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  • thnx. It's probably just going to be a routine thing going back and forth to buy turnips, so I probably won't need to talk to you at all. So, in case you're only ever paying half attention or smthing.

    About the rv, unfortunately I don't have enough coupons atm. thnx anyway!

    Coming now!
    I'm ready again Stephanie to buy more turnips. It's fine if you want to AFK at all. I promise all I will do is buy turnips for one trip until I am full and I will not break any rules :D

    I'll try to not be too long, and I will not have to leave again
    I went to make dinner as well! Hopefully soon we can trade! I’ll be online here for a few hours!
    Yup, my town name is a spelling variation of the same Irish word. :) I chose it, as I wanted to make my town a foresty Celtic-like town, so I thought it'd be perfect.
    Sorry to bothering you, but I'd just like to say love your town name, lol. I'd never imagine that someone would have one so eerily similar to mine.
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