Chere. Jul 17, 2019 Hi, let me know when you're available to trade and I'll start gathering your flowers.
sarahac Jul 4, 2019 hi! will you be free from 9am-12pm est or 9-10pm est tomorrow (5th july est)? do let me know if you can make it during the times stated
hi! will you be free from 9am-12pm est or 9-10pm est tomorrow (5th july est)? do let me know if you can make it during the times stated
sarahac Jul 3, 2019 hi ill be free 8-10am est these couple of days, but on weekends ill be free 8pm-10am est so i should catch you then!
hi ill be free 8-10am est these couple of days, but on weekends ill be free 8pm-10am est so i should catch you then!
sarahac Jul 2, 2019 hi sorry im gonna sleep now will you be free at like 6am est (idk your time zone sorry) tomorrow? that's like 19hours from now haha
hi sorry im gonna sleep now will you be free at like 6am est (idk your time zone sorry) tomorrow? that's like 19hours from now haha
ali.di.magix Aug 11, 2018 hiya, I will be availablein a few hours time but that's probably a but late for you. I can do tomorrowat around 3pm or so your time if that works for you c:
hiya, I will be availablein a few hours time but that's probably a but late for you. I can do tomorrowat around 3pm or so your time if that works for you c: