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  • Happy birthday~
    Sorry I never answer the pm it's just I had a very hard that day I dint feel like talking or not doing much just to sleep it off
    Woah, I think it glitched -.- Would you mind adding my 3DS? Maybe the console is the one glitching out. Very sorry for the inconvenience >.>"
    Hey, is it alright if I deliver something to someone really quick while you try to resolve the issue? c:
    I'm getting a connection issues error -.- I hope it's not the hotel connection. Are you in a conversation or menu?
    Oh yay great! It was honestly a pain to get so many because my emporium refused to stock them a lot. cx I got tons of others to sell though so I guess that's a positive! I'll open my gates in just a second. c:
    Hey, sorry for the long wait! Your bushes are actually ready now. Lmk when you can come pick them up. c:
    Oh no it's fine! I need to tt a bit to grow hybrids and I have another deal that requires me to tt a lot too. Thank you so much for considering that though! C:
    I was like what a beautiful map plus retail there is close to the beach
    The island it's just easier for me the only thing I hope it was gonna be cherry if not I was gonna restart until I get them jajaja

    and yeah I know I gave you many jajaja and good that you gave me one too I guess that what fiend do when they share third ideas
    Also I like the idea your doing for the houses
    I'm gonna do the same but a different way
    It's just gonna be only my houses
    The main room will be the lovely set while the other room
    There will be based a combination of the couples
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