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  • hi!
    i can move daisy out asap! just lmk when you're ready to pick her up!
    hi! sorry for the wait, I was just walking my dogs, i'll be over in a moment ^^
    hello! i saw on someone else’s post that your nook shopping is selling steep hill, is there any way i can buy one off you? :)
    Okay! Sorry I’m not getting your replies because I think you’re posting on your own wall :p it wasn’t notifying me!
    Sure I just logged on! Give me about ten minutes to collect everything. Do you prefer me to dropoff or you pickup
    Hey, I replied on the post but idk if you saw it so I just wanted to post here ~ I have those mush items you wanted and these are the mermaid items I had left:
    Mermaid table
    Mermaid wall
    Mermaid carpet
    Mermaid closet
    Mermaid bed

    If you’d like them I’ll save them for you! Plus I have a mush hanger if you want that too
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