• Mario Kart players, joins us in TBT Neighborly Games and earn a recolor of the new toy car collectible. Sign up in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Weekend thread. More sessions to be added!

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  • I added your friend code. How do you want to do this trade? Do you want me to visit your town or do you want to visit mine?
    I also have 30 bushels I need to get rid of. Whenever you're online message me and we can trade if you still have them :D
    Hey I'm central time and I'm available now if you are! Also I have the complete rococo set I can trade you��
    Sorry for the delay! Had to finish some homework. Your order is ready now and i'm opening my gates ♡
    Thanks for the message and the gift, that was very sweet. Hopefuly we can hang out sometime soon!
    Sure, added you back! Let's hang out sometime.
    P.S: I'm holding a giveaway at my village right now, mostly winter set stuff, so if you want to come over to get some items feel free. I'll be afk right now, but the gates are open.
    Sure! Helping others to breed hybrids is one of my favorite things to do. I'm available now, if you want. Once I'm done with your town, you won't recognize it anymore. In a good way, of course.
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