What does my screen name stand for.

MasterDS lite said:
You thought you ate the sun one time, but it turns out it was just night.

:lol: No but some ppl did think that on yahoo when i was in a chat room my screen there is sunate66 so sun ate 66 get it.
sunate said:
MasterDS lite said:
You thought you ate the sun one time, but it turns out it was just night.

:lol: No but some ppl did think that on yahoo when i was in a chat room my screen there is sunate66 so sun ate 66 get it.
and it's pernonsed (su nate)
sunate said:
MasterDS lite said:
You thought you ate the sun one time, but it turns out it was just night.

:lol: No but some ppl did think that on yahoo when i was in a chat room my screen there is sunate66 so sun ate 66 get it.
No. I don't.

And try not to post 3 times in a row.