New profile posts

Just like I said on Xara’s profile, I don’t think you’re annoying in your posts. I really like reading them. You’re a really nice member of the site and you’re definitely the opposite of annoying!
AAA I'm so sorry but I wanted to give you a personal thank you bc your messages in my thread actually meant a lot to me! I won't get too into it ofc but I've been having small bouts of mental health crisis' and I constantly get scared that people will blow up and be angry at me for whatever reason so I'm 100% sincere when I say that your kindness goes a long way for someone like me. I'm happy to be able to interact with people who are so caring! ; v ; Overall I just wanted to say thank you so much but if I keep going, I'll rant away and repeat myself ahahah;; <33
What’s your favorite classic mainline Sonic game? (all the main ones that are in Sonic Origins: 1, 2, 3 (& Knuckles), and CD)
That's a good question! I'd say it's Sonic 3 & Knuckles w/ Sonic CD being a close 2nd. Then Sonic 2, and finally, the 1st Sonic game.
Valid. Okay, my ranking is:

1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2. Sonic 2
3. Sonic CD
4. Sonic 1
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Nice! (y)
Hi Doo! I hope you’re doing better today. I just want to let you know that you are one of the nicest people that I know here 💜. I don’t know what happened but you’ve shown nothing but kindness to me and everyone 🙂. I hope tomorrow will be better for you 🫂.
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Thank you Dun 💜 not a lot happened, I just worry that I’ve upset people because I can’t always tell. You’re so lovely.
I think I’m gonna be less active starting tomorrow. My parents took away all my technology (I’m typing this on my sister’s phone BTW) so now I’m pretty much almost going tech-free this summer. Thankfully, since my local library has computers, I can still check TBT and do stuff there, but not as much as I usually would. So…yeah. Thank you guys for being here for me. I love you all! 💜
It's been lovely seeing you around here and will love to see you around again when you're able! I hope you're able to have a lovely summer holiday 💚
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I hope you have a great summer holiday, I'll still be around if you want to contact me! 💙
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Aww, take care, I hope you have a good summer. 💜
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Oh, you crochet too? I didn't know that! What do you like to crochet?
Usually, if I get warned or banned from a site, server, or whatever, I would acknowledge an error since I knew whatever I was doing is wrong. But the one time I refuse to acknowledge an error when I got banned was when I got banned from Mollycord. I’m never going to forgive them.
your cheer is so cute! ☺️💜💜 Also I wanted to say I love seeing your rep in the banner :D
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thank you Dun!!!!! i couldn’t let tbtwc end without doing at least one moo moo cheer! i was mostly just fooling around with colours and brushes and settings, but i’m honestly pretty pleased with how it turned out!

thank you!! i also love seeing my rep in the banner hehe, i’m still so happy my girl was chosen! i hope you and the babies are doing okay today! 💜
One of the things I’ll remember about this tbtwc the most is how much everyone wanted the moo moo level ☺.

I’m doing okay, thanks ☺️. My girls are too! We all say hi to you and bonk 😺💜💜💜. I hope you both are doing good! ☺️
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2021 tbtwc was all about baby park, this time it’s moo moo!!! moo moo > baby park 100% though 👀

i’m glad you and the kitties are doing okay! Bonk and i send our love! 💜