were sick. I eventually decided that there wasn't a big point in carrying medicine at all times, so I only pull it out when needed now.

My tool wheel is arranged a specific way as well:

Tool Wheel.jpg

I do have OCD in my system, so anything that's even slightly off in my pockets will bother me to no end. Even when it comes to materials in my house storage, I'll be bothered if there isn't a full stack of something. Surprisingly enough, I don't make an effort to fill stacks completely. It's too much work sometimes.
You said on your backstory that you played City Folk, New Leaf, and New Horizons. What do you think of Wild World and AC:GCN?

Also, do you have any favorite game franchises other than Animal Crossing?
You said on your backstory that you played City Folk, New Leaf, and New Horizons. What do you think of Wild World and AC:GCN?

Also, do you have any favorite game franchises other than Animal Crossing?
  • I have a copy of Wild World that I don't think has ever seen use since my mom bought it for me around 2006-2007, and largely forgot about it until I rediscovered it still in the original box when cleaning. I've yet to start playing it. I heard there are unique features and holidays in that game, but the gameplay is a bit more limited due to being on a DS. As for AC:GCN, I've played it a few times. Because of how different it is compared to newer games and the fact that it wasn't my first AC game (City Folk was my first), I haven't played it often. The nostalgia simply isn't there when compared to the personal childhood factor of City Folk and New Leaf's amazing soundtrack (best in the series IMO) and feel-good vibes. New Horizons is my most-played game by far, but I allude that to the fact that its customization features and HD graphics blow all other games out of the water.
  • I do...
    • I have a soft spot for the Spyro franchise, but only the original trilogy. After the third game, the series took a massive nosedive. I grew up playing Spyro: Year of the Dragon on my PS1, and they're all very fun games to play, especially that and Ripto's Rage. I've replayed them all many times, and 100% completed the PS1 trilogy yet again just under a month ago. The soundtrack is probably my favorite of all, and I grew to appreciate it more after learning that Stewart Copeland of The Police composed all three games. He composed several '80s and '90s movies/shows as well, such as Rumble Fish, The Pallbearer (the track "Bill's Dead / Milk Montage" is what inspired the song heard in Spyro 1's Lofty Castle level), The Amanda Show (compare its theme to Spyro 1's "Wizard Peak" and you'll immediately tell) and even the first Good Burger, which I didn't find out until several weeks ago.
    • Like Spyro, Crash Bandicoot's original trilogy comes to mind as well. I like the second and third games, but the first on the PS1 is very difficult to 100% due to a lack of analog controls. Unlike Spyro, I like some of Crash's PS2 games as well, such as Crash Tag Team Racing, Crash Twinsanity, and even The Wrath of Cortex (I couldn't get past Crunch's boss fight, however). I also have nostalgia for CTR and Crash Bash.
    • Earlier Need for Speed games such as Hot Pursuit 2, High Stakes, Most Wanted (2005), and Underground 2. I also played Payback online with friends for a good while, and actually made an attempt to try and complete the story, which I've still yet to do.
    • I was also heavily into modding The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 for a period. When I heard of The Sims 4 launching with a ton of missing features found in the former two games, I lost interest. Building houses is fun; keeping the sims alive isn't.
    • Other franchises I'm currently or have been in to include Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Minecraft, and Super Mario.
Do you like onions? If so, how do you like them prepared?
What are you afraid of?
In terms of common things, I used to be afraid of character mascot outfits and Santa Claus. Not as much anymore, but I still get goosebumps every now and then when near any. I'm also afraid of experiencing death, snakes (except you, Snek), anything involving eyeballs, and countries attacking and threatening each other (I definitely won't explain further on this one).
Do you like onions? If so, how do you like them prepared?
Yes and no. I like onion rings and when they're used as an extra ingredient in a larger entrée. Meanwhile, I hate the diced onions McDonald's puts on all their burgers. Because of this, I refuse to put onions on all the burgers I eat.
Have you ever played Happy Home Designer and/or Amiibo Festival?
Happy Home Designer, yes. Amiibo Festival, no.

I bought HHD not long after New Leaf, and it's a pretty decent creative game to play when you're bored. There are features that Paradise did better, and vice versa for Designer. For instance, I like how you get the ability to arrange furniture in halves on the grid and have a second floor and roommates in Paradise, while Designer has more businesses to decorate in the town, such as the office and theatre. I really wish many of the Happy Home features in general carried over to the main game. I'd love for my town to have more than just houses, Nook's and Able's, the town hall and museum.

I don't own a Wii U, so I've not been able to play Amiibo Festival. I've heard of the criticism about how much it deviates from the formula and relies on the cards and figures, but I own plenty of those, so it shouldn't be a problem if I ever were to get a Wii U. A party game like that would also require more than one player for maximum enjoyment, but I don't really know of anyone in real life who would be a big enough fan like me to play it.